So, Technic uses adverts on their website. So I was interested, how much could they make from them?
They have about 42,000 registered users on their forums, consider how many download it but don't look on the forums, then consider how many pages each of those downloadees look at. According to Google Adsense the "minecraft" keyword costs about 1.7NZD a click. About 1.3USD. Considering that they must make a decent amount each month, most likely far more than their web hosting bill.

Wow, Technic monetization
- bbqroast
- Closed
They said once that bandwidth for the launcher downloads costs them some thick cash.
They said once that bandwidth for the launcher downloads costs them some thick cash.
I imagine they get more in ads to be honest. You can get a dedicated server with 10TB of bandwidth for under 100 bucks a month. I have 70MB in my "tekkit" folder (yes, I downloaded the launcher to get some data). 10,000,000/70 = 142,857 which is if you ask me not to bad. AWS's S3 charges $0.12/GB which is enough for 14 launcher downloads. 0.8 cents a download. At $1.3 a click, you only need one click per 162 downloads!It adds up, but Alblaka said this forum was worth something like $200/mo in advertisementoops my bad, apparently it was for the entire site and it was $213 a day (I hope he adds some ads, especially considering his financial worries) and this forum only has 7200~ users. -
Which adds more proof that Technic is basically direct theft of the mods because, in all seriousness, they use this content to generate cash flow...
I hope to God that Abla has some form of copyright on this material, as this could easily be the basis of a suit...
Most of the Technic team has taken on the attitude of teenage gangsters since the pack became popular. Most of them, along with a minority of their stuck up fanbase needs to have a nuke shoved were the sun don't shine. Those rough calculations make me sick at the thought that they most likely make money of the pack. Just the Technic wiki pisses me of, as most of the mod info on there is straight copy and paste. So they even stealing the work of people just trying to spread information.
you had a bad conversation with technic user that won't give mod authors the respect they deserve we get it, but that's no reason to go off on a bash crusade all its going to do is stir up bad feelings and start meaningless arguments over a product whos day are numbered anyway(see mod api).
taking down technic is like trying to take down other highly polarized issues ranting and flaming is useless all it does is get the names in peoples heads for them to look up the other sides perspective later. if you really want to take down technic then here is what you need to do.
ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist if you never mention it then fewer people hear about it. when talking to technic users the furthest you should go is to refuse to refer to what they are playing as technic, be polite, and show them cool things technic can't do, and remember no one is going to desert technic if you go and accuse them or anyone they look up to of being a criminal. and keep all that up till the mod api comes out if technic insists on existing after that they will likely get sued off the face of the planet. by mod authors that feel they have the authority to do so since their mods are officially recognized by mojang. -
you had a bad conversation with technic user that won't give mod authors the respect they deserve we get it, but that's no reason to go off on a bash crusade all its going to do is stir up bad feelings and start meaningless arguments over a product whos day are numbered anyway(see mod api).
taking down technic is like trying to take down other highly polarized issues ranting and flaming is useless all it does is get the names in peoples heads for them to look up the other sides perspective later. if you really want to take down technic then here is what you need to do.
ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist if you never mention it then fewer people hear about it. when talking to technic users the furthest you should go is to refuse to refer to what they are playing as technic, be polite, and show them cool things technic can't do, and remember no one is going to desert technic if you go and accuse them or anyone they look up to of being a criminal. and keep all that up till the mod api comes out if technic insists on existing after that they will likely get sued off the face of the planet. by mod authors that feel they have the authority to do so since their mods are officially recognized by mojang.
That is called being ignorant. And it is probably one of the biggest issues right now on the face of this planet. I do not wish to become (or act like) a ignorant person.I personally wouldn't mind if all the Technic users used our forums. Sure there are plenty of idiots, but then again we have them on this forum as well. Plenty of Technic/Tekkit users create some awesome stuff. Why browse an advert covered web page when you could just come to our friendly forums!
Also please use proper grammar. Lets make the internet a better place, one capital letter at a time. -
They said once that bandwidth for the launcher downloads costs them some thick cash.
Bandwidth is cheap...
Each dedicated server comes with free 5-15TB of traffic and i can buy an extra 2TB for 2€
There may be some hosting providers out there who want a lot more (worst i've heard of are 50€ per TB), but honestly: If your paying that you are officially dumb -
Bandwidth is cheap...
Each dedicated server comes with free 5-15TB of traffic and i can buy an extra 2TB for 2€Indeed.. Even for US/Canadian services, the Bandwidth cost isn't that high if they are making this amount of net profit from the mod pack.
Let's hope that the licencing rules that Mojang will release with either 1.3 or 1.4 for Minecraft will be able to allow us to rip Goonswarm a new one, as this pack is a violation of copyright law due to this kind of monetization. Sadly, in the current state of modding, it's not going to hold well in any court due to how laissez-faire that the company as been over the last couple of years to support said mods, much less their inability to introduce any form of support for the developer's hard work. Which is, ofc, the biggest reason why things like Technic can still get away with their actions at the moment due to this lack of 'official recognition' by the Mojang company for all mods.
But still, it's good to see how and where Technic is ripping off the mod developers. I'd say every mod developer should weaponize their code against auto-launchers like SirSengir did in response to this, since Goonswarm expects us to just let them continue their actions without consequence...
forestry wasn't the first to weaponize their code against technic. the earliest case i know of was richardG and his solar helmet addon
Holy Crap, that's hilarious. Technic making money?This was covered already back in february.…hnicpack-make-money.1331/TL;DR/"ewwtechnicforum": It was half a TB a DAY and growing 5 months ago, for just the launcher.
