I'd pitch in for that. Just sayin'.

Kirara Reborn Official Announcement Thread
Hey. Didn't dare showing up in an eternity... For various reasons. No time to explain.
I realise situation is critic and I wanna help.
I receive an e-mail from SoYouStart.
The server is not dead. It has been suspended. If I manage to find the funds within 2 days, and I will do my best, nothing is lost yet.
Keep up hope.
Sorry for everything.
Did... did we just get Arch'd?
So. Talked about it with the GF. We can't afford it at the current time. Perhaps a minuscule portion should some be missing.
So I'm asking you all this. If you want Kirara to stay alive and get all the old data back...
Best you can do to help me right now is send some money my way.
Fee for the server is around 60 CAD, or 45 USD. If I manage to raise that amount in the next 2 days, I will reopen the server and will keep on paying it for the months that will follow.
If you wanna help, please send something my way on paypal @ katrine.robin @ hotmail.com
Should I not be able to amass sufficient funds, I will resend you all that you sent me in 2 days, once the limit has been reached.
Should I be able to, I will refund you STILL starting from next month, should you want it, starting by the highest contributors.
I'm sorry to have to ask this, but this is the best I can do.
I hope you'll understand.
Much love, Arch.
EDIT : Come say "Hi !" to me on the IRC, should you feel like it. I'll be on 24/24 for the next two days. -
Big thanks to Diolas for the support. You rock.
While your contributions are still needed... I borrowed more money AGAIN...
Kirara is back online.
Booted it and everything. All seems fine.
I love you all. <3
I love you all. <3
Seems like you came back just in time Arch -
nice to see that you are alive again.
Wrote to Arch - offered free of charge hosting - may the force be with us
Hello, I'll be playing this afternoon, what mod should be updated? Gt5u is already updated on my side
This thread should die now. Switching back to the original one.
This thread is alive once more. I'll try to keep the modlist up to date. The latest updates are in green.
Would it be possible to set coal dust for use in the coke oven and/or bronze blast furnace?
The bronze blast furnace has its recipes hardcoded.
How about allowing it in the coke oven then to make coke, or if that's overpowered then someway to change coal dust to coal (compressor?)
Updated: industrialcraft-2-2.2.821-experimental
Hi! I'm requesting to be whitelisted. I didn't see an application template, but I'd love to join Kirara. My username is Gottwie.
Server gone or just down?
Contact me if this server gets wiped, and ppl start on a fresh, I'll probably be rdy to Rock'n'roll again
Was there an update that I'm not seeing? I keep getting an error trying to log on.