Hi all,
my first post in this forum, be gentle
my spaceship is far from complete and i don't think it will be within a month or so (damn uni!) i'd like to post what i already have and what i'd like to do
first, when i read this
-The spaceship does not need to be able of altering it's environment in any ways but the miners. You don't need it to be able to eat through mountains, nor does it need to be capable of terraforming something into a flat landing area.
i just thought "that's a great idea" and so i'm trying to build a Cube thats capable of exactly that while fulfilling all other requirements and wtihout Redpower Control. not because i think its not a interesting mod, i just don't want to learn another coding language^^
by now i have the drive core, the processing section and the reactor section, which means i still need a storage, mining and logic section (logic for the outer walls)
first the drive core
its the same 6-directional drive by TeamPantsMadness most people use by now, so no magic here. as you can see i connected normale redwire with the drive core which goes down into the command centre. every direction has a timer/toggle latch component. that way the craft moves into one direction when you press a button in the command centre and stops when pressed again. i'll probably set the solar panels higher later on since there are some holes due to my redwires. icedfire also mentioned some problem with the drive core running out of power. i can imagine the that and will try to make some changes later.
in the end: it moves!
second would be the processing section
i tried to build it small, which is the reason why you can't see much. it's basicly a 6macerator section above and a 6furnace section below with two separate chest-entries for both and a sorting machine between them. it's capable of processing every ore, can grind coal to dust, melt sand to glass and refine iron to ref. iron. i also made it so that cob. stone --> stone and stone --> cob. stone --> sand --> glass. if i have some room left (a cube is huge) i'll maybe add something fancy like a diamond make and something that grinds copper/tin bars to bronze, but that's totally optional.
and the last section i managed to finish by now: the reactor section
this thing was a project..... the funny thing with reactor chambers is the fact that when you TEST IF THEY CAN WITHSTAND THE EXPLOSION you have to rebuild everything, no matter if the test failed or succeded. as every reactor it consists of several layers. in the middle is the 3*3*3 reactor with 5chambers. you have to exchange one chamber and a waterblock for frames. every frame everywhere is as much as possible covered with a obsidian panel or cover! obsidian cover/panel aren't as strong as real blocks but they're still strong enough to withstand TNT, so i use them. since you can't put a panel onto a already connected side of the frame it's not perfectly armored, but the frames are not the main isolation.
the 5*5*5 cube is a simple frame cage.
now comes the important part! the 7*7*7 cube is a obsidian frame (i'm talking about the frame of a cube without sides) with waterblocks as sides. in case you don't know, waterblocks can dampen an explosion enough so that an obsidian/blastproof block behind them doesn't break.
the 9*9*9 cube consists of exactly that, obsidian blocks next to the waterblocks. it also contains the outer frame cage which holds the obsidian blocks. the waterblocks are hold by the inner frame cage (u know the 5*5*5 cube).
the only weakness is the connection between the inner and the outer frame cage and (as always) the cable. it's also the part where the cable comes out of the chamber. as you can see in the picture that's also the side where i put the entrance. the frame motor removes a part of the obsidian wall and can also put it back.
if i get the declaration correct the reactor itself is a MKIII reactor, which takes 4cells for 6mio EU each but it needs a long time to cool down after that and due to the missing reactor chamber it's close to maximum (the cooling cells are at 8200heat, which should be about 82% heat) so there is a possibility that it might explode if you won't give it a short break.
at last a picture of the prototype of the main project
that's one side of the cube. a little brain fart of mine caused to mess up the direction, please rotate it by 90° in your head^^
it will work exactly like a redstone quarry, split in the middle. the problem with something like that are the corners. block breaker only work into one direction, so you can't really make a perfect cube. i solve that problem by leaving the corners empty and extend the side of the direction i want to travel into this empty corner. this way it's possible create something that can move into 4 directions. a cube that can do this for 6 directions would be possible but you would need a more complex mechanism which includes moving the plattforms in 4 instead of 2 directions. i'm not doing that for several reasons.
first: it's to complex. it's possible but it makes the mechanism for every side more complex. it would also slow down everything. this thing is very slow. it needs 2s/block without this and 8s/block with activated walls. there's also the possibility to work with extension and retraction, but that's just crazy
second: i need those sides. on top i have the solar panels for my bluetricity needs. at the bottom i have the mining mechanism.
as i said in the beginning: this will take AT LEAST a month until it's finished. there's still storage (including global sorting), mining, logic and hull to be done. i'm quiet opticimistic though since everything i have now is tested as movable and as far as i know movable objects are closed under "connection" (i wonder how many people will get that joke )
my main concern up till now is: when this is finished the command centre will be kinda in the middle and you will see nothing from there....... have to think about that.
it's will also be kinda huge, i'm estimating something over 30*30
mfg Gaxx