I have 2 questions
1. How can we turn the Industrial Craft sounds quiter but not turn them off completely?
2. Will the sounds of IC2 Minecraft 1.0.0 be quieter because it does hurt our ears
I have 2 questions
1. How can we turn the Industrial Craft sounds quiter but not turn them off completely?
2. Will the sounds of IC2 Minecraft 1.0.0 be quieter because it does hurt our ears
are you using IC2 1.337b? then go to ic2.cfg inside the .minecraft/config folder and change the
I put mines at 16 - cuts sounds down in half
Yes, that controls the number of "voices" - separate sounds that can play at the same time. It doesn't make any one of them "quieter" per se, but it does reduce the overall din.
BTW Streetstar, nice to see you updated you avatar here!
You still have sounds enabled? I outright just disabled it and will likely keep it that way. Apart from them being too loud, they were also the source of most of the bugs that disrupted my initial experiences. Thanks for reminding me to give out advice to disable them to new users.
Yeah, I ran with IC sounds off for a while but I really missed the immersion. It's so... bleak without them!
I personally agree with the top poster; I have had sounds still go on when I save and quit to title and am on the main menu screen!
I can't update though; Not until BioDiamonds and Iron Chest are updated!
I personally agree with the top poster; I have had sounds still go on when I save and quit to title and am on the main menu screen!
I can't update though; Not until BioDiamonds and Iron Chest are updated!
err... read the various threads, most addons work fine with 1.337b
I'm running a whole bunch of 1.23 addons, including iron chests.
I changed my Industrial sounds off after my first machine in Industrial Craft The MACERATOR
But it is very lame to have no sounds for the machines at all -.-
The reason the sounds are so loud is because they don't integrate correctly with the minecraft volume slider. I hate to admit it, but even I have them turned off at the minute for SMP and I miss them terribly.
The reason the sounds are so loud is because they don't integrate correctly with the minecraft volume slider. I hate to admit it, but even I have them turned off at the minute for SMP and I miss them terribly.
The sound guy not listening to his sounds?! Blasphemy!!!!
But yes the sounds have annoyed me to that point as well.
Can't you just open the IC jar file and extract the sounds directory in common, use a free ogg sound editor and lower the volume on those sounds that bother you the most? Or even replace them with other sounds that are more soothing? Like a silent "humm" for generators etc.
You can - and I have. A couple of sounds were starting to get annoying - so I replaced them with ones that sounded fitting but were easier on the ears.