Transformers BETA-1 v2.0 - IC2 v1.115 & BC 3.4.3 & MC 1.4.7
This mod adds 4 electric engines and 4 pneumatic generators.
Electric engines are buildcraft engines which run off IndustrialCraft power.
Pneumatic generators are generators which run off the buildcraft powergrid.
I made this mod because I wasn't satisfied with the existing mods.
PowerConverters is only compatible with BC 2.2.x, and has a 20% energy loss.
IC2-BC crossover takes too much power, the conversion rate isnt right imo.
I tried to fix that in this mod, converting 2048 EU/t back & forth in the shortest setup makes you lose about 2-3%.
Electric Engines shouldnt have to be cooled IMO, so they don't have to in this release, but I may add it as an option in a future release.Also, I found it very annoying to have different versions for different BC versions. So Transformers is compatible with both.
Ratio & Numbers:
A steam engine produces 1600 MJ from one coal.
A generator produces 4000 EU from one coal.
Default conversion rate is based off this, so that's MJ : EU as 2 : 5, however you can edit that in the config.
This does mess up geothermals vs lava in combustion engines, as 1 bucket in a geothermal creates 20000 EU, and 1 bucket in a combustion creates 20000 MJ.
Therefore this mod does nerf lava in combustion engines.
Slow Electric Engine: (uses a Steam Engine)
Produces 1 MJ/t, defaultly uses 2.5 EU/t - equivalent to a Steam Engine.Accepts up to 32 EU/t before exploding.
Regular Electric Engine: (uses a Combustion Engine)
Produces 5 MJ/t, defaultly uses 12.5 EU/t - equivalent to a Combustion Engine burning fuel. Accepts up to 128 EU/t before exploding.
Fast Electric Engine: (uses 2 combustion engines)
Produces 10 MJ/t, defaultly uses 25 EU/t - equivalent to 2 combustion engines burning fuel, the exact amount a refinery/quarry/pump needs to run at max speed.
Accepts up to 512 EU/t before exploding.
Adjustable Electric Engine: (uses 3 combustion engines)
This engine is adjustable, you can adjust the amount of MJ/t it will produce and thus the EU/t it will use. Accepts up to 2048 EU/t before exploding.
To set the amount it will produce, it has a nifty GUI:
Note that it's not able to produce more BC energy than the equivalent of 2048 EU/t in BC energy rounded down, with a maximum of 1000. (2048 * 2 / 5 = 819,2)
However, the Adjustable Electric Engine produces way more energy a regular wooden conductive pipe can handle. That's why there's a new pipe: the HV Wooden Conductive Pipe.
Pneumatic Generators:
LV Pneumatic Generator:
Takes the equivalent of 32 EU/t in Buildcraft energy at maximum. Defaultly thats 12,8 MJ/t.
MV Pneumatic Generator:
Takes the equivalent of 128 EU/t in Buildcraft energy at maximum. Defaultly thats 51,2 MJ/t.
HV Pneumatic Generator:
Takes the equivalent of 512 EU/t in Buildcraft energy at maximum. Defaultly thats 204,8 MJ/t.
EV Pneumatic Generator: (uses 2 geothermal generators)
Takes the equivalent of 2048 EU/t in Buildcraft energy at maximum. Defaultly thats 819,2 MJ/t.
- Always use pipes. Pipes make sure machines get energy every tick, if wired directly you'll lose most of your energy.
Common errors:
- NoSuchMethodError: ic2.api.Direction.toForgeDirection()
Check all your mods zip and jar files for containing ic2 folders. If you find one of those, delete them (except the one in IC2.jar itself).
This error is caused by an outdated IC2 api. Forestry usually causes it.
v1.7b -> BETA-1 v2.0
- Fixed the dirt issue
- Fixed Adjustable Engines not working at low rates.
- Fixed Adjustable Engine recipe not working
- Other engine recipes now also work with charged batteries
- Changed the config abit, to cope with the new options while still featuring the old options
And the new things:
- Added the Pneumatic Convertor! This will replace the Pneumatic Generator in future versions, but still needs testing and tweaking.
Use is quite straightforward I think. It converts MJ to EU (BC to IC2 power) - but only directly. As in, no pipes, you attach your engine directly to the Convertor.
Currently only vanilla BC engines are accepted, but I plan to add support for a lot more mod engines. Using this direct conversion the conversion is always the way it should be, there is no standard 2:5 ratio or anything, the ratio is different for every engine. Try it out, play with it, report bugs. Recipe is Advanced Machine in the middle, corners empty, rest filled with golden conductive pipes.
v1.7a -> v1.7b
- No longer using deprecated ENet methods
- Should? no longer get the API ERRORS in the log. Not sure though, as I wasn't able to reproduce them.
v1.7 -> v1.7a
- Ported to 1.4.6
- No longer using deprecated registerBlock function
- Fixed default ID's to outside the worldgen area. Now defaults to 695 and 696
v1.6 -> v1.7
- Straight port to 1.4.5.
v1.5 -> v1.6
- Straight port to 1.4.2. Enjoy
v1.4a -> v1.5
- Cleaned up the code alot
- Now has OreDictionary support (better recipe handling)
- Fixed lazy implementation of canRecieveEnergyFrom
v1.4 -> v1.4a
- Fixed engine recipes not showing up in NEI.
v1.3 -> v1.4
- Updated to 1.3.2
- Less use of Reflection because of one version of buildcraft
- Made the main classes more readable
v1.2 -> v1.3
- Fixed engines showing explosion animation but not disappearing
- Slow, regular & fast electric engines now have a slot for transformer upgrades
- Made some changes to the config
- Made the config generate before any errors could occur
- Added an option to the config to disable version checking
- Changed the engine sprites - thanks Shadowrock!
v1.1 -> v1.2
- Fixed Pneumatic Generators transforming more than they should be able to
- Fixed transforming algorithm for BC to IC (more efficiency! Yay!)
- Transformers will now violently spit errors at your face if you dont have IC2 or BuildCraft
- Fixed NPE while fixing lava energy values.
v1.0 -> v1.1
- Fixed engines not dropping contents
- Made errors when IC2 or BC were missing more user friendly
- Now using FML
Old versions:
And a nice picture which shows the Adjustable Electric Engine at full throttle:
New engine textures thanks to Shadowrock: