Port G4 (and now GT5) pump to GTExtras, you get a lovely pump that does not updates blocks and does not cause a mess.
[GT-6-Addon] GTExtras 0.3.3 - More stuff for Gregtech
Have now both, Pump and MagnumTorchAlike in GT5. Will port both.
I'm curious. Did you grant my wish ? Does the MagnumTorchAlike require EU ? :3 If not, might it someday ?
I'd have another request from you. Awfully easy one at that.
I just want you to make the crafting components from GT5 available in GT6 for a limited time only ! I asked Greg to make simple items using his textures and he agreed... But since your mod is already on the server, I wouldn't need to get mine in for that little. If you wanna make the recipes for them you can, but I will MTweak them should you not do them...
If you don't want to clutter GTExtra for a small amount of time, I will make it, no problem.
Thanks for both items though. Much appreciated.
I'm curious. Did you grant my wish ? Does the MagnumTorchAlike require EU ? :3 If not, might it someday ?
I'd have another request from you. Awfully easy one at that.
I just want you to make the crafting components from GT5 available in GT6 for a limited time only ! I asked Greg to make simple items using his textures and he agreed... But since your mod is already on the server, I wouldn't need to get mine in for that little. If you wanna make the recipes for them you can, but I will MTweak them should you not do them...
If you don't want to clutter GTExtra for a small amount of time, I will make it, no problem.
Thanks for both items though. Much appreciated.
The "Monster Reptellator" can work without EU, but only with a small range. With power it has 4x range.
About Items, you want them for Minetweaking Recipes on Kirara until Greg adds them?
I can send you a pattern to fill out this evening. The next Version of GTExtras will take 1-2 weeks. If you want them earlier i can prepare you a extra mod. -
You got it right. I want it exactly for that. Server should open unofficially in 2 weeks and officially in 3-4, so 1 or 2 weeks wait is perfect.
Send me the pattern once you get time and I'll answer ASAP.
Thanks for your time. ;P
the exo suit armor, shouldnt the plates break giving u less protection rather than the armor its self taking damage?
The armor has a relatively high durability, but once it is below 50% armorplating can fall off.
Hey Asp, I really appreciate what you are doing with Gregtech 5, and I am looking forward for the things you plan to implement (research ftw).
One thing I love about Thaumcraft and I feel we need on Gregtech, are the new shinny things we unlock about every tier of research: Boots of the Traveler, the Tools and magical weapons with awesome effects, the flying chest armor, etc...
I think that this is what you're trying to do (I hope so), every tech tier could have some nice things aside processing machines, so I wanted to give some suggestions:*Piston Boots: Low tech. Crafted from a pair of bronze boots, pistons, some springs, etc;
You charge it with steam at the boiler, and while equipped, you can use a hotkey to activate the pistons, giving a jump boost of 4 or 5 blocks. After using, It needs about 5 seconds to activate again (you can hear the steam or/and metallic sound when it's armed again).
With higher tech, you can make a module to equip on your boots giving about the same effect.*Scuba helmet: Underwater Breathing. Last time I tried the Hazmat + air cells, (GT4) I was very disappointed, it used the air cells too fast! This could be only an helmet and an Air tank, with capacity to about 10 mins (or more with higher tiers).
*Auto crossbow: I am a FFVI fan, and Edgar's auto crossbow was awesome. It could use an electric engine and a have a battery slot, making about the same tier of the electric tools (could be available before the electric blast furnace). Less range and damage than a bow, but with incredible fire rate and cheap bolts so we can hold the trigger and make it rain bolts. Rain-bolts... hmm, I liked how it sounds;
*Iron Steve armor: High tech (endgame) - Not really iron, but made of and Titanium-gold alloy or something.
With thrusters, tiny rocket launcher and lasers, you know what I mean. You need a enter into a Multiblock machine with robot arms to equip/remove it, and uses A LOT of energy, probably a Fusion reactor would be needed. This is my dream. An hotkey to open the helmet visor would be cool too.Thank you, and keep up this great work!
What if putting plastic sheets reduce the damage taken by radiations, and after a certain amount of sheets the armor will act as an hazmat suit ?
What if putting plastic sheets reduce the damage taken by radiations, and after a certain amount of sheets the armor will act as an hazmat suit ?
That allready happens with lead plates. -
Good to know! Also will radioactive stuff damage you ? That would be pretty dumb to wear an armor made out of radioactive stuff if you die.
Currently radioactive stuff does nothing in the armor. No defense, no damage. But that will be changed.
I just wanted to suggest some material specific traits so I downloaded and edited the table.
Bolded text on the table is what I changed.
Someone should also add to the table which materials have what radioactivity.
Lead plates should have reduced Anti-rad for radioactive plates in the suit.
Heat damage applied via contact should also first have to heat up the suit but once the suit is passed a certain temp. the suit should then deal heat damage and a lot of damage when removed / be irremovable.Finally when plates break they should turn into scrap.
It has been quite a long time, but finally a new version of GTExtras is done!
The main change of GTExtras 0.3.2 is the new GUI Textures provided by Pyrolusite.
You can open the GUI while wearing the armor by pressing the IC2 Mode Change Key and swich to other armor parts by pressing the symbols in the GUI.I also did quite a bunch of bugfixes, but in the long time i was working on GT5U, i likely forgot some of the stuff from months ago.
My priority for now is, to get all modular armor functions working and bugfree. After that i plan to port it over to GT5U.
Does it fix the unequal speed on minus Z and X axis ?
Does it fix the unequal speed on minus Z and X axis ?
The first time i heard of that issue... Or i forgot about it in the last months. I did so many codechanges that it might be fixed on the way, if not i need a better explanation what exactly happens.
The main reason for this relase is to get others helping me to find the bugs after so many changes.
Thanks for the fix!
The first time i heard of that issue... Or i forgot about it in the last months. I did so many codechanges that it might be fixed on the way, if not i need a better explanation what exactly happens.
The main reason for this relase is to get others helping me to find the bugs after so many changes.
Sorry for kinda necro-posting. That'd happened to me in July on Kirara KHC. After server restart, my GTExtras's armor made from 5 bluesteel ingots accidentally becomes "too heavy", I didn't noticed that. I'd noticed that I was moving with normal speed in +z (and +x) and twice slower in other direction. Removing armor fixes that, but armor itself was still "too heavy" and had non-isotropic effect. Removing all plates doesn't helps. That armor must be still somewere inside our base on KHC.
And as far i know, GTExtras is still not updated on KHC.
So, GTExtras was updated on KHC, and issue is still there:
I'd made basic modular armor with blue steel
Then I placed it in chestplate slot, and suddenly it becomes "Too Heavy!"
I'd got slowdown in +x and +z directions but not in -x -z. I can reproduce issue in SP creative on same modpack. Disabling SmartMoving doesn't helps.