I want ask what I can do with this "cold" lava that comes out of the Liquid Heat exchanger

Cold Lava ("ic2pahoehoelava")
if you put it in a cell, then place it on the ground and let it cool, it becomes reinforced stone.
But how i can place it? I tried both types of cell in the Creative Mode
I always used a buildcraft floodgate. I'm not even sure IC2 has a way of dispensing liquids. The pump could do with a reverse mode.
tried shoving it in a sprayer? dunno if that would work.
nope with the CF Sprayer it don't work maby Thunderdark must implement something
I'd want a reverse/pump out mode in the pump. The sprayer wouldn't make much sense, as you're not spraying the liquid, only leaving it to cool into basalt.
I'd want a reverse/pump out mode in the pump. The sprayer wouldn't make much sense, as you're not spraying the liquid, only leaving it to cool into basalt.
Well i think a Sprayer better because then it's like the CF Sprayer and easier to use
In my opinion a bucket would be enough.
1) Sprayer should spray "cold" lava, it should work just like foam but destroying wooden scaffording or wires in process.
2) Geotermal should accept "cold" lava at decreased output.