When Eloraam says "It will use power" I think damn, I'm going to have to put some wires somewhere. When Alblaka says "It will use power" it actually seems like it is going to be a actual challenge. I mean I've seen bases with 5 or so RP2 solar panels that power the entire base, and then 1024 solar panels to provide the base with EU.
I'm not sure what Alblaka got right, but he completely out shot everyone else.

Isn't IC2 power amazing?
- bbqroast
- Closed
Until more and more RedPower items become power hungry.
All redpower machines do is simple stuff like moving items around or moving some frames (through i do see a balance problem with huge frames). There isnt anything yet in redpower that should eat up alot of energy.
Yep, it is, but on the other hand IC2 has many different types of generators with a bit more variety in the resource cost than the RP solar panels which only really cost 36 nikolite,4 coal and a silver bar. And thermopiles aren't exactly great if you have the possibility of using the solar panels.
Yep, it is, but on the other hand IC2 has many different types of generators with a bit more variety in the resource cost than the RP solar panels which only really cost 36 nikolite,4 coal and a silver bar. And thermopiles aren't exactly great if you have the possibility of using the solar panels.
You mean 4 Charcoal for one Panel, because its cheaper (and possible) to create Siliconboules with that. The only thing, what Eloraam needs to change is the (variable) amount of Energy needed by the Framemotors per Frame/Block, but then we definetly need a better Blutricitysource like Generators.
Guys, are you dumb or just forgetful? Do you remember that magic world that accompanies the redpower name? Huh? Prerelease? Wutsdat?
It means RedPower its still in development and many many new things are planned to be added to it, unlike IC2 which can be considered finalized for the most part and new things are only added by the whimsical Dragon Lord when it feels like it.
Guys, are you dumb or just forgetful? Do you remember that magic world that accompanies the redpower name? Huh? Prerelease? Wutsdat?
It means RedPower its still in development and many many new things are planned to be added to it, unlike IC2 which can be considered finalized for the most part and new things are only added by the whimsical Dragon Lord when it feels like it.
Words of wisdom from fenixR!
(Well, i guess there's a first time for everything!)
jk, fenix is one of our best guys, even if he is an a-hole -
Words of wisdom from fenixR!
(Well, i guess there's a first time for everything!)
jk, fenix is one of our best guys, even if he is an a-holeTrue, some
for our resident certified asshole! Redpower is going to be more power intensive soon, so I'm stocking up on Redpower solar panels, just in case.
All redpower machines do is simple stuff like moving items around or moving some frames (through i do see a balance problem with huge frames). There isnt anything yet in redpower that should eat up alot of energy.
Thats why the ´yet´ xd
FenixR, I'm sorry but I personally disagree with every part of your post.
unlike IC2 which can be considered finalized for the most part and new things are only added by the whimsical Dragon Lord when it feels like it.
Yes, because IC2 hasn't had any major updates recently that add major new features that appear to have been complex to implement, such as some sort of 'agriculture' system surpassing vanilla minecrafts, with a powerful API and great adaptability, or some sort of 'brewing' system with many potion effects not seen in vanilla minecraft with a procedural naming and spriting system.
Seriously though, That's a bit of a cynical way of looking at IC2, isn't it? (and a bit cyclical -- "IC2 won't have any new features, besides the new features the dev team adds") I mean, we've already had a bunch of really technical updates (I've mentioned the two that come to mind), and Alblaka recently mentioned on his blog that:
Quote from Alblaka
2.0 will have something more. Eventually, but not guarantueed / limited to:
-Reactor APIAnd there is the industrium conflict/secret project he's mentioned a couple times before.
Quote from FenixRGuys, are you dumb or just forgetful? Do you remember that magic world that accompanies the redpower name? Huh? Prerelease? Wutsdat?
It means RedPower its still in development and many many new things are planned to be added to it,
If at a future date Eloraam changes blutricity into something as central to redpower as the enet is to industrialcraft, I will take back everything that I've said about it being a bit underwhelming (which is not much, but still). Until that date, I feel that saying that at this time the system feels not-that-thought-out is a valid critism. And I do think that blutricity is needlessly unintuitive -- try wiring a single battery box to 15 or so solar panels, and watch its power level fluctuate wildly. I'm sure that that's significantly more realistic than the enet, but most of us aren't electrical engineers. We're computer scientists
I'm sure that that's significantly more realistic than the enet, but most of us aren't electrical engineers. We're computer scientists
Hey some of us are Computer Engineers...
