[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Machines 1.1.6

  • http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/35/20121222105849.png/

    go view the picture for my crippling bug. The rotary macerator is attached to nothing. I put a stack of cobble in it FIRST, and then a fully charged battery in the battery slot. It tries to process 1 cobble, but stops receiving power from the battery one the processing starts. Please help, this bug will completely kill my logistic factory :(

    edit: a transformer upgrade fixes the problem.... but this is for a regular tier 1 battery...
    Edit 2: apparently, the transformer has some weird bug where you need +1 transformer upgrades for the machine to accept power from batteries (ie 2 for mv energy crystal instead of 1, 3 for a lapitron crystal or hv energy instead of 2)

  • I'm getting a class not found exception on the macerator and general machine. This is using the latest version.

    Contents of the crash report file are in the next post, this one is too long. There's also a few little irrelevant parts cut out.


    It has become a little stubbly. Implement facial hair growth in IC²? Vision continuously grows more furry until you shave. (approx once every 2 minecraft days ;P)

    Steve shaves with his chainsaw.
    Check out Factorio- A game where you build a factory from scratch.

  • Quote

    It has become a little stubbly. Implement facial hair growth in IC²? Vision continuously grows more furry until you shave. (approx once every 2 minecraft days ;P)

    Steve shaves with his chainsaw.
    Check out Factorio- A game where you build a factory from scratch.

  • Please, read your crash report. In particular these lines

    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ic2/snyke7/advMachine/TileAdvMacerator

    at ic2.snyke7.AdvancedMachinesCore.load(AdvancedMachinesCore.java:53)

    Then look at the title of this thread. Then back to me. I'm on a horse. *prances off*

  • i have found a spammy bug when i was maceratoring and cooking my dusts in the induction furnace all are hooked up to a cable and the electrical engine is sucking the materials from the macerator to the induction furnace. here is a picture "i have tried moving cables around but does not work as you can see". and this spamming message only appears on servers as i can tell so far from the servers console.

    the error: 2012-12-24 04:10:44 [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntitySingularityCompressor@77ebc867 diden't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

    http://imgur.com/hMBJ6 a link to the image also

  • The .112 builds

    we have tried .112 builds from 170 to 178 all of them spams the log with:
    [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntitySingularityCompressor@77ebc867 diden't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

    • Official Post

    we have tried .112 builds from 170 to 178 all of them spams the log with:
    [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntitySingularityCompressor@77ebc867 diden't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

    Its fun how demandsEnergy() can't even return true; in newer Versions. The boolean has been replaced with an Integer.

  • So is there a fix to this, I can't tell if this is making flashy world holes that are there for a split second or if its my Rp2 timer and retriever system from it...
    The problem thats spamming my server log is:
    [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntityCentrifugeExtractor@321d03cf didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy although demandsEnergy() remained true.

  • Came home my new 1.4.6 test server with 250mb of text file of this.

    2012-12-27 19:59:46 [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntitySingularityCompressor@786901af didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
    2012-12-27 19:59:46 [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntityCentrifugeExtractor@349153af didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

    Using the most recent version of everything.

    Just saying, even though others posted... it was a massive file. Was like watching the matrix.

  • AtomicStryker:
    Found a nasty bug that apparently has been around a while now. I've reduced it to only the machines in this mod.

    If you place a machine, then upgrade that machine with a transformer upgrade, and then remove power, move machine, but later add an MV/HV carrying cable anywhere around the previously occupied block, there is an explosion.

    I'm guessing when the machine is removed, there is still some data left behind in that block's location.

    It may have to be a 'warmed up' machine, I haven't gone too much further into testing it, but it is easily repeatable.

  • hey,

    The servers terminal goes nuts when I try to cook something in a furnace that is connected to an glassfiber cable this is what I get:
    [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityInduction@5367f6 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

    can you look into that?

    thanks on behave,
    have a nice day.

  • This is an IC2 thing not just advanced machines. update IC2