Best option for EU to MJ?

  • Yep, it's pretty cool I've got a small scale version of it set up, but not fully automated yet.

    By the way if you're running Thermal Expansion too you can get pretty abusive with power production tricks this way.

    Key points:

    It takes about 130,000 EU to make methanefrom hydrogen (electrolyzed from water) and carbon dioxide, then turn that methane into fuel.

    A properly upgraded compression dynamo can turn 1 bucket of fuel into 2,625,000 RF

    So 1 EU into 20.2 RF

    THEN if you wanna be an exploiter, you can turn a profit on the conversion back into EU.

    You attach 5 Thermal Expansion's Autonomous Activator's (run by our compression dynamo) to a IC Manual Kinetic Generator. Each will click it once per second costing 20 rf each and yielding 50 EU. So that's

    2 RF into 5 EU
    So at that point we're turning 1 EU into 50.5 EU
    Of course we'd be doing so at a mere rate of 25 EU/T no point in being an exploiter if you're gonna go slow.

    You could instead Use the compression dynamo's RF to Melt lava in a Magma Crucible, that feeds thermal Generators.

    That would produce 218,750 if we're just using an infinite supply of cobblestone from an igneous extruder
    1 EU to 1.68 EU

    Or 1 EU to 5.04 EU if you're gonna supply the Magma Crucible with NetherRack

    I'm not really down with any of that, just thought the possibility was worth pointing out. I stick to the "make mars fuel power my RF machines on earth, automate later for great justice". That suits me fine :)

  • I think Thaumic Tinkerer adds a block which can act as an extension to most TileEntities, effectively adding 4 more sides to attach Autonomous Activators to.

  • Technicly infinite to 1. I know which block he mean, but i think that works only with TileEntities.
    And you can connect more than one of them to the same block xD.
    And here we have a new Op production.

  • Yeah TEs energy system has all sorts of weird perpetual motion machines that are possible once you start upgrading the dynamos, I got a pretty good trick going with gregtech lava boilers feeding steam dynamos that hit magma crucibles, lots of steam left over for turbines even when using cobble.

    I've been trying to avoid it though, true entropy violation weirds me out.

  • Yep. By the way these automated cargo rockets are really cool. And you can set up monitors that track them on a big screen display. Frankly there's some cool stuff in galacticraft. Also from some advanced materials on mars, you can produce these massive flood lights, that light up a big area and even actively intimidate some mods. Pretty cool.

    I think I may even use automatic cargo rockets to transport things within the same planet....Not sure I"m ever gonna let myself use Tesseracts. Seems a bit much to me. Dunno.

  • If you're willing to gather up some nether rack you can make a nice little generator out of a magma crucible and an efficiency augmented magmatic dynamo.

    I've got a bunch of blank buildcraft robots lying around....I think I'm going to make a bunch of gear for them and have the harvest the nether for me :). Then again, If I haven't sucked all the lava out of that lake yet I may just be getting overly creative.

  • I seriously want to figure out a way to blacklist tesseract/ender chest across space dimensions. They're really cheaty, I accept them in the normal overworld/nether dynamic because of the chunkloading problem (just can't build super long oil pipelines when stuff vanishes when you aren't around, and can't pipe through dimensions)), but for space we have rockets, and no pipeline would exist in the first place.

  • I suppose you could ban them, and insist that people use rockets for long distance deliveries within the overworld, if they're allowed to use chicken chunks as well, you could just insist that whatever extraction they're doing in the nether that it be made to be set up for occasional pickups by a human. Between Thermal Dynamics Satchels and Forestry Backpacks persons could set up operations that accrue a great deal of stuff all to be picked up at once.

    To be honest, I think that once people started setting up they're automatic same planet rocket mechanisms auto loading and unloading and restone logic to their launches etc, they'd have way more fun with them than the magical star box.

    I bet that would be really cool on a server. I haven't played on a server yet, I'm also very curious about two things:

    Forestry's mail, trade station and catalog system, and IC's IC CREDIT system. Do these economies really work out? That would be awesome if they do.

