[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.

  • It's a tough call whether that's a bug. On the one hand, the forming press shouldn't require extra materials that aren't required by the inscriber press (e.g. the polyethylene used for making an empty circuit board). On the other hand, making the other circuits in the forming press requires extra pre-processing compared to the inscriber press (e.g. gold plate instead of gold ingot, diamond plate instead of diamond gem), so applying that to printed silicon makes it more consistent than before.

    On a slight tangent, what gives you the idea that the AE2 inscriber press is "bloody slow"? In my survival game, without any acceleration cards, it only took just over 5 seconds per process, which is on par with the MV-tier GT forming press for circuits and printed silicon. For making the processors, an LV assembler would be slightly faster, so you might have a point for that part.

  • It's a tough call whether that's a bug. On the one hand, the forming press shouldn't require extra materials that aren't required by the inscriber press (e.g. the polyethylene used for making an empty circuit board). On the other hand, making the other circuits in the forming press requires extra pre-processing compared to the inscriber press (e.g. gold plate instead of gold ingot, diamond plate instead of diamond gem), so applying that to printed silicon makes it more consistent than before.

    On a slight tangent, what gives you the idea that the AE2 inscriber press is "bloody slow"? In my survival game, without any acceleration cards, it only took just over 5 seconds per process, which is on par with the MV-tier GT forming press for circuits and printed silicon. For making the processors, an LV assembler would be slightly faster, so you might have a point for that part.

    I agree with the pre-processing, but silicon already requires a blast furnace, which is much more expensive than gold ingots to plates or even diamond, which is just energy input.

    I am probably thinking of manually running the inscriber press, which I found to be tedious and annoying. I admit to not having used cards, having bailed and moved into GT machines only for my processing facility. Perhaps with some tweaking on my part, the inscriber press would be fine, but ti does not fit in with the "feel" off my processing plan and facility. That is simply personal preference, but the appearance of inconsistency in the processing of materials strikes me as off when comparing silicon to gold, diamond and quartz.

  • In GT 5.08.29, Silicon plate on a HV forming press works (didn't tried the MV one).
    I don't know what or why changed, but you can always use minetweaker to add it back.

  • Hmm, i did use the empty circuit board for AE2 silicon in 5.09? That was not planned... But for all other circuits it was certainy intended. Adding plastic everywhere. There are still 3 more types of plastics missing that need to be used in recipes soon. ;)

    I see, thanks for the clarification. Not sure how I feel about that, but then, I'm a "get off my lawn" kind of player. Cheers

  • Not a requirement but Gregtech could have admin commands and some stats.

    * List Gregtech machine (ticking) tiles per username/UUID and get total and average count/tile type ticking load,
    * Same for all server and per dimension
    * retrieve a given tile location

    Fun stats:
    - Total current GT EU consumed in server/per player and since map start
    - GT Ores mined
    - Total Machines runtime / per machine / per machine tier ...
    - JSON Export stats or listening HTTP socket POST/GET JSON API

    Gregtech management:
    - Commands to enable/disable/reset/empty/fix defect a given GT Machine tile, dump machine state data.
    - Commands to remove a specific user owned GT Tiles. Tag queue removal request so tile block is replaced by air at the next ticking event (don't try to remove/unloaded tiles)

  • Odd question but... Do solar panels attached to Steam turbines (or other power-producing machines) contribute to the output? Might be a useful way to counteract efficiency loss.

    Also, how do you 'recharge' an LZH or RSH condensator? I can't seem to combine redstone or lapis with them in my crafting grid or a workbench. Am I missing something?


    Quoted from "zorn":
    People can't handle losing. Lots of new games are like this. My son's Lego games? You die and respawn on the spot, just lose a bit of money. It's made so that anyone can win, even the worst players. Like TE, or EU. They say that IC2 is 'keeping them from moving on' but can never say what that is. In reality they just failed, blew up a bunch of stuff, and their fragile egos couldn't take it so they gravitate towards mods designed to guarantee that you succeed.

    Edited once, last by axlegear ().

  • Running 09.06

    I am having trouble crafting the component heat vent, 4442. It calls for a Heat Vent 4439, but by crafting I can only make the 4439:1. In reading posts on other fora, I have tried solutions of placing them in a reactor and removing them, or placing them in a crafting grid and removing them, but they remain the 4439:1 version, and are unusable in the recipe for 4442. I do not see mention of this issue in this forum, but may have missed it as search is awkward.

    Any suggestion as to what I might be doing wrong, or a workaround if this is indeed a problem? Cheers

  • Ic2 changed the recipe about 2 weeks ago to need meta 1 vents trat craft.
    I fixed gt compat in the latest GT update, but as i was late, many allready added minetweaker scripts against that. Maybe you also have a script that now needs to be removed? Or i simply missed one GT recipe to fix.

