[GT-6-Addon] GTExtras 0.3.3 - More stuff for Gregtech
Are plates supposed to disappear with age/damage/use? I have lost an iridium, 2 silver, a bronze, and an iron plate and have no explanation for why especially such a strange mixture while others remain for longer
Long ago in GT4 era, there was a thing that existed called Sugar Coke and Cactus Coke. They were weaker than charcoal, but they were good. I'd like to see them re-added!
I remember sugar coke in MRF, but not in GT... Should it be still wanted in a few weeks, i could maybe add this behind a config.
Let's think about that : one could put his goggles of revealing inside a special slot that could be introduced into the helmet slot, that way the helmet will not take damages but it's enchant will no longer apply.
Why would their enchants stop working? Let's say you do the same with the boots of the traveller, I could put down a haste III boots of the traveller inside a special slot of the boots and have it stacked with the motors and maybe even apply haste III on the modular boots.
This would offer a way to put a biofuel jet pack inside the basic chestpiece, with some conditions : the biofuel jet pack offers static flight in hover mode. If the chest piece weight exceeds a given amount, one will lose this static flight and will slowly glide downThere will be no special slots for anything. The number of slots available will be important when choosing the parts to build in. Not really now, since the weight is limiting more, but once the electric armor is able to counter weight, the number of slots will be really important.
I plan to add 3 types of boosters with each 5 tiers. Fuel Boosters(Large boost, but needs fuel), Electric Boosters(smaller boost, but easy to use with only EU as fuel), and Anti-Gravity modules(Lowers weight of the Armor a lot, but also needs a lot of energy. Negative weight will allow creative like flight, but for movement besides up/down additonal boosters are needed). To put fluids into the armor, i will likely make it so, that tank(s) has to be put into an armor slot and then fluid containers can be emptied into the internal tank. In the helmet the tank can be filled with air or oxygen for underwaterbreathing.If the weight system could be added to all armor (not just your own creations but a config for all armor pieces) it would be really really cool if the jetpack uses more EU/fuel if your armor is heavy. Maybe you could add a formula that takes the weight of the player and calculate the EU/fuel he will need if he wants to jetpack.
Also it would be cooler to have battery slots for all the armor pieces since GT has so much batteries instead of having to recharge the armor pieces themselfs.
Should it be possible for an armor to get the defence value of another armor i will likely make the weight of other armors (damagereductionpercentage/2)^2, so an 100% defence = 2500 weight or 64% defence = 1000 weight. The thrust of the jetpack boosters must be high enough to even lift of, making a heavy armor more expensive to fly.
GT6 only?
Yes, GT6 only. While it whould be currently easy to make seperate GT5 and GT6 versions, it will become quite difficult soon.
For when you do add the jetpack here are some ideas.
1. Put the jetpack thrust control on a separate button. Having it on jump is really annoying.
2. Make thrust acceleration more realistic. Have it deliver a constant negative vertical acceleration with a short buildup when you first press the thrust button.
3. A way to configure the maximum thrust. Having high level jetpacks immediately shoot me to the moon is just silly.
4. Any sort of advanced behavior like hovering or automatically adjusting the thrust based on your weight should be handled via upgrades.
5. Make the fuel powered jetpack a much more viable and powerful jetpack. To get electric anywhere near as good should require significantly advanced tech and high density batteries.1. There will be many things i will need to give an hotkey soon. I still wonder what the easiest way will be.
2. Depends on how difficult the calculation will be.
3. See above.
4. Also see above.
5. Oh, also see above. xDI haven't tested this yet, but I suspect that a heavy armour will induce a slowness effect that is shown in the inventory. If it is the case, can you make it so that one feels slower but the effect isn't shown?
I did not find out how to directly manipulate the speed of the player, so the slowness effects is only an tempoary thing.
In fact, you could go beyond regular power armor and make mechs that you have to climb into and will give you amazing strength speed and firepower. Imagine climbing into a drill mech and tearing a massive tunnel through a mountain with minimal effort. Probably would need an internal nuclear reactor core to provide enough energy for that though.
I thought about that before, but decided that my skill with MC modding is not yet up to par for that. But who knows how i will think about that in a few months.
Are plates supposed to disappear with age/damage/use? I have lost an iridium, 2 silver, a bronze, and an iron plate and have no explanation for why especially such a strange mixture while others remain for longerYes, once the armor is damaged more than 50%, there is an 5% chance on hit that random pieces get destroyed. Maybe i will make it so in the future that the plates simply fall to the ground.
