Yes I want to say the reason I'm posting this now is because how bad things have been going with Advance Machines. IC has added many other mods that were made for IC with a lot less popularity and this ones probably one the more easier ones let alone great on server and I would assume client performance.
Having lets say 2000 Solar Panels sending out 2000 x 1 tick is pretty costly to cpu time. VS 4 x 512. What this means is instead of 2000 packets being sent out per tick I assume this would only be sending out 4 packets per tick and that is sure a save on cpu usage on calculations.
Please before you turn this into a debate there is nothing to debate about. This is pretty damn legit besides some missing tin and if that is an issue then make us construct something special for the center I don't care the whole point of this is to make it newbie friendly but to actually save on performance.
I think to many Admins are stuck with 1.0 and etc and getting tired of how bugging Advance Machines have come and it looks like the Author might have retired as well and rather then always relaying on third party I think it be nice to bring it into the IC Core. (as a option in the config)
Please refer to the advance machines mod with an example of what they are like:
LV Solar Array:
Where = Solar Panel and
= LV Transformer
Outputs 8 EU/t
MV Solar Array:
Where = LV Solar Array and
= MV Transformer
Outputs 64 EU/t
HV Solar Array:
Where = MV Solar Array and
= HV Transformer
Outputs 512 EU/tick