Support Request : Installation

  • I know currently that IC2 isn't updated for the current version of minecraft. I am also aware that there is a work around as well.

    I have tried the work around, and no luck. Likewise, even before 1.2.5 came out , I could not get anything to install correctly.

    I download the ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, minecraft forge as stated in the thread. delete the meta-inf folder in the jar file, etc.

    after I go through all the hooplah, when i go to launch minecraft, it gets hung up after i sign in, then eventually just stays on a black screen. and even a while back when i did get ic2 to work correctly it took minecraft ages to launch, now it doesn't do squat

    What is going on here and how can I fix it ?


  • Here is what that thing said.


    Checking for Minecraft launcher (minecrafterr.jar) in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\.minecraft\minecrafterr.jar
    Minecraft launcher found!
    Starting launcher...
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: and
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: and
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    Could not find the main class: and. Program will exit.
    Exception in thread "main"
    Error report complete.

    Here's my guess as to what went wrong:

    Hm, I can't seem to figure it out.
    If your client failed to load press Paste Error and show that link to #Risucraft on
    Posting to

  • Corruption while downloading?

    Thats the best I can think of.

    "A modern tank can speed at 60 mph while shooting a target with pinpoint accuracy from 5 miles away." Civ-5

  • use torrents i find them to be more reliable for larger files that get screwed you when you try to download them in a browser

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

  • I downloaded the minecraft installer thingamabobber off their site ... seemed to be intact because the launcher functions when I double click it. It isn't until after I start installing the other mods that the launcher ceases to function after I click "login".

  • Minecraft 1.2.5 client

    industrial craft t-2-client_v1.90

    Modloader 1.2.5

    ModloaderMP 1.2.5

    MinecraftForge -client-

    Opened minecraft.jar, deleted metainf, added Modloader 1.2.5 via winRar, then added Modloader MP 1.2.5, finaly adding Minecraft Forge. Closed WinRar, added a file in .minecraft <mods> and added industrialcraft 1.90, un extracted, untouched. Opened Minecraft client, slow logging, leads me to Black screen, or white screen, or just a kick in the face. If IC2 isnt supose to work with Minecraft client 1.2.5, i have the backup of 1.2.4, and all mods of version compatible with 1.2.4, same things.

    With love and hope still in me and ty for reading this..

    • Official Post


    IC² is for 1.2.4 with ModloaderMP and Forge 2.x.x! It's not updated yet!

    I know theres a crack for that, but you can search that yourself.

  • because nearly every other mod is at 1.2.5 and they have some fantastic new features, this is one of a few that isnt/hasnt been updated. given that most 1.2.4 mods work against all reason on 1.2.5 its logical to attempt it on ic2, it may not be as major as redpower or as important as buildcraft but ic2 is considered a core mod by many (myself included) and while we could just refresh this page every hour in the vain hope an ic2 developer will throw us a scrap of info as to why 1.2.5 version has been so majorly delayed or even why anyone that dares ask for an eta is hit with the ban hammer, its much more constructive to attempt to get the old 1.2.4 version working on 1.2.5.

  • because nearly every other mod is at 1.2.5 and they have some fantastic new features, this is one of a few that isnt/hasnt been updated. given that most 1.2.4 mods work against all reason on 1.2.5 its logical to attempt it on ic2, it may not be as major as redpower or as important as buildcraft but ic2 is considered a core mod by many (myself included) and while we could just refresh this page every hour in the vain hope an ic2 developer will throw us a scrap of info as to why 1.2.5 version has been so majorly delayed or even why anyone that dares ask for an eta is hit with the ban hammer, its much more constructive to attempt to get the old 1.2.4 version working on 1.2.5.

    except "most 1.2.4 mods" don't work on 1.2.5 if they used forge due to the MAJOR change due to the removal of the ModloaderMP requirement.

    either way i'm sure there's quite a few that are still on 1.2.3 due to waiting for redpower. Still, it's not that huge a loss anyway, the changes between 1.2.3 and 1.2.5 were mostly bugfixes. (and I think even then they were mostly SMP ones)

  • there are stickies that explain why people are ban hammered for eta requests but half the reason they are ban hammered is because they come flying in guns a blazing about how the devs suck and that they must drop every thing and pull a bug free update out of their hammer space right now. I would rather the devs spend the little time of their busy lives that they dedicate to ic2 to actually coding rather than moderating the forums

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

  • I dunno what i find more stupid:

    1) People trying to install IC2 for 1.2.4 in 1.2.5
    2) People that use that Unofficial workaround to install ic2 for 1.2.4 in 1.2.5 and asking here for some kind of help or something. Its called unofficial for something.
    3) People that still download ModloaderMp for 1.2.5 when forge dropped support for it on 1.2.5 >.>

  • so how long until
    asking why "asking for a eta equals ban" equals ban as well?

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.