The ExU Generator generates energy without fuel, or what do you mean with that pic?

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Yep just by placing transformer next to it
EDIT: And I don't know if it's a ElectriCraft bug but if I place a transformer next to a RF storage, it can't pull out :I
Really strange and unlikely a bug on GT5U side.
I have two possible ideas:
1. There was still unused Fuel in the Generator. ExU saves that when removing the generator and placing it down again.
2. ExU made a mistake implementing IEnergyProvider.extractEnergy() That is the only method the two blocks interact. I do not know of another mod that uses pulling RF instead of pushing, so it is quite possible that a bug like that does not get noticed.I only access EnderIO CapBanks differently, directly accessing the RF storage and changing that, any other issure can not be on my side.
mh I tried RF Storage Battery from ElectriCraft and Kinesis Buffers from Buildcraft Additions and they don't work :I
EDIT: Okay... I simply changed the transformer from Ultimate to Insame and it works now
EDIT2: everything exept Ultimate does work :I
The storage must implement the .extractEnergy method. It is rarely used in modding, so some mods do not support it. Nothing i can do there.
What are people using for their main EU Storage bank?
I was thinking of getting a bunch of MFSUs, but not sure if there is anything else that offers more storage? I see the Lapotronic multiblock, but note it only outputs 512EU so that isnt ideal.
The IESU isn't in this pack is it?
You really should take a look on GregTech 5 (and unofficial) wiki.
Especially the article about GT energy and the battery buffer. -
I've read that page heaps before, never noticed the crystals/orbs.....i think the problem was i was searching for 'batteries'
What are people using for their main EU Storage bank?
The best option used to be a bunch of MFSUs. Now that Blood Asp has implemented eu-reading on GT buffers though, GT Battery Buffers of whatever voltage you're working with are the better option. You have options for every era of the game to store your power in.
Could you make GregTech Sensor kits from IC2NC to work with all GT tiles (Generators, Battery buffers, Transformers and any GT ticking tiles?
I could see nice uses reading pipes and wires.
I tried reading a Naquadah Reactor Mark III but the GT sensor kit refuse to record location into a sensor card.
I did not try OpenComputers yet. But IC2NC is way more accessible.
I also noticed GT sensor card don't have variable names, so you have to blindly select 1,2,3,4 and try if it show what you want.
Transformers could show current transformation setting (up/down)
All tile machines shall have their internal EU buffer displayed.
Machines with inventories shall transmit stack name and amount/max for each slot/fluid container.
Battery buffers shall have:
Internal buffer amount and max.
Slots content: (name of battery or empty)
Each battery EU and Max EU and %total
Quantum Chests/tanks shall have item/fluid name, amount, max and %totalIf possible, pipes and wires could have:
- wire/cable/pipe type, name, allowed kelvins, stack/amount rates
- last Fluid/item name.
- current amount, max, %total.
- possibly per direction relative amount (positive/negative quantity)Well, as a default option quickfix. I'd like you make IC2NC GT Sensors to collect everything a GT Scanner tricorder can read.
After updating to .24 I couldn't help but notice that small boilers were outputting steam to their tops before their sides because there's a large steam pipe on a row of boilers with a small water pipe feeding them from the top on my base. I fixed this by putting shutters on the water pipes but just as I fixed it I hear a nice explosion that blew up a lot of boilers, a base with 10 full chests, and an opencomputers set up. Needless to say I reverted that shit because it's fuxking ridiculous that making a design change around an update should catastrophically destroy a base.
I did not Change anything related to that the last 5-10 Updates.
Any change that has Potential to destroy will get a bit warning sign.Also, steam boilers should not output steam to the bottom, so piping in water there should be safe.
Could you make GregTech Sensor kits from IC2NC to work with all GT tiles (Generators, Battery buffers, Transformers and any GT ticking tiles?
I have currently no idea how the linking cards work, so i can't promise anything. -
That's weird. Nothing else changed in the setup for hours. I couldn't find an exact reason for the issue to just start.
I admit I am stumped.
I was running my EBF from 2 LV buffers, with 4 LV energy hatches, fed by one small steam turbine each. Worked fine, just very slow to fill the batteries for a run. I upgraded to a MV energy hatch, an MV buffer with 9 batteries, and an advanced steam turbine. Turbine fills with steam, but power is not going out to the buffer. I have tried placing them adjacent, using GT wire, checked and checked again the dots, no power transmission. If I straight-wire the turbine to the EBF I see power transfer, but only enough to fill the internal buffer, there is not enough to run the EBF.
Does someone have a picture of how this should be connected? Youtube is not reliable here, but I have not seen anything other than filled batteries being used, no direct hookup to steam. Any assistance appreciated.
You also updated to MV batteries? When it worked in LV, updating everything to MV also should work.
If the turbine was not using steam with batbuffer, but with Eneryhatch, the problem point must be the batbuffer. -
That was indeed the problem, I replaced all but the batteries. With the medium batteries it is pushing power. Cannot believe I missed that....Vielen Dank!
At last Batteries or tools do not explode when put in a higher tier Batbuffer. Or should i change that?
At last Batteries or tools do not explode when put in a higher tier Batbuffer. Or should i change that?
I don't think it's necessary. But if you feel you gotta do it, it should work both ways:
* If a high voltage battery is discharging into a lower-tier machine, explosion
* If a high voltage machine is discharging into a lower-tier battery, explosion (smaller?) -
I don't think it's necessary. But if you feel you gotta do it, it should work both ways:
* If a high voltage battery is discharging into a lower-tier machine, explosion
* If a high voltage machine is discharging into a lower-tier battery, explosion (smaller?)Seems to me that for the second case, there should be some chance of the machine surviving, and maybe the battery explosion shouldn't be immediate. (after a few seconds is okay, though)
Was the fusion reactor NEI interface ever fixed?