super simple just add a recipe that allows pistons to be crafted with bronze ingots instead of iron
[suggestion]craft pistons from bronze
- passinglurker
- Closed
Good idea.
+1 -
I like it. No real reason why not and a chance to save some precious iron. +1
I'd rather craft it from tin, instead of bronze.
Tin already substitutes iron in buckets -
I'd say bronze would be better than tin in a machine like the piston.
Tin, Bronze, or Refined Iron seem to be somewhat interchangeable in basic recipies, so I don't see why all three shouldn't be able to.
I suggested that together with other additions in the "[Suggestion] More uses for Gold, Silver and Bronze"-Thread, but it got ignored, because of too many complaints about Gold and Silver.
I suggested that together with other additions in the "[Suggestion] More uses for Gold, Silver and Bronze"-Thread, but it got ignored, because of too many complaints about Gold and Silver.
i guess something can be said for the merits of simple posts then
I like
+1 -
I'm good with this too - it seems like a sensible use and helps conserve our precious iron.
Consider this my +1.
+1 Too.
Thinking more basic Vanilla recipe with Tin or Bronze should be added. -
Hey, why not?
necromancy WAHOO
! *high five*
+1 I like this, I would prefer bronze, as you need to use both copper and tin to unlock this additional recipe. So this isn't like an easy way to replace Iron. You do need to pay more energy into the crafting process to save that iron.