i can make stuff that does not just go boom!

[IC2 Exp][1.10.2][Beta] RocketScience-3 Addon!
Okay, so this is now the OP (kinda)
If anyone has any idea... Can I undelete a post, or do I need to start a new thread??
Well, yeah, this page will be updated to show all of the goodies when the next update is out (PLANNED 24/03/14 (GMT))
Don't think you can undelete deleted posts. Maybe forum mods can, but not normal users for sure. Good luck on trying (again). -
Don't think you can undelete deleted posts. Maybe forum mods can, but not normal users for sure. Good luck on trying (again).Guess I'll just need to start a new thread then :o (Or PM a few people
Thanks! Ill let y'all know when I'm done!
Oh, and check out thatsimplekid on twitter for regular updates, and screenshots and stuff
New version released in OP
(10000000x more stable than the old one :D)
You fixed things like recipes yet?
No recipes yet, I had to do an entire re-code, because the old stuff was just horrible and buggy :o the accumulator should somewhat be working, but the checks to make sure it's submerged and that it's powered are yet to come
So what actually works at this point then?
When I first saw Rocket science I said "I want that addon", but sadly, to my surprise it died a few months before I saw it. Then it was revived for 3 seconds, then died again, then this came out and died shortly after again, now it seems like it will become a reality. I want you to crush ICBM into the ground with better coded, superior rockets. I have hope now. And this time, don't let it's heart stop again. If you like gregtech, add compatability. It's your mod now, the possibilities are endless.
@americanium I've always hated when stupid elements become illogical bases for tools or armor, especially when they are radioactive. Like when something like uranium or silver or technetium become armor or swords. It's idiotic. You usually only see it in "my first mod" mods, But I want this to be a respectable mod. In IC2, you couldn't make armor or weapons out of uranium or refined iron. Besides, I doubt you could even get enough amercanium for an ingot. Don't make a hardly used element in the world a base for this addon... No offence to you, of course, but i'm just trying to make this addon respectable.
When I first saw Rocket science I said "I want that addon", but sadly, to my surprise it died a few months before I saw it. Then it was revived for 3 seconds, then died again, then this came out and died shortly after again, now it seems like it will become a reality. I want you to crush ICBM into the ground with better coded, superior rockets. I have hope now. And this time, don't let it's heart stop again. If you like gregtech, add compatability. It's your mod now, the possibilities are endless.
Thank you!
It's great to get support like this! And yes, crushing ICBM is my main objective
But yeah, as we speak, I'm working on my first rocket of many -
You complain about Americium? Look at Metallurgy and its Quicksilver, uhh I mean Mercury Stuff. That should melt in an instant under any humanly survivable temperatures.
Someone said Americium? I have heard that it is a nuclear reactor waste byproduct which can be separated to be used as a RTG fuel...
I said almost, how many people do you see walking around in amercium armor, or weilding an amercium sword, hmm? Could you even endure americium's radiation when you're in a suit of it?
@Greg exactly, although it makes no sense for armor or a sword, somehow it happens. -
Americium (231 or 232, i dont remember properly) would kill you from heat first, instead of radiation.
Plutonium (239) generates even more heat.As Greg stated, it makes as much sense as quicksilver (mercury) stuff.
This. The absolute truth...
Maybe we could add aluminium (Al) ?
I guess it's quite obvious for rockets since we need less metal for the same resistance.Moreover, it would also be nice to make rockets out of other materials:
- carbon fiber plates
- aluminium
- firsts tiers rockets out of paper (I mean, the little rockets you could use to hurt other players, but only other playersAnd it would make sense (and a fun gameplay) to have pilotable rockets.
I mean, you could, thanks to the mouse, direct the rocket to another direction.
I know you'll question me about how we can get it working with the mouse. Here is the answer. I've been playing a good game about space piloting: Project Freedom. You could pilot the space vehicle by orienting it with the mouse, exactly like how you do to orientate Steve's head. The rocket would in this case go in the direction you're pointing to.And, please, I beg you to make it compatible with Cuchaz' Ships mod as soon as the API is released (and, if the ships are damageable in the future, rockets will be so cooooooolll!). Please....…-of-blocks/page__st__2120 -
This. The absolute truth...
Maybe we could add aluminium (Al) ?
I guess it's quite obvious for rockets since we need less metal for the same resistance.Moreover, it would also be nice to make rockets out of other materials:
- carbon fiber plates
- aluminium
- firsts tiers rockets out of paper (I mean, the little rockets you could use to hurt other players, but only other playersAnd it would make sense (and a fun gameplay) to have pilotable rockets.
I mean, you could, thanks to the mouse, direct the rocket to another direction.
I know you'll question me about how we can get it working with the mouse. Here is the answer. I've been playing a good game about space piloting: Project Freedom. You could pilot the space vehicle by orienting it with the mouse, exactly like how you do to orientate Steve's head. The rocket would in this case go in the direction you're pointing to.And, please, I beg you to make it compatible with Cuchaz' Ships mod as soon as the API is released (and, if the ships are damageable in the future, rockets will be so cooooooolll!). Please....…-of-blocks/page__st__2120Okay, everyone. Calm. That's why there's no americium in the new version, it's a completely ridiculous idea!
Oh, and Martiti thanks for the idea
i was thinking of going down a AluminIum (yes, the I is emphasised... Americans pfft) and things such as carbon fibre!
The first rockets will be non-pilotable, but sure, maybe in a later version, we could have support for missile-based suicide
Y'all should brush up on your physics... Americium-241 is an alpha emitter. Alpha particles are 2/4-He nuclei... They can be stopped by a sheet of paper (~100 microns thick)... So that includes skin! Also they have a half-life of 430 ± 20 years, meaning, you'd have to be wearing the armor for a bloody long time before you'd get "a little warm" -
(yes, the I is emphasised... Americans pfft)
What do you mean by that?
I did not ask something like this, did I? -
What do you mean by that?
I did not ask something like this, did I?Oh no
Don't worry, I was criticising the majority of Americans, as they call it "Aluminum", however, there is an extra I, and it is therefore "Aluminium" heh
Actually, I try to imitate American language as much as I can, but I think I'll keep metals, names and stuff like that in the way it is written in the periodic table.