  • Ic2 changed the recipe about 2 weeks ago to need meta 1 vents trat craft.
    I fixed gt compat in the latest GT update, but as i was late, many allready added minetweaker scripts against that. Maybe you also have a script that now needs to be removed? Or i simply missed one GT recipe to fix.

    I don't use Minetweaker for this very reason, or any other scripting. Could there be something else on my end that would cause this? I seem to be the only one bringing it up, so I assume it is my issue, and not from something you missed. Cheers

  • I removed the Minetweaker scripts and am still having problems.


    Quoted from "zorn":
    People can't handle losing. Lots of new games are like this. My son's Lego games? You die and respawn on the spot, just lose a bit of money. It's made so that anyone can win, even the worst players. Like TE, or EU. They say that IC2 is 'keeping them from moving on' but can never say what that is. In reality they just failed, blew up a bunch of stuff, and their fragile egos couldn't take it so they gravitate towards mods designed to guarantee that you succeed.

  • gregtech_1.7.10-5.09.06
    4 Iron bars and 4 Aluminium plates results in crafting Heat Vent 4222:1
    Heat Vent 4222:1, 4 Iron bars and 4 Tin plates are crafted into Component Heat Vent 4225. And that one, in turn, can be shapelessly crafted into 4225:1.

    I've encountered another weird thing. Attempt to build max size charcoal pile (i.e. 11x11x5) results in some, well, weird freezing of MC. In fact fps and all is fine but it feels like tps is dropping to zero. I've tried waiting for a couple of minutes with no success. Could someone else test it out?

  • To check my side, i have to wait until i'm back from home. Maybe someone else can vertify this earlier than me.

    It seems neutron reflectors need to be checked too.
    Had to add script to make iridium reflector craftable.

    recipes.addShaped(<IC2:reactorReflectorThick:1>,[[null,				<IC2:reactorReflector:1>,		null			], 
    						[<IC2:reactorReflector:1>,	<gregtech:gt.metaitem.01:17008>,	<IC2:reactorReflector:1>], 
    						[null,				<IC2:reactorReflector:1>,		null			]]);

    Ideal Industrial Assembly (IIA) - my pretty hard industrial modpack based on GT5.09

    Идеальная Индустриальная Сборка (ИИС) - довольно сложный сугубо индустриальный модпак, базирующийся на GT5.09


  • gregtech_1.7.10-5.09.06
    4 Iron bars and 4 Aluminium plates results in crafting Heat Vent 4222:1
    Heat Vent 4222:1, 4 Iron bars and 4 Tin plates are crafted into Component Heat Vent 4225. And that one, in turn, can be shapelessly crafted into 4225:1.

    I've encountered another weird thing. Attempt to build max size charcoal pile (i.e. 11x11x5) results in some, well, weird freezing of MC. In fact fps and all is fine but it feels like tps is dropping to zero. I've tried waiting for a couple of minutes with no success. Could someone else test it out?

    4 iron bars and 4 aluminum plates gives me Heat Vent 4439:1 only. I have no option for 4225, not even in NEI
    Running same versions - IC2EXP780 and GT5.09.06

  • A couple of questions:
    1) Do I understand correctly: now LHE converts 1L Hot Coolant into 20L steam or 10L SHS and 1L lava into 160L steam or 80L SHS?
    2) In what order LHE use output hatches? I mean as the position of the hatch affects his place in the queue to fill?
    3) In 5.09 have been changes some tool material properties, whether this affects on the properties of the turbine rotors?
    4.1) In what proportion is converted SHS into steam in HP Turbine?
    4.2) In what proportion is converted steam into distilled water in Turbine?
    4.3) In what proportion is converted distilled water into steam/SHS in LHE?
    5) Guys, who play on 5.09, how it feels? That's really alpha or almost beta?
    laurynasl and Dr.Terr Thanks for answer, will update soon =)
    6)How work Dynamo hatch in situation like: Large Tungstenstell Turbine Optimal flow: 30000L/s; Efficiency: 140; so energy output must be 2100 eu/t and thats need IV Dynamo hatch, so it will output 2100 every tick or will store energy until it can output full 8192 amper?
    Also can anyone test Large Turbine rotors? It seems they have a different efficiency of the declared. I do some test with another size of Turbine rotors and with them it's all right.

  • The number before the :1 is the randomly assingned item id. That will be different for everyone.

    I see. Component HHeat Vent is still uncraftable, regardless of combination of materials shown in NEI. Thanks.