That "Dastardly Villian of Evil Injustice, Theft, and Puppy-kicking" Kakermix is running the technic setup at a sizable monetary loss.
That "Dastardly Villian of Evil Injustice, Theft, and Puppy-kicking" Kakermix is running the technic setup at a sizable monetary loss.
Regardless, he's still not welcomed to 'help himself' to whatever content he wants, Goon...
Quite frankly, if you think you can make a statement to justify the actions of Technic at all, then save your breath. Modpacks are not welcome because players forget, or fail to recognize, the people who make such content possible. It's the same as people buying Portal 2 and not knowing who Valve is, or what other games they have made. It's this level of ignorance and disrespect that the pack fosters that is the real root of the problem, and until Technic makes some better decisions at how to more properly introduce these mods to people (which is, btw, never), then the hostility towards Technic will always persist...
These mod developers work hard on these programs for FREE... to not respect their work or not recognize the time and effort they are willing to invest into these projects is a direct slap in their faces. And as a community, we won't accept that action against the people who have helped make Minecraft so much more enjoyable for us to play...
Goon? Are you using an antiquated insult or am I missing something here?
So, you think kaker is claiming responsibility for creating all the content within the pack? Seriously? Even though technic does now have permission from authors, has multiple links all across the website to each mod's homepage, redirects all donations to the various author's donation links, and officially refers to each mod as "mod by author"?
I can't decide whether that level of misinformation comes from willful ignorance or deliberate trolling. -
Goon? Are you using an antiquated insult or am I missing something here?
Kakermix is apart of the SomethingAwful forums. SA is the forums used by Goonswarm to organize and conduct their activities. Since you so willingly and feverishly defend the pack in this way, I'm accusing you of being apart of Goonswarm as one of the various hive-minded idiots who will do something because 'so-and-so' said so, or said something on the SA forum to the equivalent of 'go fuck this guy up cuz he's an annoying scrub'...
QuoteEven though technic does now have permission from authors, has multiple links all across the website to each mod's homepage, redirects all donations to the various author's donation links, and officially refers to each mod as "mod by author"?
I've seen those links. They are more like sticky notes tacked to the beginning of a memo like some federal requirement that has to be enforced, but the company would rather just ignore due to laziness. If Technic is as 'glorious' as you say, then it would do a better job of informing users of which content is added by which mod, why it works the way it does, and how that interaction affects gameplay in Minecraft. But instead, all the Technic site does is throw up some links and says 'herp derp have fun, herp derp' because they could care less if people learned about the mods and what they do, or why certain limitations are put into place like they are...
Technic creates its community off the hard work of other mod communities. It's no secret that this is the case, and the truth of the laziness of their efforts is so transparent that you can literally see that they don't even bother to hide this fact, nor care to be bothered by their actions of disrespect...
[...]I'm accusing you[...]
I generally don't go for rules lawyering, but maybe it should've occured to you that you're being rude and jumping to assumptions somewhere around typing the part I just quoted. I accuse you of being impolite, sir (and possibly provoking others into forcefully disagreeing with you, otherwise known as "baiting"). What is your response? -
So? If he can make an argument that he isn't a Goonswarm member, then ok, I can leave that point alone..
ANY thing else?
So? If he can make an argument that he isn't a Goonswarm member, then ok, I can leave that point alone..
ANY thing else?
I have to wonder why you brought it up in the first place. What does it matter if anyone at all is a member of SomethingAwful, or regularly visits 4chan/b/, or reddit, or whatever? The only thing SA membership means is they paid money to post on a forum, which consequently makes them somewhat more closed off to outsiders than most people.As to the rest, have at it -- I refuse to get involved on either side of a Technic "debate".
I have to wonder why you brought it up in the first place. What does it matter if anyone at all is a member of SomethingAwful, or regularly visits 4chan/b/, or reddit, or whatever? The only thing SA membership means is they paid money to post on a forum, which consequently makes them somewhat more closed off to outsiders than most people.
It has more to do with looking into the reasoning as to why he wishes to defend Technic like he does. Is he a member of Tekkit? of Goonswarm? Is he defending his own pack that he doesn't have permission for? Or does he just want to continue to be lazy and just not bother with the process of configuration for these mods?
Either way, people have a reason behind their actions, especially actions that are as polarized as his about the issue...
I defend technic because it's a fun and interesting challenge. You haters are pretty much textbook cases from my old abnormal psych class.
Oh, and the pack is fun too, it introduced me to dozens of mods I would be completely ignorant of because frankly, it was never worth the effort before.All together I think I've seen the SA website twice a long time ago. Both times they had decided to attack something I was part of.
I'm a technic user thank you very much.QuoteI've seen those links. They are more like sticky notes tacked to the beginning of a memo like some federal requirement that has to be enforced, but the company would rather just ignore due to laziness.
Wow, really? That's "small"?Ya know what? I'm sorry everyone. I'm truly sorry. I let myself get sucked into an argument with a someone who will twist and ignore reality to support their beliefs.
I should have done some research into Magus and bbq's posting histories before I continued.
I know, huge failure on my part considering I rag on newbies on the technic forums for not bothering to do a preliminary search of their problem before posting about it in a wrong section.
I hate letting misinformation go unanswered, but I also know better than to feed trolls. Again, sorry. -
bbqroast a troll? Dunno never bothered remembering who that guy is.
Magus a troll? Not in a million chance thats for sure, are you sure you are not the one who (And i quoute) "someone who will twist and ignore reality to support their beliefs."?