over the weekend i had players on my server going AFK for 18 hours while they slept and then went to work. in this time the solar panels powering a small section of my house kept going off at night and the battery would fully drain since i couldn;t sleep in a bed. that's when i realized. i would gladly put a device, now known as a Quantum World Accelerator, in my MassFab facility in order to skip days or nights as needed. so here is my idea.
a Quantum World Accelerator would store a specific ammount of energy, i'm thinking 3 million, and would discharge all energy in it to skip through the night time as though everyone was in a bed, or it you applied a redstone current it would skip the day time, forcing it to stay night so you could run through the fields and kill enemies manually for gunpower and other misc items. the recipe could be something like this. 2 iridium plates, 4 advanced alloys, 1 advanced machine, 2 advanced circuits.