Its not your usual map mod style of mapping and waypointing. You have maps and waypoint compasses as items aswell some other stuff.

[1.7.10] Gregtech Hardmode Server (aka Kirara 2.0)
Grrr... real men like being lost.
Use bibliocraft stuff then bony, its worthlike minimap mods with its waypoint thingies and mapping solutions.
I just discovered the Bibliocraft atlas in single player, and I heartily recommend it myself; being able to actually finally make notes on maps is liberating.
A new version of CoFH Core is released which fixes the lag in 1.7.10 . I suggest you add it.
Better yet- next new version of forge.
I am aware that something has happened in the lag department. I will laugh my ass off if the fix (by Skyboy I presume) works as its a whole 1 character difference. -
i kind of missed this whole lag thingy, but if a 1-character-difference made the game unplayable for many people, i'll probably laugh my ass of as well.
I was just watching the forum to see if an update has arrived and I found the player list. What's up with this kind of thing :
geel12 / luffyYC13 (player)
AlFox / NajdekTojo (player)
Backdraft / Pyrolosite (player)
Boyan368 / frncwz (player)
Duckfan77 / duckshockeyfan (player)
Do they have multiple accounts or were they named differently on the forum ? (Yes, this is a real question that will change the meaning of the universe, of your life, and everything else). -
can the "cheat sheet" thaumonomicon be enabled on kirara test?
and can my research be synced between K1,2 and 3? -
I was just watching the forum to see if an update has arrived and I found the player list. What's up with this kind of thing :
geel12 / luffyYC13 (player)
AlFox / NajdekTojo (player)
Backdraft / Pyrolosite (player)
Boyan368 / frncwz (player)
Duckfan77 / duckshockeyfan (player)
Do they have multiple accounts or were they named differently on the forum ? (Yes, this is a real question that will change the meaning of the universe, of your life, and everything else).
Different IGN and forum name. 42. -
I think i crashed kirara test. at least i can't join any more.
The servers restart if they crash, no worries.
can the "cheat sheet" thaumonomicon be enabled on kirara test?
and can my research be synced between K1,2 and 3?
Cheat sheet is enabled on KT, for syncing your research please contact me and tell me which way they should go. -
could find it neither in nei nor in the creative search tab, but i'm opped on KT now and have all the research, so it's no problem.
luigi, EC \/
Blub: Make sure to enable it on your side too.
i had, becuase i played around a bit in singleplayer, also using thaumcraft.
I was just watching Seth's latest UHC video in which he was breaking leaves to get apples, but he was using a diamond sword to break the leaves and I'm glad we have adventure mode on kirara so that people can't break leaves with diamond swords... OH WAIT.
you can break leaves with swords? i need to get a sword.
So, having this problem with the forestry multifarm:
As you can see, when the internal buffer of the farm fills up, the setup jams with "No inventory space" error, even though my storage chest has the requisite space. I have to manually remove the items for the farm to restart.. Meanwhile the stupid thing is continuously running and draining power for nothing
Took this one to #forestry, and was told that the latest release 353 works okay in this regard... Ofc, Nirek tested it with eio and logistics pipes only, so, there's that caveat emptor. During the next update (groan!) let's look into updating forestry as well, please?
you can automatically empty the output, which might have caused the problem here.
ZOMG Thaumcraft updated yesterday and I didn't notice it.
I beg a server update for :
-Thaumcraft (
-Galacticraft (Build 248) , Micdoodlecore and GalacticraftPlanets
-Extracells (Build 36)
-GregTech (5.07.01)
-IHL (Build 522)
-Industrialcraft (build 658)
-Redlogic (59.1.5)
-Carpenter's blocks (3.3.4)
-Forestry (353)
-Custom OreGen (1.2.15)
And that's it.