Just to make sure, its one IV hatch and no more energy hatches, right?
If yes, then something might be wrong, not up to me to solve.
If not, then you have to remove any other hatches except the IV one.
[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
Just to make sure, its one IV hatch and no more energy hatches, right?
If yes, then something might be wrong, not up to me to solve.
If not, then you have to remove any other hatches except the IV one.Yes, only ONE IV Hatch
It should run with 7680EU/t. With 2+Amp, that should not be the problem. Running out of power after 2-3 ingots makes me think if not maybe the supply of the transformer is too weak an the internal buffer in the transformer supplies the energy for 2-3 ingots? The typical problem with closed muffler hatch stops running after 1 ingot, so it does not seem it is that... No other ideas on my side right now.
Uploaded GT5.09.04
Made Brittle Charcoal easier to harvest.
Finished Oil Cracker.Hopefully tomorrow: Adding plastics in some old recipes to make oil processing part of the progression. With that i should be done with progression changes in GT5.09 for some time.
After that i will take care of all that bugs... -
IV Energy hatch charge 66048 EU wich is about 8 ticks buffer at 8192EU
I affirm the EBF Perfectly worked in HV.
I even tried upgrading all input output and muffler to IV machine blocks, does not help
Wait, an EBF gets faster with better hatches? Cool, i started planning a room with 16 EBFs, i can cut that down quite a bit...
Wait, an EBF gets faster with better hatches? Cool, i started planning a room with 16 EBFs, i can cut that down quite a bit...
If you can supply the energy... Same as higher tier single block machines. 4x Energy, 2x speed.
If you can supply the energy... Same as higher tier single block machines. 4x Energy, 2x speed.
So, I even added an Insane battery buffer with 4 lapotronic energy orbs directrly feeding the IV energy hatch, and very same issue. Processing stop after a few ticks.
EBF Perfectly fine, no chunk boundary, muffler output clear...
Would you someone be able to reproduce the issue or you like I create an issue on github?
It would be nice if someone could try to reproduce it. But if not, creating a github issue is fine too.
Wait, an EBF gets faster with better hatches? Cool, i started planning a room with 16 EBFs, i can cut that down quite a bit...
All multiblocks follow the same OC rules. While handy in some cases energy efficiency trumps material efficiency in GT5. -
What did not work:
Naquadah Reactor Mark III → ME EU P2P → 51 ME glass cables → ME EU P2P → LuV transformer → 14 x 2x platinum cables → IV energy hatch.
The ME EU P2P could not cope with the LuV 32768 EU and only transmitted 8192EU -5% penalty (Thank you SpwnX who gave me a Head-up via IRC)
The Quad IV Buffer not working was a misplacement of the muffler during my various attempts to diagnose the issue.
I finally replaced the ME P2P with 51 Naquadah cables and the EBF is now perfectly fine.
@BloodAsp, please consider something about long-distance wireless GT EU Transmision.
You mentioned a pole system a while back and while this may be pleasant if you implement something like in magneticraft, I think there may be simpler short term implementations to replace the OP IDSU.
Maybe you could add some wireless EU cover/block with distance loss.
Have two versions/tier same world and interdimensional. Factor distance by world scale so it cost 10x penalty transmitting EU in the Nether (example).I'd like to centralize energy production and not have a generator at each factory/usage point.
Idea for that one thing: Quantum Tesseract.
You set frequencies and it will share the energy storage with the one its linked.
The amount of power it can output/transfer at once is based on the tier of the tesseract. Would be pretty if its a multiblock machine.
A loss of 2.5% static + 0.005% per block energy (calculated based on coordinates difference |Xa-Xb| + |Ya-Yb|+|Za-Zb|)Loss is tripled if its interdimensional.
Loss caps at 25% for non-interdimensional transports and at 50% for interdimensional transports. -
I'm not end game yet, but the Supercondutor Wire wouldn't help?
I'm not end game yet, but the Supercondutor Wire wouldn't help?
Superconductor wire is only superior to Naquadah cable by accepting MAX voltage.
