For GT 5U not, the small boilder work as intented. If you have buildcraft, you can create steam with it, I believe you can automate them.

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Thank you for your answer. But what it I have not Buidcraft in my modpack?
Thank you for your answer. But what it I have not Buidcraft in my modpack?
Add build craft, or any other mod that has it's own steam generation. Or you may want to build a large boiler
Add build craft, or any other mod that has it's own steam generation. Or you may want to build a large boiler
Buildcraft does not deal with steam. Railcraft is what you're thinking of.All forms of Steam from all mods (except IndustrialCraft 2) are the same, and can be used by any other mod that uses Steam. (IndustrialCraft 2 Steam is different, but the GT5 Large Heat Exchanger can use it.)
Out of curiosity in 5.09.15 a change was made "Wires now need 4 ticks overamps to burn(configuable)."
Is this not exploitable? Couldn't someone use transform up a few levels and have one large EU packet sent every several ticks on a low tier wire? -
More likely would be down-transforming and sending a ludicrous number of small packets once every few ticks; over-voltage still blows instantly, it's only over-amperage that's getting bent a bit.
By any chance would someone know how I could add NBT data to an output ItemStack based on the input item from an Assembler recipe in the GT code?For Example: If I make an assembler recipe that is a GT Tool and an item from my mod, how would I manipulate the output stack with NBT data?ThanksFigured it out!
Is this not exploitable?
No. Each overamp tick increases cable temperature by 100.
With normal Amp it slowly cools down by 1 per tick.
So it is possible to "safely" overamp cable only for one tick from each hundred. -
No. Each overamp tick increases cable temperature by 100.
With normal Amp it slowly cools down by 1 per tick.
So it is possible to "safely" overamp cable only for one tick from each hundred.
Oh so you could only ever get an extra percent of EU throughput and it would require a creative setup and probably be dangerous. -
Oh so you could only ever get an extra percent of EU throughput and it would require a creative setup and probably be dangerous.1% ? Totalli worth it
I do believe my final GT5u multiblock tutorial is now complete! anything I missed or setups that you all feel need to be explained/shown?
Edit, I did forget two, Turbines and heat exchangers.
Hey guys.
I've reached the point where I'm going to need titanium to keep advancing, but I was wondering if there are other ways to get titanium. By following NEI recipe to make ONE titanium ingot:Electrolyze 39 Bauxite dust => React Rutile dust + Carbon + Chlorine => Blast Titaniumtetrachloride + Magnesium dust => One titanium ingot.
Is that the only way?
Hey guys.
I've reached the point where I'm going to need titanium to keep advancing, but I was wondering if there are other ways to get titanium. By following NEI recipe to make ONE titanium ingot:Electrolyze 39 Bauxite dust => React Rutile dust + Carbon + Chlorine => Blast Titaniumtetrachloride + Magnesium dust => One titanium ingot.
Is that the only way?
Technically, there are a couple of other ways to get rutile dust: pulverizing and centrifuging washed bauxite/ilmenite dust (about 1 rutile dust per 10 washed ore when pulverizing, 1 per 9 (because tiny dust) when centrifuging, which is still better than 2 per 39), or blast-furnacing ilmenite dust with carbon dust (4 tiny rutile dust per ilmenite dust). The rest is pretty much fixed, unless you add custom ores to WorldGeneration.cfg to get titanium ore, which would probably throw off the balance of the mod.Other mods may add additional ways to get titanium, e.g. Mariculture has its own version of impure titanium that gets ore-dictionaried as rutile (and can be processed with magnesium in a vat to get titanium), and it looks like Galacticraft Mars has titanium shards.
Technically, there are a couple of other ways to get rutile dust: pulverizing and centrifuging washed bauxite/ilmenite dust (about 1 rutile dust per 10 washed ore when pulverizing, 1 per 9 (because tiny dust) when centrifuging, which is still better than 2 per 39), or blast-furnacing ilmenite dust with carbon dust (4 tiny rutile dust per ilmenite dust). The rest is pretty much fixed, unless you add custom ores to WorldGeneration.cfg to get titanium ore, which would probably throw off the balance of the mod.Other mods may add additional ways to get titanium, e.g. Mariculture has its own version of impure titanium that gets ore-dictionaried as rutile (and can be processed with magnesium in a vat to get titanium), and it looks like Galacticraft Mars has titanium shards.
Thanks a lot of the answer. I didn't know about the washed ore route, which is a lot better than electrolyzing 39 dusts.
Well, time to go mining for a while -
Hi. I try to get Rutile from ilmenite + carbon in EBF (NEI say that 1700K is needed) with cupronickel coils setup wich can produce 1800K. But nothing happen with EBF when ingredients are in input hatch. WTF? GT5U *.19 (last version)
EDIT: energy hatch tier must be 3 and upper))) -
Has somebody already made some kind of table, which lists all the 5.9 crops, their properties and what block they need to grow?
Hi. I try to get Rutile from ilmenite + carbon in EBF (NEI say that 1700K is needed) with cupronickel coils setup wich can produce 1800K. But nothing happen with EBF when ingredients are in input hatch. WTF? GT5U *.19 (last version)
EDIT: input hatch tier must be 3 and upper)))I have all LV hatches and buses on mine, HV energy hatch and nichrome coils, but that is for doing tungsten and titanium both.
I'm using FTB Resurrection and GT5U on my private server. Now I came across the problem that I can't craft the Railcraft Solid & Liquid fueled fireboxes. The boilers itself are craftable.
I've checked both the configs of RC and GT, but I can't seem to figure what disables the recipe. Does anyone knows where I could enable it? I want to use the RC boilers as my basic, maintenance free source of energy. I intend to use GT boilers later on.
have you updated RC? the fireboxes are not disabled by GT5u .09 branch, I have them in my world.
I'm using FTB Resurrection and GT5U on my private server. Now I came across the problem that I can't craft the Railcraft Solid & Liquid fueled fireboxes. The boilers itself are craftable.
I've checked both the configs of RC and GT, but I can't seem to figure what disables the recipe. Does anyone knows where I could enable it? I want to use the RC boilers as my basic, maintenance free source of energy. I intend to use GT boilers later on.
What exact builds of GT and RC are you using? If one of them is significantly older than the other, that could cause issues like that.