A config option (disabled by default) that would disable following machines: Scanner ,Pattern Storage, Replicator and makes the Mass Generator instead produce UU-Matter in item Form.
(with the old recipes).
config option for Old IC2 UU-Matter
That would require a api change when you activate that feature...
^^" -
It would require changes to the API to handle making UUM in liquid and solid form, thus it would make sense to be configured such that only one method is used (by the only one machine which produces UUM, and the one that uses it)
However, due to the range of options made available with the replicator and pattern storage, it may be better to make code for the API that would allow solid UUM to be used in the replicator. Perhaps the UUM could still be produced as a liquid, but it would be transformed into solid UUM when there is enough to make one lump, and in the replicator one lump of UUM would put some amount of UUM into the storage (display would be modified to have a bar-meter instead of a tank-meter)
Crafting recipes with UUM lumps could be a separate configuration option -
You could just make it so if you put solid UU in a replicator it turns into liquid form, so the only machine you were changing with the config option is the mass fab.
Thinking of that solution would make it easier. But then again you would require a change of the Inventory of the Replicator & the Massfab.
And that would the ic2 team not do. Also that would not remove the thing with you need to scan something to get it...
And that is what he actually request. That you can create stuff without scanning it... -
Well if that's what you wanted then you could get around it by just having everything in the replicator already scanned. It would be horrible to go through the several hundred pages to get the item you wanted, but well, that's the price you pay for trying to cheat the system.
Creating items you haven't scanned is overpowered (especially when it comes to things like water source blocks that can be placed in the Nether - at least I've heard that they can), which is probably why the liquid uu-matter system was introduced. However, I think it's technically possible (via Minetweaker or similar) to add the old recipes back, just using UuMatter cells instead of lumps of uu-matter.
It totally is possible, and I did a few months back. The issue is you lose all the other fun things that you can scan but not craft with UU (like HV solar arrays). And that just reloops the problem that you can get water source blocks without scanning them, as scanning didn't exist. The argument it's OP is pointless if you think about the way you're trying to revert back to the old system as much as possible. Although, diamonds at 9 buckets of UU is brutal, so I guess the pricing could re-balance it out.
It would require changes to the API to handle making UUM in liquid and solid form, thus it would make sense to be configured such that only one method is used (by the only one machine which produces UUM, and the one that uses it)
I meant that only one way is used.
And that is what he actually request. That you can create stuff without scanning it...
Exactly, the current IC2 UU-Matter Production is far too expansive and only makes sense for quantum armor.
Also it takes far too much energy AND becausa the machines (scanner, replicator,etc...) are so expansive, at the time you've built a system you have a lot of
resources anyway.
Currently in IC2 experimental the Replication system is only useful for Iridium not for general usage. -
It totally is possible, and I did a few months back. The issue is you lose all the other fun things that you can scan but not craft with UU (like HV solar arrays). And that just reloops the problem that you can get water source blocks without scanning them, as scanning didn't exist. The argument it's OP is pointless if you think about the way you're trying to revert back to the old system as much as possible. Although, diamonds at 9 buckets of UU is brutal, so I guess the pricing could re-balance it out.
Right, the pricing for some stuff is just too high and when you add the energy cost for scanner replicator,pattern storage and mass fab. then you will see
that the current UU-Matter Production is far too expensive and unflexible (because you can just craft some thing if you need it quick). -
Creating items you haven't scanned is overpowered (especially when it comes to things like water source blocks that can be placed in the Nether - at least I've heard that they can), which is probably why the liquid uu-matter system was introduced. However, I think it's technically possible (via Minetweaker or similar) to add the old recipes back, just using UuMatter cells instead of lumps of uu-matter.
This is why it should be disabled by default.
It's downgrade...
It's downgrade...
No its not, because these are 2 different systems.
I am close to finishing classic anyway... If someone wants to create when it is released a couple more UU Matter recipes then go ahead. Maybe some get implemented into the version itself.
Right, the pricing for some stuff is just too high and when you add the energy cost for scanner replicator,pattern storage and mass fab. then you will see
that the current UU-Matter Production is far too expensive and unflexible (because you can just craft some thing if you need it quick).The pricing is dynamic, and with the current system, it's much cheaper than adding back the old recipes with cells of UU-Matter. Saying it's inflexible is utter rubbish too, you can produce masses more with it than the old system. Crafting a HV solar to UU-Mattering it isn't going to be faster either.
The pricing is dynamic, and with the current system, it's much cheaper than adding back the old recipes with cells of UU-Matter. Saying it's inflexible is utter rubbish too, you can produce masses more with it than the old system. Crafting a HV solar to UU-Mattering it isn't going to be faster either.
The pricing is dynamic?, i thought it always costs the same mb UU-Matter to produce say dirt.
That might be true that the old system used more eu, but with the new system it takes a lot longer to make something (due to the speed of the replicator)
Can you make a HV solar panel with UU-Matter?, i tried it but the scanner doesn't scann the solar panel. -
Even if you connect +6 hv solar pannels to the mass fab or replicator
it will not generate faster (1 solarpanel per side)
because the new energynet limits the transfer of energy to 1 packet.
And that is limited by the cable/the energy receiver.And to solve the dynamic with the old uum is really easy. i would have two ways:
First: Conflicting Recipes. You have for the most items a same recipe.
Then add a crafting table that solves UUmatter recipes automaticly so you can chose what you want.Second: Create a machine that uses a little bit of power (5000 EU per item (times the required UU))
And then a player can choos from a list what he wants to get^^"
The eu cost was just a random number in my head. -
Your first solution sounds like way too much work for a feature only a few people would use.
Your second solution is literally just making the replicator produce UU-Matter itself and having everything pre-scaned in it.
Your second solution is literally just making the replicator produce UU-Matter itself and having everything pre-scaned in it.
Yes and No.
Yes it has a prescanned list but it is not a prescanned list.
It is a list with allowed items/blocks which are default set by ic2 & every addon can add their own stuff to the list. So you can controll what can be scanned and what not. They can controll how much uu matter would be required... and more...