Name:\ James
MC Forum nick:\ jcj94
Timezone:\ -4 GMT (eastern)
Position:\ Sound or Sprites, possibly Modeling.
Previous experience:\ I'm decent with Ableton Live 8 and NI Massive for creating mechanical noises for sound and I am semi-decent at java programming (I've done a little bit with First Robotics), and I'm not exactly a 'wizard' with GIMP or image manipulation software, but I'm decent at MC Sprites and skins (to an extent..) I am the originator of the MetroidMod (for 1.2.3, Haven't updated it yet due to school bogging me down, but believe me I'm right on top of it), so I have at least a small amount of MC experience.
Skype: lelouch_reborn
Most likely and easily contacted on skype, if there isn't any need, welp, Oh well.