Suggestion : Photosynthesis!

  • Alblaka, I have an idea for you. You should make a machine (I don't know what to call it) that when it's surrounded by leaves on the top and 4 sides, it produces 1 EU per tick, or 1/5 the amount that solar panels produce. When adjacent to the machine, the leaves have the same requirements as the solar panels do. Just an idea that I had, please reply back to me concerning whether or not it is possible/practical. If you completely dismiss it, I would understand, you probably have dozens of ideas that are way better!

    :Uranium: :Cable: :Uranium:
    :Tin Dust: :Generator: :Tin Dust:
    :Uranium: :Cable: :Uranium:

    :Uranium: =Leaves
    :Tin Dust: =Sugar (a byproduct of photosynthesis IRL. Something inside me said it needed to be included in the recipe :D )

  • your post is going to be deleted. Pro-tip use this form for your title. And read this.

    "Suggestion : Photosynthesis "

    and you will get banned for asking for an estimate on release dates. Might want to edit your post. Link to page about asking for release dates.

    I5 2500K | 4GB Cosair Vengence | Radeon 6850 | Rosewill 600w PSU | GigaByte Z68MA | CM Elite 311 | Dell 19" 720p (upgrading soon!)| Hitachi 500 GB 7200 HDD | LG 24X |Windows 7 (Genuine!)
    Alblaka in a Lightning Rod suggestion thread...[/size]

  • This idea is effectively a weakened version of a sub-cell solar panel with collector design.
    I propose that the lighting check be removed in favor of the following.

    In a tree trunk, which still has a log section above, which is surrounded by 8 leaf blocks. The generator might have a single output face which faces each side, but that's not strictly necessary since the combinations I'd prefer to limit it to area already done so by it's rules for selecting surrounding bio-generators for it's power.

  • Doesnt Photosynthesis also need sunlight (Or at least a strong light) to produce energy?

    If you read all of what I typed, you'd see that I said that when adjacent to the Photocolector, leaves have the same requirements as solar panels. This means they need a clear view of the sky, and only function during the day.

  • This idea is effectively a weakened version of a sub-cell solar panel with collector design.
    I propose that the lighting check be removed in favor of the following.

    I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying...

  • What you are suggesting its a cheaper Solar Generator but that consumes 5 times the space for the same EU generation?

    Essentially, yes. And with 5 leaves plus the collector, that would actually be 6 times the space. :3 But yes, that's what I'm saying. I could make the Photocollector harder to craft if that might help...

  • Essentially, yes. And with 5 leaves plus the collector, that would actually be 6 times the space. :3 But yes, that's what I'm saying. I could make the Photocollector harder to craft if that might help...

    i dont think photosynthesis can be used to produce energy , sorry , its as likely to work as nuclear fusion inside a lightbulb xD
    It's a nice idea , but i think keeping the "Realism" in industrialcraft it inst exactly what you want :3
    (For the quantum suit , suits of armour exist in real , there are boots that make you run 2 times as fast , and there are scuba suits)

  • Ohhhhh, :Matter: got :Matter: it. :Matter: But :Matter: not :Matter: to :Matter: make:Matter: you:Matter: mad:Matter: or:Matter: anything,:Matter: but:Matter: in:Matter: real:Matter: life,:Matter: there:Matter: is:Matter: definately:Matter: a:Matter: substance:Matter: that:Matter: can:Matter: be :Matter:formed:Matter: into :Matter:certain:Matter: quantities:Matter: and:Matter: certain:Matter: shapes:Matter: to:Matter: make:Matter: just:Matter: about:Matter: anything:Matter: valuable.:Matter: Definately.:Matter: :/:Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter::Matter:

  • Don't like this idea. >_> It's a solar panel that takes up more space. I really don't see any reason this would be useful at all over solar panels other than a slightly cheaper design.