Not to be a necromancer or anything, but I also think nuclear reactors are a bit too good. They are very compact, produce a lot of energy, and only needs a small amount of babysitting. It might just be me, but on my first day of nuclear engineering I had (legitly) built a perfect 9k temp breeder (even with 1 of each uran and isotope it still produces) and a mk1B reactor with respectively 0 and 1 additional chamber. Lots of credit to whoever made the thermometer mod though, it simplifies stuff by over 9000%
I think it would be fair enough to make reactor chambers more expensive, both to make nuclear power distinctly "high-tier" AND to make ppl think twice about slapping 6 of them onto every reactor.
Current recipe is:
A = alloy, D = heat deriv, P = plating, M = Machine
I'm thinking of:
A = adv. machine C = adv.circuit
That would change the recipe cost from:
14 Riron, 9 tin, 27 copper, 1 adv.circ
20 Riron, 18 tin, 46 copper, 16 coal, 4 adv.circ
That would make reactors generally more expensive but also a bit scewed towards "advanced" materials, which is a great improvement IMO.
Meh, maybe it's too much now?
Edit @above: It's piece a cake to make a 100% safe reactor with decent output, like my 20EU/t heat-neutral 1-addon reactor