[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.

  • A quick question: You say this is GT5 maintained but the modding draft says, i need to get the GT6 API?

    I just want to make some of my blocks in my own mod Compatible with the GT energy system. Also, what is the conversion between IC2 Power and GT Power ratio wise?

  • A quick question: You say this is GT5 maintained but the modding draft says, i need to get the GT6 API?

    I just want to make some of my blocks in my own mod Compatible with the GT energy system. Also, what is the conversion between IC2 Power and GT Power ratio wise?

    The modding guide is meant for GT6. Only a small section is planned on how to setup this GT5 version.
    If you want to add GT support to your own mod, best use the API and Dev version of GT5.07.07. I did no breaking changes from it. You need to import the interface IEnergyConnected to make your blocks compatible with GT EU.

    IC2 EU and GT EU convert 1:1. IC2 uses double, GT uses long and adds Ampere for multible transfers per tick.

  • Pump speed: 160/((int)Math.pow(2, this.mTier))
    Pump range: 8*((int)Math.pow(2, this.mTier))
    Pump energyuse: 16*((int)Math.pow(4, this.mTier))

    So, a IV Pump can pump 4FluidBlocks/sec, has a range of 256 Blocks and uses 16384EU per pumped FluidBlock.
    A basic Pump makes: 1 Block every 4 sec, has a range of 16 Blocks and uses 64EU per pumped FluidBlock.

    And GT5.08.09 is out:

    Added config option for Railcraft plate unification
    Fixed massive oredic bug
    Added a GT Way for making Galactricraft Heavy Duty plates (And changed to the proper cost for compressed plates)
    Fixed Fusion uses no energy
    Fixed packager input while using certain schematics
    Added support for IC2 biomass/biogas
    Added Pump(5 Tiers)
    First work on Large Turbines (not working yet)

  • Whhhhhut.jpg

    The test version you sent me worked perfectly, however this proper release doesn't!

  • The server freezes when a pump is placed in large oceans, just at the moment that the pipe is going to touch the water it happends

  • Current GT5 Ultimet is ultimately deceptive.

    Would you make it worth using as a tool material, instead of plain cobalt?

    Ultimet mix:
    5/9 Cobalt
    + 2/9 Chrome
    + 1/9 Nickel
    + 1/9 Molybdenum
    → 324000 EU in EBF → Hot Ultimet Ingot
    → 21960 EU In VacFreez → Ultimet ingot

    Dust → Furnace smelt → Cobalt Ingot

    Ultimet and Cobalt tools have the exact same characteristics, durability, sharpness...

  • in your latest version after updating no steam machine works correctly anymore it acts like its backed up or not getting enough steam but everything is fine and we tried breaking and replacing them still act like they are backed up or not getting steam even though they are getting steam

    it looks like you messed with how the steam machines worked between versions or something because the one previous to this they worked just fine

    yeah reverting back to .06 they work fine

    steam machines also work in the second latest .08

    so something in .10 is broken

  • It looks like the change in gregtech.api.metatileentity may be the culprit

    public boolean decreaseStoredEnergyUnits(long aEnergy, boolean aIgnoreTooLessEnergy) { if (!canAccessData()) return false; return this.mHasEnoughEnergy = (decreaseStoredSteam(aEnergy, false)) || (decreaseStoredEU(aEnergy, aIgnoreTooLessEnergy)) || ((aIgnoreTooLessEnergy) && (decreaseStoredSteam(aEnergy, true))) ? 1 : 0; }


    public boolean decreaseStoredEnergyUnits(long aEnergy, boolean aIgnoreTooLessEnergy) { if (!canAccessData()) return false; return decreaseStoredEU(aEnergy, aIgnoreTooLessEnergy); }

    this causes decreaseStoredEnergyUnits to return false on steam machines no matter what

  • Forgot to comment it back in again after testing for a bug. Will have a fix out in a few minutes.

    Fix is online.
    Also pushed to github again. Forgot about that the last days. Added my API.jar to the github, so setting up a own workspace should be much easier. The API.jar contains all needed APIs besides, IC2 Dev jar and NEI (+CCC) Dev jar.

  • hi, i have a small suggestion.
    it would be easier to look for bugs, if your releases would have some sort of correlation with source code on github.