People playing on the Kirara 2 server can now post screenshots of their bases here !

Kirara 2.0 Bases
- Pyrolusite
- Closed
My base is very WIP. In the style of dwarven fortresses and yeah, it isn't much: -
The SuperDome: -
A bit more:
Here we go. Week number 2 coming at you.
Interior decorating, along with major house renovations. And some machines to top it off. Let the bronze smelting begin!
My client mod/resource pack setup:
CyanideX's Unity (…-project-retexture?page=6) (
>Unity Forestry
>Unity IronChests
>Unity Extra Cells
>Unity Vanilla (and a bit of SMP's revival at times) ( very own Pyro's Textures
>IC2 Alternate ([16x] Pyrolusite's IC2 Alternate Textures v0.5)
>Gregtech Alternate *MUST HAVE* ([16x] Pyrolusite's GregTech Alternate Textures (1.7))
>PFM (…s-resource-packs-pfm-v1-1)
>PMM (…s-resource-packs-pfm-v1-1)Underground Biomes' 16x version BECAUSE THE 32x is WIERD AS FUCK (…rground-biomes-constructs)
Client side mods:
Better Foliage (…ds/2119722-better-foliage)
Journeymap Unlimited (
Sonic Ethers Shaders' with the CUDA shaderpack for AMD cards (
ShadersModCore (…-3-18-updated-by-karyonix)
QuickHotbar (…/2143847-quick-hotbar-mod)
PiP (shhhhh) (
NEI (do I need to link this)
NEI Addons Forestry (link in the OP)
NEI Addons (the original bDew version finally updated) (
MineMenu (so I dont have to type in chat or type /tps) (…1-4-radial-menu-nuff-said)
Inventory Tweaks (
iChun Util (for PiP) (
BetterRain (…2134067-better-rain-v0-14)
BetterRain Core (above)All in all this combo makes for an actually quite subtle yet dramatic improvement over Vanilla minecraft. The resource packs are all 16x and based off of vanilla, while the mods only serve to enhance how I sort my inventory, save on hotkeys, look up recipes, minimaps, and such. It is very uncluttered and I love this setup. I encourage others to experience it too.
A few Pics of my Base:
UNG_God made a Video of it a few Days back:
Credits also go to my MIA Teammates Varin and Gemji.
My WIP Skybase XD
Well, i am a bit late but i didnt make any pictures of first steps i took.
Firstly i did outer border 411x411. Then i did center 211x211. After that i burned down all the forrest in the middle area and started flattening the mountains and building layer by layer of outer island shell. Now this shells is more or less complete and here are the first few snapshots!
Location on server 1:
shell completed:
....will update soon.... -
Hey, cool it down with the "chicken rape" thing I turned it off for a couple of days so I could get more eggs to build to more
Hey, cool it down with the "chicken rape" thing I turned it off for a couple of days so I could get more eggs to build to more
It still rapes them
I am too tired to add titles and shit. Suck it up you ungrateful bastards. Back in my day, we had to walk to school uphill all three ways. Upside down.
I planning to build a large industrial complex on K3 (because K1 is laggy, and K2 will be soon). Looking for novice players, who would like to cooperate with me in game for play and then to build it.
Here a some screenshots: Main base , towers , logo .
Everything is very raw, WIP.P.S. Architects from all countries, unite!
My client mod/resource pack setup:
CyanideX's Unity (…etexture?page=6) (
>Unity Forestry
>Unity IronChests
>Unity Extra Cells
>Unity Vanilla (and a bit of SMP's revival at times) ( very own Pyro's Textures
>IC2 Alternate ([16x] Pyrolusite's IC2 Alternate Textures v0.5)
>Gregtech Alternate *MUST HAVE* ([16x] Pyrolusite's GregTech Alternate Textures (1.7))
>PFM (…-packs-pfm-v1-1)
>PMM (…-packs-pfm-v1-1)Underground Biomes' 16x version BECAUSE THE 32x is WIERD AS FUCK (…omes-constructs)
Client side mods:
Better Foliage (…-better-foliage)
Journeymap Unlimited (
Sonic Ethers Shaders' with the CUDA shaderpack for AMD cards (
ShadersModCore (…ted-by-karyonix)
QuickHotbar (…uick-hotbar-mod)
PiP (shhhhh) (
NEI (do I need to link this)
NEI Addons Forestry (link in the OP)
NEI Addons (the original bDew version finally updated) (
MineMenu (so I dont have to type in chat or type /tps) (…-menu-nuff-said)
Inventory Tweaks (
iChun Util (for PiP) (
BetterRain (…tter-rain-v0-14)
BetterRain Core (above)Very nice, i like it.
For everyone, who building i would recommend two mods:
World Edit Wrapper
Schematica mod -
Quite low progress today, looks very chunky now (it will be like 2,5 times taller).
It takes a bunch of time to make it, even with WE.Update (looks better, when taller):
Quite low progress today, looks very chunky now (it will be like 2,5 times taller).
It takes a bunch of time to make it, even with WE.Update (looks better, when taller):
Remind me of Rupture farms project.
Remind me of Rupture farms project.
Exactly that. Since i dont know OddWorld universe, im planning to remake it in some modern style.
Update 2: