The fence works as described going up but I cannot go down it after. I did the crouch / left shift but my guy wont leave the block and if I do it on the ladder it wont go down. I also tried to crouch jump onto the pole with the same result. What am I doing wrong here?
Iron Fence / Magnatizer Issue
Boots equipped && Pole Powered:
You will be pulled upwards, holding shift will reduce the pull-up.!Boots equpped || !Pole Powered:
You will slide down, holding shift will slow the slide down. -
Thank you very much for the reply but that made no sense to me. Could you explain what the symbols are?
Ow, my bad ^^' It's logic Syntax.
! (***)
means "if *** is not true"&&
means "and"||
means "or" -
Ah I see, thank you for the explanation
Ow, my bad ^^' It's logic Syntax.
! (***)
means "if *** is not true"&&
means "and"||
means "or"Thought I'd give my two
These operators are the major logic syntaxes used in many a programming language (All the way from Java to Bash Scripting (I know Bash is in a completely different league; don't bash me))
In layman's terms:
If you have the boots on and the pole is powered, you can't slide down. You have to take off the boots or turn off the pole.
I may have to look into redstoning my pole - but sadly, the magnetizer is 4 stories from the top or bottom of it and the wall is one block thick... so it'd be an ugly wiring job.
I've grown to steadily hate the poles more and more. I'm seriously thinking of just installing teleporter pads where my poles are.
Hmmm.... hadn't thought of that! It's a definite possiblity. And with the pads only being about 50m apart in my base, I can't imagine it would use much energy.
Direwolf's video had implied that you could power a teleporter with a dedicated MFE. Is this true? I would rather not waste resources on a pair of dedicated MFSUs when the power usage would not warrant it.
The cost per teleportation is something like 20K * block distance. 1M per teleport isn't all /that/ much. (Ok, it's not something I'd want to do over and over; but once in a while is fine.)
he power used by the teleporter depends on A) What is being teleported and B) How far it is going.Below is (Hopefully) the formula's for teleportation costs.
Cost to teleport an Animal: Distance * 100
Cost to teleport a Mob: Distance * 500
Cost to teleport a Player: Distance * (1000 + Inventory + Armor)
Inventory: For each non empty slot add (100 * Current stack size) / Max stack size
Armor: For each equipped armor add 100.
Teleporting a player with only chest armor, boots, 64 cobblestone and 20 dirt for 15 distance.
Base cost: 1000
Inventory cost: Cobblestone(100 * 64/64) + Dirt(100 * 20/64) = 131.25
Armor cost: Chest(100) + Boots(100)
Player weight: 1000 + 131.25 + 200 = 1331.25
Total: 1331.25 * 15 (Distance) = 19,968.75 EU
With a totally full inventory, and full armor, it takes 5k energy per block.
1k + 100*4 (armor) + 100 * 36 (9 * 4 is inventory) = 1k + 400 + 3600 = 5k.
So your estimate is a bit high.
Somehow however, I thought it took the square-root of the distance, making it far more efficient at higher ranges, but apparently I was either mistaken, or it was changed.
it no longer root distance have limit of min20 and will charge for every item in stack inside inventory, teleportation to minimum range with full inventory of stones already not possible with single MSFU.
portal underpowered in current state, it shoud allow teleport if any of sides have power and require 10-100 times less energy.
you keep single portal and frecdevice inside inventory, place it anywhere you want and able to teleport back home, later on you able to teleport back.
I just wish I could get F4113nb34st's Personal Teleporters mod to work for me - when it works it's great, but in spite of all the fixes it still telports me into the Void sometimes.
I don't necessarily need to go between A and B (or back and forth), just to be able to get back to base. And 1M per use is reasonable but still not a casual expense.
Wait, it counts every item instead of 'the stack' as one item? I haven't actually set this up.
There's also the fact that I can't seem to figure out how to 'side down the pole' in SMP. (Boots off == me fall and die. My pole /is/ abusing the space between it and RP2 tubes for my movement though... is open space outside the pole block required?)
Wait, it counts every item instead of 'the stack' as one item? I haven't actually set this up.
There's also the fact that I can't seem to figure out how to 'side down the pole' in SMP. (Boots off == me fall and die. My pole /is/ abusing the space between it and RP2 tubes for my movement though... is open space outside the pole block required?)
If you're sitting in between two blocks, it may happen to only trigger the collision code of one of both, not sure about that. But it COULD cause you to fall like described
Having a single pole seems a bit annoying; maybe it could be a kind of chute instead? A square man-cage that can't be fallen out of would be nice. Though as soon as RP2 has frames it won't really matter for me anymore.
I'd like something like that as well. Also, I'd like to be able to use it for traveling up and down. Not sure how to control that except with redstone at the magnetizer itself (if that even works).
If it's a block I must stand adjacent to, the pole is not the best option. I can't put it in the wall (unless the wall is thicker than one block, I'll have this gap in it).
This is a great idea but it needs further implementation. An elevator or lift of some kind would be better.
Does anyone remember the old hidden water elevators, where you could put falling water in a corner behind a wall and shoot upwards? Something that had the same effect is what I am seeking. The hole in each floor was only one block, making it eaier to step off at the desired floor.
also pole dont work for bukkit version and possibly for vanilla if two or more players attempt to use it at same time (it will break clientside in this case, rejoinn and it work again)