Ever install GregTech and feel extremely daunted by the vanilla nerfs and changes? What about fears of the legendary hardmode changes that seem to make the world worse than TerraFirmaCraft? Worry not, GT really is not as difficult as you may think it is! In this brief proto-guide I will attempt to walk you through the basics of GregTech progression, from your first flint axe all the way to your fusion reactor. The guide is WIP and not complete atm, but I will update this guide to get more details in if I feel like it, just remind me in PM or post in giant bold letters in this thread. Remember to check out the Wiki for more detailed information about GregTech that may not be in this thread.
Note: This assumes you are playing legitimate Adventure Mode SMP with the hardest settings possible, and the contents here do not rely on anything except Industrialcraft/Gregtech (I will reference certain other mods from time to time, but they are by no means necessary for progression). Obviously if you have stuff like Buildcraft/Computercraft/Thaumcraft/Thermal Expansion/Ars Magica/Tinker's Construct/Mystcraft or whatever OP mod that make the game 50x easier, cheat jump your way through the tech tree with those.
This won't be a comprehensive hold-your-hands-every-step guide; you will have to figure out most of the details yourself. I highly recommend the following mods for client-side improvements:
- VoxelMap/Zan's Minimap <--- Cave mode and mob radar can be configured, if you feel like they're too cheaty.
- Inventory Tweaks <--- Bugs a little displaying durability of certain GT tools, due to how EU is stored.
- Not Enough Items, and NEI plugins, WAILA, and addons. <--- You can quickcraft items! Shift-click the question mark when viewing a recipe at a crafting table.
Newborn Infant Era:
So you just spawned and have naught but a flint axe; the first thing to do is to collect some wood, food, and basic necessities, lest you be stuck in a hole without the tools to dig yourself out. Afterward, it's time to venture off and find a biome to settle in! Because of GregTech oregen and various other factors, biome choice is extremely important; I will outline the pros and cons of each biome below.
- Pros: Bauxite spawns here, making aluminum dust plentiful once you hit the blast furnace age.
- Cons: Nothing else really notable about this biome.
Extreme Hills
- Pros: Has both Tetrahedrite and Cassiterite, minerals that spawn in ludicrously large veins and provide copper/tin once processed. Also has Nickel Ore deeper down, in similarly huge veins. Hands down the best resource biome out there, save for special needs such as bauxite and ruby.
- Cons: It's Extreme Hills.
- Pros: Best biome to grow crops in, not to mention the easily accessible shallow clay for your Lithium. Tetrahedrite also spawns here, as well as plenty of rubber trees.
- Cons: Slime invasions everywhere! Be prepared to fence off your base.
- Pros: Rubies, no machine-destroying rain, high visibility at night, and no trees for mobs to hide under once day rolls around.
- Cons: Can't collect rainwater. Also crops grow horribly here.
- Pros: I guess Cassiterite does spawn here, so it's got that going, which is nice...
- Cons: Water freezes to ice without torchlight, trees are annoying to cut down, snowfall obstructs outdoors steam machine vents and is annoying as hell to clear
- Pros: Infinite wood! Also jungle temples are much easier to find and loot than dungeons. If you find a fire charge you can head to the nether before you get steel (at least without relying on fire spread mechanics to light a nether portal). Tetrahedrite spawns here as well.
Cons: Pretty much forces you to make a treehouse if you want to live inside the biome, unless you like chopping 500 wood to clear a small space
If you feel like skipping this stage, use the seed Misaka Mikoto to spawn directly next to an NPC village with a blacksmith in horse-spawning meadows next to a small forest, river, extreme hills, and several cave openings. Did I mention the two Apiaries sitting right there if you have Forestry?
- Get as many logs as you can collect before your Flint Axe breaks.
- Wooden Pickaxe -> Stone Pickaxe -> Stone Shovel/Sword/Axe
- Obtain food, and cook it. If charcoal is disabled, smelt with planks or natural coal.
- Find at least 3 wool, and craft a bed.
- Find a suitable biome to settle in, and start a farm to solve future food shortages. I recommend starting IC2 crops now, to save time later.
The Caveman Era:
You have a home now, but no resources to speak of. It's time to head into a cave and get some! Make sure you carry plenty of wood on you, so you can craft torches off mined coal on the fly as well as placing crafting tables anywhere. Your main goal for now is getting some iron and starting a farm, just like vanilla minecraft. I use this time to start a decent house, so once I get machines, I'll have some place to put them.
- Collect more wood, and get a stable wheat farm going. If you have NPC village crops or reeds, plant and crossbreed those.
- Try and get an animal farm started, primarily sheep for wool. If Forestry is installed, make some backpacks; you want to keep as much as you can in terms of materials, and being limited by vanilla MC's inventory space is the worst thing that can happen to you.
- Go caving! I know it's tempting to start branch mining at diamond level, but if you have harder stone enabled that's going to be a huge chore. Not to mention caving has always been the superior method of resource collection, in terms of ores/minute.
- Flint tools aren't any faster than stone, they just last longer. Since there's way more cobble than flint, stone tools are still great.
- Mine some iron ore, and smelt a minimum of 14 Iron Ingots. This is enough to craft an Iron Hammer, Iron File, and Iron Pickaxe. I recommend getting at least 22 iron total so you can get an Iron Saw and Iron Sword in addition to all of this.
- An Iron Saw lasts 128 crafts, and gives you the vanilla wood and sticks ratios back, saving time. As iron is plentiful, I prefer to use the saw instead of spending more time chopping wood than I have to (I can mine iron in the time that a saw saves me). It also doubles as an Axe on top of destroying leaves quickly.
- Gregtech Hammers can prospect ores!
The Preindustrial Era:
You have iron tools now, meaning you now have everything you need to get Tin and Copper, and therefore craft Bronze for Steam Machines (For some reason Iron comes before Bronze in GT). I use this time to finish up my basic house (fenced off area with farm and lots of internal, sheltered space for machines as well as storage chests), as you will have a lot of downtime between mining trips.
- A bed is basically mandatory at this point. Get one.
- Either stick with iron all the way through the Bronze age, or try to find diamonds. Diamond tools are kind of their own thing and are not affected by GT recipe nerfs, so if you're lucky, you can get a nice sword or pickaxe and make your life much easier.
- You will need to collect Tin, Copper, and Clay (for bricks) in respectable quantities, as steam machines require them in the recipes.
- If you don't live in Extreme Hills and you don't have copper/tin ore generation, you will need to go there to mine for those resources. Each Tetrahedrite vein is at least a stack of copper, and each Cassiterite vein is double that in tin. With some luck you can get enough tin/copper for your entire bronze age needs in a single trip, if you have Forestry backpacks (or if block stack size isn't nerfed to 16).
- Bronze was recently un-nerfed, and tin + 3 copper dust will give 3 bronze dust as opposed to 2. To create the dusts, make an Iron Mortar (2 iron + 5 stone bricks), which has enough durability to grind a stack of any type of ingot. It also gives one iron dust back after it breaks. Flint mortars are not worth using because they consume a ton of flint and wood, both of which require way more time to collect than iron.
- Bronze tools last twice as long as iron tools, but you will need a lot of bronze for your tech. Depending on whether you want to take it easy or rush a Blast Furnace, these tools may or may not be useful to you.
- A Wrench (Iron or Bronze) will be a requirement soon. Craft one.