[Addon V1.112]Modular Force Field System Version (SSP/SMP)

  • I must be getting old, blind or ignorant that I didn't see that one. Thanks anyway ;)

  • Just curious, can you set up a system that kills monsters inside the "dome"? I think I saw that in a very early release(might not be this mod), but that was ages ago so things might have changed? Back then the "thing" had a creeper face on it if i recall?

  • Just curious, can you set up a system that kills monsters inside the "dome"? I think I saw that in a very early release(might not be this mod), but that was ages ago so things might have changed? Back then the "thing" had a creeper face on it if i recall?

    hm Mob Defence Upgrade for Projektor ?

  • Sorry, I loved MFFS back when it was a forcefield core, EU injector, containment field, etc.
    I just recently updated to this one and I have NO freaking clue what I am doing. I have an EU Extractor, MFFS Projector but when I try to put in an ID Card so I can link it, nothing happens...

    This comes with no documentation on how to use it since the updates. I would help you write the wiki page too but I dont know ANYTHING about the updates to be able to do that.

  • Sorry, I loved MFFS back when it was a forcefield core, EU injector, containment field, etc.
    I just recently updated to this one and I have NO freaking clue what I am doing. I have an EU Extractor, MFFS Projector but when I try to put in an ID Card so I can link it, nothing happens...

    This comes with no documentation on how to use it since the updates. I would help you write the wiki page too but I dont know ANYTHING about the updates to be able to do that.


    start help from Direwolf 20.... its 80% still up to date

    or.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QesuHHvu2A Ep 64 and the following

  • Thank you Thunderdark.
    I tried looking for it in DW's videos but they lack descriptions. lol

    If I learn enough of this I will help you out with your wiki. ;]

  • Does anyone know a good way to make a End base without having all the enderman drain all the power instantly. It seems that there is no way to block the spawn in a area and they just add up way way to fast.

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    Check out Our Brand New GT New Horizons Let's Play Series .:Here:.

  • Hi all,

    Love this mod, have to agree that a wiki would be nice for those not as adept at testing/discovering.

    I've read the 1st 15 and last 15 pages of this thread, and watched many many LPs on youtube, and can't find out how to create a personal ID card... For that matter, I'm not even sure the system will do what it sounds like it does, i.e. install a card reader that will admit ppl past the FF once swiping the card. How incredibly far off track am I?


  • Heya, I have a problem with your mod.

    I built a forcefield under water, added the Security Station etc BUT when I try to teleport through it I get "obstacle detected". So the code seems to see water as an obstacle when it shouldn't.
    Please fix this because underwater forcefields are super cool. :3

    Have a blank card in your inventory, get the multi tool, sneak rightclick unilt it's an ID card thingie and then rightclick it, put the new card into the security station.

  • Heya, I have a problem with your mod.

    I built a forcefield under water, added the Security Station etc BUT when I try to teleport through it I get "obstacle detected". So the code seems to see water as an obstacle when it shouldn't.
    Please fix this because underwater forcefields are super cool. :3

    add in next Version...

  • Does anyone know a good way to make a End base without having all the enderman drain all the power instantly. It seems that there is no way to block the spawn in a area and they just add up way way to fast.

    Half-slabs or stairs or any other transparent block or is flagged non-spawnable (Aluminum blocks or xycraft blocks / bricks if you have it). Or light. Endermen still follow regular hostile mob spawning rules in that regard. Using forcefields and/or security stations only I'd say get more power generation as my only suggestion. Lol.

  • BSEUNHIR - Thank you!!

    Unfortunately the second part of my post applies even more. What I pictured and what I have are far from the same. I've linked the security station to my projector and placed it right outside the FF. I was expecting to click or right-click on the station with the card and see the FF go down or something. Yeah I was pretty far off... Did I miss something in the 40 middle pages of this thread on the mechanics here?

    No one has to answer - I already feel dumb cuz it looks like no one else is asking these questions... Is this the wrong thread for this?


  • Ah SQUIRREL! attacks again Zaromas; I was too one-track minded to see your original post. Not quite how things function. Right-clicking the forcefield itself with a multitool set to the correct setting will allow/deny entry for those with permissions. ID cards are used in conjunction with the security station to set permissions on a per-user basis (aside from the creator of said forcefield setup of course).

    The external ID reader I believe (the rest of this is speculation as I don't play on any servers) functions in that someone who wishes some sort of access can pass their ID card that they made to some attached storage without exposing the storage block to the outside world. i.e. placing the ID reader outside the forcefield setup.

    However, looking at (the latest as of this post) that external ID reader no longer exists in NEI.

  • Modular ForceField System Version* for MC 1.4.6 will be release soon only wait for some other mods like IC2 and Buildcraft...

    loot of small / BIG code improvements THX to ->Matchlighter<-for the supporting
    loot of Bug fixing THX to ->Lightone<- fo Bughunting

    Expand Security System by add new Access Card Licens https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5vpfl53whegwzr/newCard.jpg
    Security Station and Capacitor can now have a Name (visible in Tooltip of Security Card and PowerLink Card)
    Add a Admin Powerlink Card infinite ForceEnergy for use in AdvanceMaps or for Testing
    Add a new Projector Typ to make sloping wall ForceFields
    PowerCyrstals can now use as a Powersource in devices like Convertor, DefenseStation, Projector (restriction Jammer and FieldFusion not work with a direct Powersource)
    add a small Guild Function to the Multi Tool wird expand it Part for Part (collected suggestions which would be interesting inside) to Time VersionCheck and a Forcecium Page..

    I know that all demand a wiki..but I think that my English is not knowledgeable enough to create a good one.
    if someone with more talent will there want to help out ..I will be happy to answer questions and explain things


  • Love the mod so far.


    Any way you can set up the defence station to emit a redstone signal when it has to do any of the actions that have been selected. For example, if you have it set to inform/kill a player when they enter the range of the device, it will emit a redstone signal, which you can then use to activate your projector (as long as it is in the redstone activate setting). This way the defence station can also allow you to dictate when your forcefield comes on, so as to not have to have it running constantly.

  • I can't wait. Looks like player setup a Jenkins it was posted on IC/Dire IRC channels by both Player and Richard. Looks like life is great!

    Check out Our Brand New GT New Horizons Server .:Here:.
    Check out Our Brand New GT New Horizons Let's Play Series .:Here:.

  • Love the mod so far.


    Any way you can set up the defence station to emit a redstone signal when it has to do any of the actions that have been selected. For example, if you have it set to inform/kill a player when they enter the range of the device, it will emit a redstone signal, which you can then use to activate your projector (as long as it is in the redstone activate setting). This way the defence station can also allow you to dictate when your forcefield comes on, so as to not have to have it running constantly.

    think about a central control system for all