I feel like there've been like 17 people asking about how the math for the LHE works. We really need to come up with a way of explaining that thing more clearly...
[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
I'm still in 5.08.29 because of the weirdness with the GT item pipes. I'm thinking at this point it's actually the chest buffer that's broken. Can anyone else confirm that the chest buffer is working in 5.09.30?
Came across this bug in 5.09, found by people I know are too shy to report bugs (in english)..
Make a 3x3x3 log pit with 9 igniters on top and seal it up. All will start running.
Once the middle one stops you can take out the 3^3 chunk of charcoal, put it in fresh logs, seal it up
and wait a few seconds, and you'll have another full 3^3 cube of brittle charcoal done.
Replace logs, seal up, wait just a few more seconds, get another full cube. And so on. -
r charcoal: First in Steam age: Charcoal Pile. Can not be automated. Stack a hill of logs on top of a layer of bricks, but dirt on top and on the sides. Place the Igniter block on top and rightclick it. After about 5-10min, depending on the size, the logs turn into brittle charcoal blocks that can be crafted into charcoal items.
I have followed the above instructions with a 3x3x3 pile of dark oak wood logs, with 3x3 dirt on the 4 sides, as well as 3x3 dirt covering the top. 9 igniters are on top of the dirt. Right clicking has no apparent effect, the igniters do not light up as I have seen in a previous post. I have also tried with the igniters on top of the logs, with no dirt between, same lack of effect. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT - using the rubber hammer gives the message of Disabled or Enabled, but still visible change.
No pix attachment possible from my location, or I would post one.
I have followed the above instructions with a 3x3x3 pile of dark oak wood logs, with 3x3 dirt on the 4 sides, as well as 3x3 dirt covering the top. 9 igniters are on top of the dirt. Right clicking has no apparent effect, the igniters do not light up as I have seen in a previous post. I have also tried with the igniters on top of the logs, with no dirt between, same lack of effect. What am I doing wrong?
Did you put brick blocks under logs? If everything is done right, there is not need for any activation, igniters should light up on their own.
PS: misread. There is no need for the layer of dirt between logs and igniters. Put igniters directly on top of the logs. -
Also, the 9 igniters is really a bug that should not happen. 1 Igniter ontop is enough.
Did you put brick blocks under logs? If everything is done right, there is not need for any activation, igniters should light up on their own.
PS: misread. There is no need for the layer of dirt between logs and igniters. Put igniters directly on top of the logs.
Yes, it is on a bed of bricks. Tried both with and without the dirt layer between the logs and the igniters.I replaced the Dark Oak with regular oak, and it is now working. The igniters started as soon as the center igniter was placed to complete the 3x3, so perhaps there is an order that they must be in. Will check when this run is done. Cheers!
Ahh, right. Dark Oak, acardia and all mod logs do not work currently. I plan to update it using oredict soon.
Which Fusion recepie did you add in .30?
Did you read about my proplems regarding the Lava/Steam ratio in the LHE? -
Friendly reminder:
If you have issues with GT5u please post them on github. friendly url: https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/issues
Particularly for questions regarding the LHE, turbines, boilers, anything I've overhauled.
If this doesn't work for you you can always feel free to PM me or hunt me down on the FTB forum where I regularly handle GT5u inquiries. I don't follow this thread and don't see updates here (other than reading anything Blood himself posts)
Thanks and happy Wednesday!
More Wiki! http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Oil_Driling_Rig
That is a very very good description of an Multiblock in GT.
. But the tooltip description for the multiblock is incorrect, it says it needs a fluid input hatch! ....About the oil. The 96x96 oil source...will it be like in buildcraft->real oilblocks, or is it a mathematically calculated chance of oil in this 96x96 area( not real oilblocks)
Ahh, right. Dark Oak, acardia and all mod logs do not work currently. I plan to update it using oredict soon.
Right, thanks for clearing that up. -
I see. Component HHeat Vent is still uncraftable, regardless of combination of materials shown in NEI. Thanks.
After logging out and restarting the launcher to log into my world, Component Heat Vent is now craftable. Weird. -
To build an oil cracking unit, you need polyethylene, but to get that, you need a cracking unit for naptha? Or did I miss something in NEI?
You can distill oil directly into naptha. The cracking unit is only needed to break down fuel types you do not need into others. For example, 100L Heavy oil only yield 10L Naptha, with help of the cracking unit, you can rise that number up to 50L+.
Asp when you say the turbine has other work arounds surely you're not referring to the needs maintenance cover being able to talk to a machine controller on the opposite side right? Automating a multiblock means controlling it with an arbitrary external redstone signal.
Just turn off it's steam/fuel supply and it will quickly stop. Should be as easy as direct access to controller.
What about getting a needs maintenance or activity signal out to that shutter/machine controller?
You can distill oil directly into naptha. The cracking unit is only needed to break down fuel types you do not need into others. For example, 100L Heavy oil only yield 10L Naptha, with help of the cracking unit, you can rise that number up to 50L+.
Thanks for the pointer. Missed that bit in NEI, way past bedtime...... -
What about getting a needs maintenance or activity signal out to that shutter/machine controller?
The maintainance cover also emits an signal on the opposite side that can be used by an transmitter there. For activity it is needed to check the input hatch.