A little GregTech config editing+lightning rod=xEU/t where x is whatever i want [/advertisment]
Posts by kevindude
Extreme Temperature Furnace:
This would basically be a very advanced furnace. It would have as purpose a few things:
1- Processing materials in a new way, allowing you to get new processed materials, for new features.
2- Helping Cooking-automation at the cost of ressources.
3- Incredible speed while cooking (about 3-5 faster than Induction furnace, for bigger EU cost per operation and without efficienty when reaching 100% of heat --> if you aim at minimizing energy consumption, it would still be better than mass overclocking normal furnace, even if it would also be slower).For this purpose, it would havethe following caracteristics:
Heat increases by 1% in 10 sec, decreases by 1% every others second.
Energy consumption:
-While heat is increasing: 512*next percentage you'll reach (so if you're currently at 49%, it takes you 256 EU/t during the time you need to get 50%)
-While it's just keeping heat-level: 64*Heat percentage. (this one interfere with speed: Something*(Heatpercentage)², with 2-3 the I-Furnace Speed when both are at 100%)
Special effect: Can process 2 times dust while operating 1: as example, 1 Iron Dust + ETF --> 1 Refined Iron [or Steel ?] (could also work with your "carbonized" materials"
Of course there would be a button to chose the max Heat wanted. (So it would also be a furnace with adjustable speed!)Ideas of special features:
Cooking glass (8) will give you Lens Block. This one can be used with Advanced-Thermal Solar Pannel, to make it produce (more) energy. Heat Level needed: 60% or more. See more details later.
Cooking ClayDust could give you ceramic, wich could be used as advanced-Nuclear (for example) components. Heat level needed: At least 70%
Only way of cooking Tungsten Ore/Dust from RP2 (the tungsten ore should also need the advanced macerator at least to be macerated) Heat Level needed: 100%
4 BasaltBlock: Lava source. Heat level needed: At least 80%
Get Diamond from Coalchunk 20 times faster! Heat Level needed: 100%Can also be used as a way of purifying. (Exctracto-like fonction, but faster and ... needing the thing you want to extract can't be damaged by Heat
(i.e.: don't try to get Hydration Cells with, or to extract RubberTree)
Advanced-Thermal Solar Pannel:
While exploring you've probably found a lot of glowstone at the top of caves. But have you ever thought about exploring caves very deep in this same Nether ? No ? So you probably don't know here are Darkstone. Why darkstone could interest you ? Because it's a perfect Black Body. This means ou could use it as a very efficient Light-Heat converter. And guess what ? Our great company already discovered a way of using it to produce EU! We are not responsible of the incredible rarity of this material, considered as 100% rare than Iridium Ore.
Craft an A-TSP like this:
Whereare DarkDust and
Advanced Lens Blocks.
Advanced Lens Block are crafted with 8 Lens Block and 1 Diamond.
Without anything, this will only produce 12 EU/t during the day, 2 while raining (day) and 0.25 during the night.*
But there is a way to get more ...
This incredible generator is able to use light reflected by Lens Block and Advanced Lens Block in a 9*9 square (with the A-TSP in the middle) to get even more energy!
Lens Block will count as 0.5 EU more. But you should prefer Advanced Lens Block, wich will give you 3 additional EU/t !
The ATSP need a 9*9 area empty of block up to the sky to work properly.
Be aware that this device is also less laggy than low-tech Solar Pannels!
LoveitloveitloveitLOVEIT -
Why jetpacks? Make Iron man suit (Tier 2,5) with lithium-based storage!
Utility suit: Protect up to 60%, can fly (boots), charge tools (whole suit) , speed bonus (40% as quantum, leggings) , recharge suit overtime (integrated infinite fuel mini-nuclear reactor in chestplate, only active while player is wearing, outputs 2EU/t to whole suit), Lazor/tesla (auto-attacks hostile mobs, until charge is below 50%, helmet).Greg, thoughts?
Well, due to finacial and time reasons, I am officaly closing the server. It has been a great ride, and i love all you guys that joined my server, and i hope the feeling is mutual
If an admin reads this, please unsticky the server, but dont delete the thread. The server will still be online until Dec. 16 (thats when my server host subscription runs out) but after that, it wil be dead.
Greg, i just want to tell you how FRIKKIN AWESOME YOUR MOD IS!
Suggestion :
Industrial Saw :
Block of diamond => Diamonds
Wood => 5 planks
Planks => 3 sticks
+1 -
Do you think you could add some kind of comaptibility with id resolver? I really want to use this mod but due to the vast amounts of mods and ids i have i cant not use id Resolver. If you dont want to thats fine i would love to know why though. Thank You!
Asking Greg for id-resolver compadibility is like asking alblaka to make a lightning rod. -
@iridiumdisscusion: I think what everyone is trying to say is, add some recipe to your all powerful centrifuge that can give you a little iridum for a crap ton of other stuff. I know that you made a platium->iridium recipe, but i was thinking more like something from a more used and less OP mod (yes I think metallurgy is OP) Maybe a chrome/titanium/some unused cell-> iridium. I know we could just increase the spawnrate of the ore, but we need some other way besides mining.
I have run my drill down countless times before remembering to swap my jetpack for my lappack while in a underground ravine. But then i have to go all the way home to charge it first
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Strange, i just crafted a ton of scaffolds this morning on a server with GregTech -
Now the whole world is corrupt (and my Mystcraft world is reset)
Current Bugs:
All Rubbertrees dissapered and the leaves got replaced with some ore
Sounds like a block id was changed
My Mystcraftworld got reset (dont think its a real bug)
They had to reset mystcraft worlds due to a crash
Many other IDs are screwed
Sounds like a block id was changed
You dont loose items on death
Not a bug, most likely, they probably did that on purpose
If you type /spawn (at least if i do it @ my Mystcraft world) i fall and die then.
That is a vanilla bug that happens when you try to use a command to tp from one world to another -
I think what he means is: He posted this because he felt like it.
server is up now, but ol map wont work with myscraft
if anyone got an idea to solve it, please post it here
It appears your Age 7 is currupt. The only way to know to fix it is to delete Age 7 mystcraft world -
I got contaced by Slowpoke101 for the inclusion of the GregTech-Addon in the FTB-Pack. I gave him permission to do so.
I think 100EU/t is a little expensive, but theres a config! so who cares?
How is this a 1.4.2 server is some of the mods aren't even compatible with minecraft 1.4.2 yet
It uses the FTB 1.4.2 modpack. The only major mod that hasnt updated it redpower.Also, i did some research on my error message, i think that is has something to do with the mods on my side somehow being different from yours. Could you post all the mod config files from the server?