Anyway the best thing that I like about the redpower system is that touching machines transfer power. What would be really cool is if in IC2 there was an upgrade (or multiple upgrades copper, iron, gold, glass fiber cabling) for machines to make them transfer power to touching machines. Which I think would really help some of these wiring & pipes/tubes nightmares.
Anyway the best thing that I like about the redpower system is that touching machines transfer power. What would be really cool is if in IC2 there was an upgrade (or multiple upgrades copper, iron, gold, glass fiber cabling) for machines to make them transfer power to touching machines. Which I think would really help some of these wiring & pipes/tubes nightmares.
Yeah, that's one of my favorite components of blutricity. We in IC2 already have foam-covered cables, is it possible to create machine-covered cables?Edit: Idea -> "EnergySource Upgrade", causes machine to become a source of energy for the Enet -- can be combined with storage upgrades to provide a psuedo-storage unit.
@Quantum: Define "Central like IC2", about bluetricity.
Also like i told you, Redpower has a LOT of features planned down the line (She has started talking about Tier 4 machines, the wanted autocrafting table, some sort of Item teleportation since vainilla minecraft added the ender chest), and she had those features already though of from months ago, while i don't think its the same with IC2,i doubt the new things alblaka "Barely" mentioned have been "under plans" for less that a few weeks after that post was made (Wild speculation, since the dev team barely throw a bone our way), and i mean barely because its in a comment sort of hidden and also that he said "not guarantueed / limited " ergo its quite possible not everything from that list may be added (At least the way i understand it).
All in all, We can expect a lot more from eloraam and redpower.
We could also
(probably)expect something from ic2 and the dev team, but disappointment and long waits are certainly included in those things we should wait XD. /sortajoke -
Also like i told you, Redpower has a LOT of features planned down the line
I'll concede point that Eloraam is more vocal about her future plans than the IC2 team, and in retrospect I suppose the 'technicalosity' of recent IC2 updates kinda pale in comparison to redpower control/frames (although I don't know enough about computer science to really quantify the differnce, please correct me if I'm teribbly, teribbly wrong). Weirdly, I only just know realized that Eloraam has a twitter feed -- I might have to start following it.
@Quantum: Define "Central like IC2", about bluetricity.
IC2 Features that don't require IC2 energy:
-Sticky Resin -> Sticky Pistons/Torches/psuedo-soulsandRedpower Features that don't require blutricity:
-Alloy Furnace (although a blulectric version exists, it isn't mandatory)
-Red alloy wires
-Logic gates
-Gem tools/sickles
-Redstone lighting
-Item Transport (except remote retrieval and advanced item sorting)In short, without generators and batboxes, it's nearly impossible to get anything done in IC2 (Even the bronze tools require tin/copper dust, meaning you need a macerator to make them), while without nikolite one loses only a small fraction of redpower's capabilities.
Elo tweeting feed
Don't bother (Too much), she barely post something in there.
QuoteBluetricity Centralizing shenanigans
The joke of IC2 its the energy system, by the time it was made, it was the only mod with a energy system.
Redpower on the other hand started as an expansion to the redpower system, Redpower cables that could be placed on walls and roof, logic circuitery and recently expanded to stuff like soarting systems, item transport systems, frames, computer, etc.
Comparing IC2 with Redpower on the only premise of "All the stuff in that mod needs to consume energy" its unfair.
Very true indeed
Guys, are you dumb or just forgetful? Do you remember that magic world that accompanies the redpower name? Huh? Prerelease? Wutsdat?
It means RedPower its still in development and many many new things are planned to be added to it, unlike IC2 which can be considered finalized for the most part and new things are only added by the whimsical Dragon Lord when it feels like it.
Meh, everything is under development. If you don't want people to rate it, don't release it.
I'm fine with RP2 stuff not all using power. My main issue with it is the lack of heavy duty generation methods. If your in the Nether your running around carrying batteries (thermopiles are as about as useful as unmanned watermills). -
Uhm, in 1.2.5 its still possible to get water for thermopiles in the nether
Just use ice and melt it
Edit: Oh well, seems like an older Thread, oops
thermopiles are as about as useful as unmanned watermills
Uhm, in 1.2.5 its still possible to get water for thermopiles in the nether
Just use ice and melt it
Edit: Oh well, seems like an older Thread, oops
Not forgetting to mention, that you can create Water for the Nether via UUM. Also you need about a Stack of Thermopiles to get a RP-Pump running.