Error: Steam Turbine Blocked

  • Basically I was trying to construct an infinite power source from a kinetic steam generator, using:
    - water pump
    - steam generator + electric heat generator
    - condenser
    - kinetic generator

    Using the same setup as when I make coolant cells, I have the pump sending water in the steam generator to make steam while the electric heat generator heats to about 400C. Then, the steam generator is connected to a kinetic steam generator, and this is where I think the problem lies. The kinetic steam generator instantly fills to 1000mB water and despite having a fluid ejector upgrade attached to send excess water into the condensor, the kinetic steam generator stays full of water and I get the message "Error: Steam Turbine Blocked." How do I get the kinetic steam generator to get rid of all of that water so it can actually produce energy?

  • I can't tell you why the steam generator is blocked(but someone else will), but I can tell you that this setup will not work because the Electric Heat Generator is inefficient. Try using a proper heat source, like a Pressure Vessel Reactor or Fluid Heat Generators

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    The reason it's blocked is it's internal tank is full. The condenser only takes steam, which is why it's tank isn't draining into it

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • SpwnX I think Zynq mentioned already having a fluid ejector upgrade, though it doesn't help if the target inventory won't accept the type of fluid.

    Anyway, if you want power without having to reload fuel or replace parts, build some solar panels. Second to that is a MkI nuclear reactor, which can run for about 5.5 hours real-time before needing the fuel rods replaced; longer if you set up a redstone circuit to turn it off when your power storage is mostly full.

  • I had closed setup with distilled water and everything else too.

    After few hours turbines get too much water inside ( flooded )

    I had fluid ejectors
    I tried fluid ender conduits
    I tried pipes

    Basically I have tried everything possible, but turbines get random stuck. Sometimes in few minutes, sometimes in few hours or days, but always stuck.
    So stopped to use fluid cooling.

    it was experimental .650

    Even fluid ender conduits couldnt get the water out of turbines...

  • Just think about it. A setup that uses electric energy to heat up a liquid and trasforms the heat energy back to electric energy.
    That are 2 transformations, And what did we all learned about energy transformations in the school? they are lossy.

    this setup will never produce more energy then it uses. it will only output 75% of the energy you need to run it.

    You don't need to be an Engineer to know this