fluid reactor problems

  • My fluid reactor has the problem that the liquid heat exchanger doesnt convert the hot coolant fast enough to normal coolant, wich causes the reactor to overheat.
    What can i do?

    setup:liquid heat exchanger full with conducters, outputs coolant with enderio fluid conduits back to the reactor.

    (fixed), i've didnt used enough vents

  • My fluid reactor has the problem that the liquid heat exchanger doesnt convert the hot coolant fast enough to normal coolant, wich causes the reactor to overheat.
    What can i do?

    setup:liquid heat exchanger full with conducters, outputs coolant with enderio fluid conduits back to the reactor.

    (fixed), i've didnt used enough vents

    good that you got it fixed.. when i have tested this i have found you need a bit more coolent sometimes then you planned :/ because its sometimes outside of the reactor pooled in the exchanger

  • maybe you take too more coolant? There's no space for cold coolant and exchanger won't works!

    Another case - one exchanger can take up to 100 Hu/t, if reactor produces more heat - the overheat is inevitable!

  • You should use more than one heat exchangers, although I don't see how that is viable with IC2 only at the moment.

    using fluid regulators ( which imho should just be made into simple liquid pipes) its possable to use up to 4 on a boiler.. though i don't think it helps to have more then 200 HU/t or increases the steam!

    what i did was have it like the pics i attached!

  • Imho, fluid reactors are unusable until the steam generator is reworked to produce a variable amount of stream from a variable amount of heat rather than fixed 200 hu/t bundles.

    Who says steam is the only way to use fluid reactors? iirc, Stirling generators can handle variable heat, and even if they produce less EU than superheated steam, I'm fairly sure there are designs that output more EU that way than the best EU-reactor designs.

  • Who says steam is the only way to use fluid reactors? iirc, Stirling generators can handle variable heat, and even if they produce less EU than superheated steam, I'm fairly sure there are designs that output more EU that way than the best EU-reactor designs.

    the issue is best bang for buck.. a stirling is just not worth it.. at all unless you don't want the complications of setup and maintaining the turbines!

    one of the main issues is pipping thats not in the mod.. it needs it badly to move things around.. it gets MESSY easily and quickly when you try to take the full output

    • Official Post

    one of the main issues is pipping thats not in the mod.. it needs it badly to move things around.. it gets MESSY easily and quickly when you try to take the full output

    The fluid distributer along with fluid regulator can allow you to form pipe lines, at high flow capacities too.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • The fluid distributer along with fluid regulator can allow you to form pipe lines, at high flow capacities too.

    yes but they cost toooo much for piping..

    gonna try to add a recipie to the ini later on to make the distributor cost less!

    ok i got it working.. added to the INI file

    ; Fluid Distributor
    IC2:blockMachine3@4 = "   |TCT|   " T:IC2:itemTreetap C:IC2:itemCellEmpty

    only issue is it wont show in craft guide propperly but it seems to show in NEI propperly!

    for a pipe imho this is a decent cost.. the original cost imho is just too much :(

    I did find out that adding


    # = anything for a machine causes a crash because you can't make stacks of a machine even though it is stackable ( same for glass fibre cables which i had tried to alter some in the past since i felt the recipie was too stingy)