I could make it just shoot mobs easily, but what about SMP? Should it let griefers through? I am accepting ideas on how to do the targeting

[Addon v1.112]DeFencev3.3.2
I am thinking that turrets will be a block that will shoot mobs that come within range of it, and the high resistance of the wire is to keep griefers from breaking and living it if they get stuck in it
If you add torrents, can you make a way to disable them? - i don't want them, Although some sort of huge watchtower would be nice - you just place the block, rightclick, and it turns into a huge thing with a ladder and stuff already -
yes I'll make a way to disable them, and I'll make a mobile tower, but it will not be huge
I could make it just shoot mobs easily, but what about SMP? Should it let griefers through? I am accepting ideas on how to do the targeting
hmm... switchable via UI? mobs or everyone but the "owner"?
not sure how feasible that would be, just tossing out ideas. -
yes that would probably be the best idea, or maybe If I can do this, I need to look at the code to be sure, I could make it let you type in names to not shoot
It would be nice if the turrets fire at player too, but how TheEnlightened just say its better you can disable them. Maybe with some kind of a remote.
Hey! faithful texture pack now supports this mod!
Before you add any of that other stuff, do you mind adding a simple edit to the barbed wire fence so it only damages entity.living and not entity.item or whatever the item entity is? Because it's annoying when you surround some guy in barbed wire fence and then you don't get his stuff because it gets eaten by the fence.
Also, I would suggest working on turrets as a second-priority sorta thing because they're a lot harder to code. And I would suggest using an uninsulated HV cable crafted with a fence to make electric fence.
ok I will add in the barbedwire fence edit for the next update
another edit for the next update is I am taking out the ability to walk on barbedwire fences without damage
also yes right now electric fences and a "secret project"
are higher on the list than turrets so don't worry
Maybe you could use some of the code from personal chest, so it will only fire at other players.
Anyway, cool mod/ic2 addon
hey can u PLEASE!!!! update this to v1.42 on mc 1.0.0
hey can u PLEASE!!!! update this to v1.42 on mc 1.0.0
1.43 instead please :3
oh my god i
Not updated yet
all in due time my friends, lots of new stuff in 1.0.0, means lots of existing code to change
i will try to get everything updated by this weekend
thanks do you think you could make a addon that has a garage door and you open it with a remote like a trumpet or something
there is already a mod like that although i forgot the name, try googling it
i want that mod cuz it adds garages and gates and roads and vehicles but then i ya tthats were your epic addon comes in
i want that mod cuz it adds garages and gates and roads and vehicles but then i ya tthats were your epic addon comes in
The mods you are looking for are TheThirdMike's mods. TheThirdMike's mods
However, theyre outdated to 1.8.1 for now D: