Suggestion: Quantum World Accelerator.

  • over the weekend i had players on my server going AFK for 18 hours while they slept and then went to work. in this time the solar panels powering a small section of my house kept going off at night and the battery would fully drain since i couldn;t sleep in a bed. that's when i realized. i would gladly put a device, now known as a Quantum World Accelerator, in my MassFab facility in order to skip days or nights as needed. so here is my idea.

    a Quantum World Accelerator would store a specific ammount of energy, i'm thinking 3 million, and would discharge all energy in it to skip through the night time as though everyone was in a bed, or it you applied a redstone current it would skip the day time, forcing it to stay night so you could run through the fields and kill enemies manually for gunpower and other misc items. the recipe could be something like this. 2 iridium plates, 4 advanced alloys, 1 advanced machine, 2 advanced circuits.

    :Metal Block::Electronic Circuit::Metal Block:
    :Iridium::Advanced Machine::Iridium:
    :Metal Block::Electronic Circuit::Metal Block:

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    So they are not using the bed because of being AFK. At least i could do that with a tiny Java-Program that let me rightklick the Bed constantly so that i'm sleeping every night. I hope i can join as soon as possible, but i must wait.

    An extra device for changing Daytime? That's too much EE.

  • it would have basically the exact same effect as forcing everyone lay in a bed. it's not all that magical, lol. think of it more like New York City, "the city that never sleeps". with this decive that would become literal. :D

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • i think ya'll are just to tied up on EE because it's "magical". EE is overpowered and rediculous, specially if it was for SMP. this idea is Scientific, not magical, and is not overpowered in any way. think of it as a Time Machine not a magical device that forces the sun to move faster. this machine could be anything from a global stasus generator that simply "locks" everyone minds in Limbo, causing no one to remember the night ever appearing, or could be a MASSIVELY powered electrical engine that forces the world to spin faster;. there isn't anything "magical" about those ideas.

    furthermore: EE cannot be used on SMP, nor would i add it even if it was. there is nothing overpowering about this idea and it is a relatively simple thing to code. also it's not the fact that it's a "day changing Device" it's a fact that it'd be usefull to have so that if there are 8 people on a server you don;t have to make them all Log-out or scatter to a Bed in order to skip the nighttime, and that's IF they are even capable of logging out due to being AFK during the more Played Hours of my server, 4pm-10ppm USCentral time.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • Oh really? Scientific? I would love to read the whole tesis on how to achieve the world to rotate at a accelerated speed at the whim of a single machine.

    Also EE has been recently ported to SMP iirc.

    *facepalm* re-read the above post.

    Thesis on World and Mind Altering Mechanical Units

    Many people wonder to this day if it is possible to scientifically change the time of Day on a planet. i believe this is possible with the innovation of several machines but i will merely propose 2 innovations on the matter at hand. both of which being feasable, specially the smaller the world is for one of these wonderful machines. first of which is a World Accelerating Turbine Styled Engine, and second of which is a Solar Operated Mind Stasus Emitter. these will be described in the following paragraphs.

    The World Accelerating Turbine Engine, always know as a WATE Unit is a power device that resembles much of what you would assume a Jet Engine to look like, this device uses Millions of Watts to force enough air through its blades at such a velocity that it causes the planet to spin within it's own atmosphere. it then reverts directions after a very brief period to slow the world back down to its original and natural planetary rotation. this device could be very possible after significant amount of Research and Development.

    The Solar Operated Mind Status Emitter, also know as a SOME (pronouced: soe mee) is a powerful and mechanical device that emits high ammount of radio and energy waves to interupt the human mental thought process causing temporarly unconciously. the individual have little to no recollection of the event apart from waking up on the ground, Much like to the movie known as Dark City. this device's operation is halted by a tiny Photo-Optic Cell that detects solar energy causing it to shut off during the day. once night time approaches the photo-optic cell halts the machines internal singal causing the emmiter to transmit the frequency again each night.

    I believe that both of these machines are very possible in our current world when given a significant amount of thought and consideration about their justful applications and hope to see these become usefull and worth while innovation to better advance our industrial world.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    Oh really? Scientific? I would love to read the whole tesis on how to achieve the world to rotate at a accelerated speed at the whim of a single machine.

    I would love to read why Steve can build Lasers and Nuclear Reactors with his bare hands, a saw and a hammer. Got a workbench over here and could make millions by selling homemade nuclear reactors.

    • Official Post

    Damn i forgot the /joke tag, otherwise you people take me too srsly :/

    Self-made pain, mate. ^^

    Such a machine wouldn't pose much trouble to code, but messing with worldTime can SERIOUSLY backfire and mess up blockupdates.
    f.e. stopping time does as well stop all block updates, essentially causing "frozen" water and anti-gravity-gravel.

    Vice versa, jumping forward in time does enforce and/or skip block updates, causing stuff like insta/never-hardening CF foam / tree growth.
    Not 100% sure of the effects, but unless i can be sure they do not create metric ton of bugs, i will for sure not implement it.

  • i would be perfectly fine with a simple "skip this stupid night" machine, i could care less about halting time or skipping day. "skipping Day" is as simple as taking a mining lazer underground and making a Mob Spawning area for me to have my fun :)

    you could simply code it as "ok Server, everyone is in a bed, you can make it dawn now"

    Edit: P.S. Fenxir, i wrote you a small report above incase you didn;t see the edit :)

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • Man i really need to be careful with those "/Joke" tags.

    (Must resist urges to make fun of tesis......................................... Damn)

  • lol, meh, i'm just bored at work :) it didn;t bother me to wrote a crappy little report showing as to why a machine is not magical... unless your a caveman.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • I know jackshit about bed funtions in SMP, but would it not be more easier to force (You are the admin right?) as All player that if they are going to AFK they must do so in a Bed otherwise you will kick their arses out? (Have some balls)

    as thought it would be easier to force day, i do not constantly control my server cause i have to Remort into it and that starts to cause PC issues on ym desktop of some reason. and some players stay afk for hours in order to keep MassFabs and over Buildcraft operations online such as a Quarry using combustion engines. also everyone on my server are RL Personal friends and some stay on overnight till like 6 am when i AFK over night in real life to keep the MassFabs online for everyone around my house since not very many people are online if at all from midnight till noon the next day, and i can;t be enough of a prick to be hypocritical and kick people out when i do the same thing on a very rare occassion or when i get called out to work at 7pm till 5am the next day. so this machine would greatly benefit the people on my server as well as me, specially when i'm not home. also sometimes i go out of town for a few weeks at a time and i could use the spare power of my house to power one of these machines to make my server alittle more convinient.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

  • well it's a rule that generally in affect but it's more of a curtousy thing, but when i'm gone for like 10 days to a month for work purposes i cannot enforce this rule. it'd just be easier all around to have a device or something coded that could simply completely skip the time cycles. however i know very little about coding or i would write it myself, but also using a significant amount of EUs seems like a reasonable balance to the game as you would not be able to simply make one at the beginning or the game to automatically skip all the nights. i feel that would take way from the Early Game and this would be more of a End Game thing to help ensure that important structures don't get Creeper Blasted to pieces and that outpost bases that are powered by a simple solar panel or 2 remain active while the player goes underground to mine and cannot tell if it is day or night. this could go for several players as well. if a base is run on solar panels but all players are indoors or under ground then they would have no way of telling if it was day, apart from a really annoying Clock and a player would have to carry around a bed at all times. it's just horribly inconvinient.

    also as i state, i cannot be a hypocritical asshole. i know some people can march around being like "i can do this but you can't because this is mine! now shut up and do as your told!"
    but i'm not that much of a prick, which is why i take all things into concideration and generally am able to keep things stable and balanced.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG

    • Official Post

    Such a machine wouldn't pose much trouble to code, but messing with worldTime can SERIOUSLY backfire and mess up blockupdates.
    f.e. stopping time does as well stop all block updates, essentially causing "frozen" water and anti-gravity-gravel.

    Vice versa, jumping forward in time does enforce and/or skip block updates, causing stuff like insta/never-hardening CF foam / tree growth.
    Not 100% sure of the effects, but unless i can be sure they do not create metric ton of bugs, i will for sure not implement it.

    Machine could use time advancing command (/time add 12000 f.e)
    You force everything going to the future instantly.

  • Quite honestly listing the number of BAD things that could happen making something like this, i can find it more easy to code something that would kick people from the server if they spend more than X hours afk while not being in a Bed or somewhere similar.

    name 2 bad things that could be caused by skipping night cycles. second sometimes when no one is online being AFK if a good thing, for example, there are RARELY people on from 1am till 4pm, in this time i usually load 2-3 accounts and park them in people's houses for them to keep their batteries charging and BC machines running. so it would be bad to kick AFK players after a set amount of minutes/hours.

    "the more people i kill, the better the chances are that i got the right one" ~Goblin Assassin: MtG