I think IC2 should have a Particle Accellerator that you have to use to either get UUMatter or to fill the memory crystals with information on how to create things.
It would be a Multiblock Structure with different, dynamic parts, where every part does something different and if you fail setting it up, you will have a big explosion.
Particle Accellerator
That sounds too complicated for IC2 (IMO), and it might help if you were more specific about what different things the parts do. From what I can find, there used to be an "Atomic Science" mod that included a particle accelerator: http://www.voltzwiki.com/wiki/Particle_Accelerator
However, I've been unsuccessful at finding a working download link for either that mod or the "resonant induction" mod that it might have been merged into (based on http://calclavia.com/atomic-science-0-6-0/#comment-98) -
Like one block is there to accellerate particles. And another block is there to do measurements and to monitor the whole process and to get information of of it. And another block is there to cool down the whole structure and one block is there to evacuate the middle of the particle accellerator.
like if you look at one part of it from the x-axis it looks like something like this:
being different blocks of it. Like an in-world structure. And OO being placeholders
And if you look at it from the top, it should look like a big cicle like this:[BIG ROUND HOLLOW STRUCTURE THAT THE FORUM SOFTWARE LIKED TO SCREW APART]
With O being particle accellerator parts.
I think IC2 should have a Particle Accellerator that you have to use to either get UUMatter or to fill the memory crystals with information on how to create things.
Particle accelerator does not work this way.
It more about:
p+ + Hg -> ??? -> Ir -
Erm, well, why not, then again, there is a lot of different particle Accelerator, like for hadron collisions, etc..
Erm, well, why not, then again, there is a lot of different particle Accelerator, like for hadron collisions, etc..
Coil gun also counts as well as ... railgun.
Or should i write Railgun ? -
Coil gun also counts as well as ... railgun.
Or should i write Railgun ?
Oh gawd...
You are terribly wrong. Check wikipedia. Also this completely unrelated to topic. -
Oh gawd...
You are terribly wrong. Check wikipedia. Also this completely unrelated to topic.Why would you say so? Both particle or heavy ions accelerators and railguns are build on very similar principles. Of course there is border between microscopic and macroscopic objects which can be used as projectiles. But you can reach high enough energies to undergo gas-plasma transition and have same microscopic particles - ions and electrons.
Why would you say so? Both particle or heavy ions accelerators and coilguns, railguns are build on very similar principles. Of course there is border between microscopic and macroscopic objects which can be used as projectiles. But you can reach high enough energies to undergo gas-plasma transition and have same ions and electrons.
You didn't check wikipedia, am i right? Particle accelerators work at effect of interaction of opposite charges, "working body" must have charge (ionized atoms, electrons, protons). If by coil gun you mean Gauss gun, this one work at principle of electromagnetic interaction between ferromagnetic shell, which is forced to take a position with minimal potential energy of magnetic field, generated by coil. Railgun is working on third principle - Lorentz force. -
Hahaha, Wikipédia FTW ( sarcasm ), go in switzerland and go both visit the large haddron collider ( I hope I translated well enough XD )
And yes, Railgun
Edit : Foghrye can stay in Russia, but Cosmo, go visit switzerland ^^'
Railgun shots are amazing BTW ;P
You didn't check wikipedia, am i right? Particle accelerators work at effect of interaction of opposite charges, "working body" must have charge (ionized atoms, electrons, protons). If by coil gun you mean Gauss gun, this one work at principle of electromagnetic interaction between ferromagnetic shell, which is forced to take a position with minimal potential energy of magnetic field, generated by coil. Railgun is working on third principle - Lorentz force.
Okay, you say that ferromagnetic shell at each moment of time moves towards minimun of potential energy. Still the interaction of opposite charges is the same thing where particles try to reach for the same minimum of potential energy. The minimun energy thing is fundamental but do not really help enlightening this subject.
I am just trying to say here that magnetism and that interaction is kinda the same thing. For example if your throw solid metal in magnetic field you will have temporary charge separion and charging of diverse specimen's parts will take place. So again you have "interaction of opposite charges" because magnetic field is itself created by moving charges. It turns out so because the magnetism is merely a relativistic effect and eventually is the manifestation of interaction between charges.And yes, Railgun
In that case you are right. Everything, even your PC, is interaction between charges.
P.S.: Sometimes, when i'm sad, i'm being too sarcastic. If this insulted you at any, even tiny, grade - i'm sorry about that.
P.S.: Sometimes, when i'm sad, i'm being too sarcastic. If this insulted you at any, even tiny, grade - i'm sorry about that.
Not at all. And you do have some degree in physics, don't you?
And you do have some degree in physics, don't you?
In truth, i'm a polymeric chemistry and technology engineer. Most knowledge about railgun, Gauss gun and particle accelerator i gained via wikipedia. -
In truth, i'm a polymeric chemistry and technology engineer. Most knowledge about railgun, Gauss gun and particle accelerator i gained via wikipedia.
Really, fellow chemist? I am touched.
I know it by Science. It's called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We're talking about miles of Iron, steel,etc. What you guys are bringing up here wouldn't explode, maybe a redmatter explosive; the Hadron Collider is capable of creating black holes. Haven't happened of course, we're still alive. haha
Maybe the blackholes it create are so tiny that it disappears right after its creation.
We know that blackholes need to keep sucking matter in order to maintain its size or they will eventually disappear. Hawking radiation it emits or something weird like i think? -
I don't know how fast black holes disappear, fact is, if you compress a football inot something smaller than its schwarzschild radius(hope i got the name right), it still only has the potential energy of a football, so that it CAN suck in everything, but only in a super tiny space around it. at least that is how i understand it, i don't have a degree of any kind(actually i'm still in school).
Well ( personnal knowledge and Superior physic and chemistry in school ) from what I know, a black hole will evaporate over time like SpwnX said because of Hawking radiation, depending on the size of a black hole, this can be slow or fast ( in case of small ones, it's very fast ) and LHC is a bit more than steel, it's gold, copper, tin, zinc, titanium, tungsten, silver, niobium... ;P And the black holes ( you we're right about the Schwarzchild radius blub01 ) that we're created ( you need to understand that this particle Accelerator can be used for creating other things, so it will not necesseraly create an almost instant disappearing black hole ) will disapear without doing anything, also, theoretically, from what I understood and heard, if our sun would transform into a black hole ( which won't happen ), we will still orbit around it like if nothing happened ;P
Particle accelerators do not work this way. You might want to see that in different perspective. We do not really collide things which can break like solid spheres do. Using high-energy particles we dump HUGE amounts of energy in very tiny spaces. Those high energies give birth to enormous excitations in all possible fields (for example like EM field) which tremendously change the structure and properties of our small spatial domain. This transformation can shift properties of "normal" vacuum to closely resemble the intranuclear vacuum which exists between nucleons inside the atom nucleus. Neutrons for example in general cannot exist for long outside the nucleus because the structure of space inside drastically different from the outer environment. They are hold like constrained balls inside small box-nucleus. It is a different story when we change the structure of the outer environment to resemble environment of nucleus by dumping so much energy. Neutrons suddenly "discover" large areas of "inhabitable" space around themself. In the next moment they try to evenly dispense in this new space. We observe how particles "escape" from nucleus.
P.S. We know that it is safe because there are natural particles with incomparably higher energies that do exist even in our solar system. They are involved in many many events. And we do not observe disappearance of large spatial regions in our solar system. So black holes are not really involved as it seems.