What would have to be the best game (games of there are multiple) you have ever played?

The Best game of all time...
- Blaster
- Closed
Flappy Bird
jkjk -
Sim City 4 is awesome. Of course, Half Life, Half Life: Blue Shift, Half Life: Opposing Force, Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1, Half Life 2 Epsiode 2 and Half Life 2: Episode 4. Then there is the The Elder Scrolls series, of which Morrorwind is the best game(Arena and Daggerfall are not thaaat bad, Oblivion sucks anyway and Skyrim is too...it is definetly not as good as Morrorwind.) Of the Mass Effect series, Mass Effect 2 is definetly the best game(The firsts combat and cover system kinda really sucked, and the third requires a free DLC to get an ending with 50% fewer plotholes, and depends on DLC from both itself and the 2nd one too much. ANd the Multiplay has craplods of unused potential and, even worse, no chat, but instead voice chat. Luckily no one seems to use it.). Then there is the Stanley Parable, definetly deserving 8 slots here. And for the lulz, the Starcraft Singleplayer Campaign.
Have to agree with Mass Effect. I keep replaying it. Such an awesome series.
Of course, Half Life, Half Life: Blue Shift, Half Life: Opposing Force, Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1, Half Life 2 Epsiode 2 and Half Life 2: Episode 4.
Yeah, any answer other than the Half Life series is just plain wrong. On another Valve note, TF2 is 7 years old now, and is still keeping a very strong fan base of players with its current F2P model. Portal and Portal 2 are awesome puzzle games for their story and hilarious dialog, as well as Left 4 Dead being a great action-horror game that give you a true feel of 'OMG-Holyfuck!-Run-Run-Run!" in several situations of dismay, and sometimes player humiliation, lol. I will admit that the 2nd game in that franchise does feel more like a Southern-style expansion rather than an actual game, thought...
Good non-Valve titles would be the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. Starcraft and Starcraft 2 (despite it's price value) are good fun in small doses. The Civilization games are also nice turn based games, especially the fifth installment which will challenge your intellectual wit, as well as your diplomatic prowess in the face of other countries you can always find ways to render your 'big brutal army' ineffective with embargoes and sanctions...
I would say Kerbal Space Program right away, but there are tons of other games.
1.KSP (Just a superfun game. I think everyone should check it out, it has great gameplay and is fun to just mess around in.)
2. Pokemon (Leafgreen-Soulsilver, trying to get X or Y I felt that Black was just a bad excuse for a game.)
3. The Portal Series (I just love the feel of it. I'm currently replaying the second.)
4.TF2 (I had it for one of my first computer games. Unfortunately I had to uninstall it. ;-; )
5. Fallout Series (I've played a bit of 3 and a lot of NV, and I just love the storyline. Just love it.
Game I don't like:
Fucking Call of Duty-
1.Gameplay is repetetive- Shoot. Walk. Duck. Shoot. Get killed. Repeat.
2.Storyline is MEH.
3.Most of all: The fucking community is horrible. It's either 20-year olds yelling at you or 8 year old micspamming some annoying music. I hate it. -
Minecraft and Nyan Cat. Wait, Minesweaper, Minecraft then Nyan Cat.
Minecraft and Nyan Cat. Wait, Minesweaper, Minecraft then Nyan Cat.
Which Minesweeper? The normal one or some weird Mobile Shit? -
Normal obviously, how could you mutilate a game like Minesweaper though?
Normal obviously, how could you mutilate a game like Minesweaper though?
People said the same thing about many other games. And now take a look at, for example, Dungeon Keeper. -
Total War series anyone ? Nothing can replace the feeling you get when you defeat the 1 2v2 team of the game
(Shogun II, haven't played Rome for school reasons, lawl).
Flappy Bird
That's gone now and worth a lot to have on your phone -
I forgot one of my favorite games: Infamous.
A really good game with epic action and epic storyline. -
I think I might be passing hours played KSP to minecraft fairly soon.... 300 hours so far xD -
I think I might be passing hours played KSP to minecraft fairly soon.... 300 hours so far xD
Did you play ONLY 300 hours MC ??? I think I passed 2000 ... maybe that's why I need a break lol
Did you play ONLY 300 hours MC ??? I think I passed 2000 ... maybe that's why I need a break lol
I have something probably over 4000. Playing MC since beta 1.5_01 [or earlier versions, i'm not sure] (somewhere around early 2011) and with IC1 being my very first mod... awesome memories... where i always dug 7x7 to 9x9 quarry holes to bedrock beside my base just because i could (and it looked fun in that time, i felt like an one-man quarry). Making old-style generators, battery boxes, full block cables... -
Vanilla MC, not modded (have a thousand or so in that, too).
minecraft (IC2, Laser Mod (no longer updated
king arthur's gold
GTA San Andreas
Prison Architect (i didn't play it yet but it looks very cool)
So you put a game you did not even play on a lift of "Best games ever"? -
It's hard to say what's best. Just because I've spent loads of time on something doesn't mean it was actually any good.
E.g in WoW I had about 170*24= ~4000h spent on my main alone and I had several other chars that were capable of at least raiding in main_level-1 stuff.
Not to mention having 4 months of time when I wasn't working and basically just sat at home playing in cataclysm beta average of 8-16h a day. Even managed to do a few videos with totalbiscuit
Combining it all I'm sure I spent close to at least 6000h on the game before quiting it soon after cata launched a few years ago. Ontop of all that I might also add endless nights spent on theorycrafting PvE shadowpriests. I used to be a pretty good one at that, even if I say so myself
I've tried going back once but it didn't feel right, I didn't have anywhere near the level of freedom I had gotten used to playing MC-like do-whatever-you-want games.Time-wise good-old X-Com: Enemy Unknown is possibly #2-3 with MC both clocking in a couple thousand hours at least. StarCraft 1 was also awesome though I never played it in MP.
Fun/challenge wise most impressive games for me have been modded MC (obviously), Defense Grid, modded KSP and as a late addition Factorio (basically a top-down 2D endless world factory building/automation with all sorts of complex mechanisms)
So short list in no particular order would be:
Modded MC
Defense Grid
XCom: UD