Yes, once the armor is damaged more than 50%, there is an 5% chance on hit that random pieces get destroyed. Maybe i will make it so in the future that the plates simply fall to the ground.
Ouch. The basic armour has around 1000 uses, meaning you'll lose 5 plates in average before it breaks. That hurts especially with expensive plates, I guess one needs to get leather, a ton of xp, some unbreaking books and he'll be set.
Or some repair enchant, if you can use them on the armor.
Hmm... magic assisted repair or tech assisted repair, interesting...
Allow us to use TC magicky for whatever stuff would be fun too.Put a fire focus on your armor to protect yourself from fire and make anything you attack/hit you catch on flames
Ouch. The basic armour has around 1000 uses, meaning you'll lose 5 plates in average before it breaks. That hurts especially with expensive plates, I guess one needs to get leather, a ton of xp, some unbreaking books and he'll be set.
Considering an Diamond armor has only about 500 durability. Being able to use 50% of 1000 dura on an early game armor should be plenty...
Later on, expensive plates should be expected to be installed in better armors. The second electric armor will likely also have a way for autorepair.Or some repair enchant, if you can use them on the armor.
Hmm... magic assisted repair or tech assisted repair, interesting...
Allow us to use TC magicky for whatever stuff would be fun too.Put a fire focus on your armor to protect yourself from fire and make anything you attack/hit you catch on flames
I have many ideas for cross mod support, but thats one of the things for the future. How about some productions that can only be done without gravity in Galacticraft space stations?
If you need texturing to be done, at least for the GUIs, I'm in.
However I noticed you use 32x32 files for your armor icons, so, are you planning on using the 32x32 resolution or 16x16 one for them ? -
If you need texturing to be done, I'm in.
However I noticed you use 32x32 files for your armor icons, so, are you planning on using the 32x32 resolution or 16x16 one for them ?
I scaled them up to 32x32 to test if it works without problem and forgot about that. xD
There seems no problem with them, so you are free to choose the resolution you want.About the GUI. I plan to redesing the Gui so, that all values can be clicked through with arrows. There are so many values, showing them all at once is not possible. Also a fluid tank slot will be added soon and the higher tier armors will have more slots.
I also thought about making it possible to open the GUI per hotkey and changing beween the armors without unequipping and closing/opening the inventory. Maybe a different texture for every part(helmet, chestplate,..)?The textures i need currently are:
Icons and model textures for all 4 parts of the basic modular armor(leather with metal plates sewn on top). And soon textures for the first electric modular armor (exoskelleton with lots of the texture transparent).Oh, right. The electric armor will also need an HUD overlay to show some stats like energy and shield status.
Will we have unbreakable-electrical-only tier 5 armors in IC2 style ?
Will we have unbreakable-electrical-only tier 5 armors in IC2 style ?No, but auto repair should end up being allmost the same...
Can we have hybrid techno-magic auto repair
( and if tool breaks, you will need to wait 5 time more time for waiting it to be repaired
How about an MPS power fist type thing that you can build lasers and stuff into?
I'm not sure how to make a modular tool balanced. Something like that ist likely either OP or no one will use it since seperate tools are more efficient.
But i have a few ideas about new tools. How about a tool, that teleport switches the area in front of you against a prepared area in your base? With the fitting equipment in your base, there should be a few things possible to do with that.
I'd rather you stick to the modular armor and realistic tools and chemistry, rather than venture into the realm of fringe and psuedo science, or magic. After all, GT is a tech mod, and tech is da bomb!
That certainly has priority, but cross-mod compatibility is a fun thing making you to look into other mods too.
I will first finish my stuff stand alone. Thaumcraft will get a bit compatibility but not too much. Galacticraft on the other side might get a lot stuff added. There is currently not much a reason to go into space and the tech theme certainly fits with GT.
I don't use galacticraft but fully support it's er.. support.
If you work on magic tho, then I want a recipe to mix raw beef and holy water to make Holy Cow. Sates hunger AND acts like a bucket of milk!
Todays work:
I guess batteries and other accesories will also have their own weight, right?
Non armor plate equipment will have low or no weight. Instead, high tier electric equipent will need processing power. LV and MV stuff will likely have no limitation besides the available slots. The electric armors tier I or II will have enough processing power for a few HV or a single IV part. The electric armor tier III will likely be so expensive, that installing less than HV tier parts will be a waste of resources. Also the processing power will be global and can be rised by installing circuits.
Also the processing power will be global and can be rised by installing circuits.
What do you mean ?