It is also a required crafting component for Fusion coils.Other than that:
There are no generator outputing more than LuV 32768 EU/t
There is no point/need to transport higher voltages.
As any wire/cable/pipe, all chunks in the path have to remain loaded and this is a major breaker of central energy production.
And finally, superconductor wires require overly complex sub-component to craft, costly by-products and useless Cerium, Lanthanum, Caesium. Painful 2 LV Pump, costly tungstensteel fluid pipe, painful Nitrogen cell, electronic circuits...I would not mind using them placed in world to move EU if they did allow no-loss at all as an advantage against more conventional wiring.
I would not mind using them placed in world to move EU if they did allow no-loss at all as an advantage against more conventional wiring.
0,000000047% loss per block is almost no-loss.
U need to make cable in 1 000 000 000 blocks to have 0.47% loss. -
Did I got it right that after forge 1481 everything works right again?
Got an idea about long energy transportation. Special kind of energy network just for long distance transportation.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this is ment to allow energy transport over unloaded chunks without wireless magic. With proper energy lines stretching 1000 blocks.Requires:
Input transformer
Output transformer
Special cable (can be multiple tiers along with transformers above)
List for each grid (virtual database)Mechanics:
When placing the Input transformer, it gets assigned an ID number X and acts as a source of power for the grid. It is also written into a List as a powersource.
Then you have to lay the Special cable all the way to your destination with NO FORKS.
The first cable block checks the ID of connected Input transformer and gets the same number.
Next cable block checks the ID of previous cable block and gets the same number too, creating an energy grid with same ID number X. Also, when assigned an ID, the cable block checks other connected cable blocks and if it finds one without assigned ID, it triggers its call for an ID. //So if you connect proper cable to a bunch of orphan cables, they get assigned one by one
Last block is Output transformer, again with the same ID number. It is also written into the List as powerdrain.
Input transformer and Output transformer have to be chunkloaded. Cables do not.When the grid is completed, you can safely assume it's intact and ready to work.
Broken cable scenario:
When cable block is broken, it marks its neighbour cable blocks with a Flag (creating two cable endings). These 2 Flagged blocks get added to the List above with their coordinates. The grid shuts down.
To repair it, you have to connect cables back to these Flagged blocks. When connecting a new cable block to this Flagged one, it follows the same procedure as above, but the Flag gets moved to this new block (in the List too), because we have a new cable ending.
When two of these Flagged cable blocks meet, the grid knows it has been reconnected, the Flags are removed and everything works again.Special cases:
Placed cable blocks with no Input transformer or assigned cable blocks around them have no ID assigned and become orphan blocks. They have to wait for assigning avalanche described above.
IF a newly placed cable block finds two neighbours with different ID, a wild explosion of both Input transformes (that you just connected together) is imminent.
IF a newly placed cable block finds two neighbours with same ID but not Flagged, you've connected your fork back to the grid and a short circuit happens. (you can't make forks this way)
IF you try to place a second Output transformer, you add second Powerdrain to the List and the grid shuts down (you have to end one grid and create two new grids to make a fork)
Broken Flagged block is erased from the List.
I have for sure forgotten some special cases that could happen, but right now it seems to me this might work. -
Interesting concept, but much easier is to transport charged batteries via quantum ME gate
I still don't understand how the word "easy" would ever be used when talking about GT. Isn't the GT motto getting to end game the hard way?
0,000000047% loss per block is almost no-loss.
U need to make cable in 1 000 000 000 blocks to have 0.47% loss.That said, if you move LuV 32768 EU wich is the most EU you get out of any generator, there is absolutely no incentive to use Superconductor wires against Naquadah cables.
Interesting concept, but much easier is to transport charged batteries via quantum ME gateFor 32768EU, Lapotronic Energy Orb Clusters with Europium are not the kind of item you like to transport as batteries until very late game, and there are no higher tier rechargeable batteries. ZPM is not, No UV Batteries, No Max Batteries. And given price/tech level of LuV Lapotronic Energy Orb Clusters; I can't see anything a player could craft for higher tiers.
The large plasma generator is able to produce more than LuV, so superconductors are usefull...