    • Official Post

    I bet that would be really cool on a server. I haven't played on a server yet, I'm also very curious about two things:

    Forestry's mail, trade station and catalog system, and IC's IC CREDIT system. Do these economies really work out? That would be awesome if they do.

    The IC Credit System doesn't work at all, due to the lack of a controlled way of crafting them, there is either Crafting or No Crafting, but no control over it, unless you disable crafting and cheat them in (what is also a bit bad). It just looks good and that's it.

    The GT5 Credit System is better, since people can create their own Credits with unique NBT, which are therefore secure (unless you steal the Coinage Mold from them and copy it).

  • Even with that, it's hard to sell things. It's not the lack of money so much as the relatively even distribution of resources that makes minecraft economics weak. GT oregen counts for more than GTs working credit system, but I still find partnerships work better than barter. Maybe the dynamic changes on a bigger server though.

  • Quote from Requia

    I seriously want to figure out a way to blacklist tesseract/ender chest across space dimensions. They're really cheaty, I accept them in the normal overworld/nether dynamic because of the chunkloading problem (just can't build super long oil pipelines when stuff vanishes when you aren't around, and can't pipe through dimensions)), but for space we have rockets, and no pipeline would exist in the first place.

    You could write a small Forge mod (or Bukkitesque plugin) which checks on world block placement if the dimension is something other than the overworld, then if the block being placed is on your blacklist cancel the placement. Or if you find a mod/plugin which already does this (I'm sure it exists), you could just use that, especially if you already have one installed (having too many checks on every block placement probably affects performance).

  • You could write a small Forge mod (or Bukkitesque plugin) which checks on world block placement if the dimension is something other than the overworld, then if the block being placed is on your blacklist cancel the placement. Or if you find a mod/plugin which already does this (I'm sure it exists), you could just use that, especially if you already have one installed (having too many checks on every block placement probably affects performance).

    That would not work as you think with Tesseracts ore teleportpipes. Because you need the Sourcecode of the Mods when you want to prevent only transdimensional Transport (of whatever is the thinking of). Because if you spread things out because of Renderring performance reasons or something else you get a problem....

    I personally enjoy the idea of rockets flying around but the chunkloading is really hard on cpu usage....
    Maybe making a block that allow Transdimensional Object Transfer but on Delay so you put something in and Send it and it takes a while until it is in the other dimension. And you have to make cargo things that get sended by these blocks only. So your storage is also limited. ^^" That you could also render... How ? I have no idea about that kind of renderring xD

  • That would not work as you think with Tesseracts ore teleportpipes. Because you need the Sourcecode of the Mods when you want to prevent only transdimensional Transport (of whatever is the thinking of). Because if you spread things out because of Renderring performance reasons or something else you get a problem....

    I suggested a preemptive measure of preventing block placement, rather than changing the block's functionality.

  • I personally enjoy the idea of rockets flying around but the chunkloading is really hard on cpu usage....

    I don't believe they travel horizontally, even when within the overworld, they go up up up in the same chunk, dissapear, than descend down into another spot, but maybe you were aware of this when you said what you said about chunk loading.

  • I am aware of it. But chunkloading here, chunkloading there, causes still a lot of lag, if it is forced by a chunkloader. (Players create with chunkloading also lag but none playr chunkloaders go a longer way then players), and Having entities moving constantly is more lagging than a not ticking TileEntity. Which a Tesseract is. (Non Ticking TileEntities do not affect the normal WorldTick (that does not inculude Packets and co)).
    My idea would require a Ticking TileEntity too, but the effect would be not that big because it is only counting down numbers and then send a Item, so the tickrate usage is less then a furnace.

  • I'm sure you're right, but I think the idea is that conceptually and in terms of an engineering challenge, coordinating automated loading and unloading, and flights and fuelings is much cooler than "goes in this block, comes out some other block wherever you'd like"