Do you have factory designs posted anywhere?

My old compact Outpost (before i dismantle everything, to build the GregTower 2)
Do you have factory designs posted anywhere?
Read GregoriousT's signature
How did you learn to use mysticraft and thaumcraft? Do you know any good getting started guides?
DIrewolf20? Season 4 is very good for learning about what all those Mods can.
I decided to make a Pre-Release of the GregTower2, but without Screenshots, so you have to run around yourself.
Why? Because i want to rework/relocate the Factory to another Layer of the Tower (there is currently sooooo much emptyness inside it, so i will find a good place far away from my Workshop to not cause local Lag)
If you are wondering why it is still not finished: The Reason is, because i had to overkill the Taint, optimize my Workshop and to build/maintain my Framequarry, and that consumes many hours. And writing a new IC²-Tutorial, coding my Game, watching Minecraftvids/TV and LAN-Playing 1.3.1 with my Friend are also good reasons. Yes, i'm a Nerd, but i'm sure you knew it already, lol.
Your world killed my computer. And it's not a bad computer either... DEM VOID CHESTS!
Your world killed my computer. And it's not a bad computer either... DEM VOID CHESTS!
Well my Computer is a bit under german Average, and with Optifine you will have less Lag. Oh, i forgot to shut the Framequarry OFF before Uploading, which causes MASSIVE Lag.
Please, IC miners are much more efficientThey skip the useless cobble and mine straight for the valuables.
A Frame-engineplus attached modules with IC miners. Flies around mining stuff.
I have made one that has 6 modules on it, inspired by BrickedKeyboards 7 module design. His is a lot better, (especially the Forth lol.)
Anyway, ever since I have used frameminers I just cannot go back to quarries, they just seem so time/energy inneficient to me.The autoprocessor could have used EU-detector cables to detect when a machine has work to do. (Or regulators when advanced machines)
That could auto-pulse the retriever, starting the chainreaction.
24eu/t seems a bit low, unless you have this high buffer. Couldn't see.
Something that I find very useful is a button to flush my project tables.I haven't messed around with Thaumcraft , but it seems nice.
Good work though, I hope you can put some of my points in consideration for Gregtower2.
Mind explaining how the button to flush the project tables work? I have 7 setup in my house, and they get cluttered.
It is really simple. You place a retriever underneath said project tables.
[p] [p] [p] [p] [p]
Then you make sure the bottom is connected with tubes.
You attach a retriever to the end of the pipeline with a itemdetector in front of it.
You attach a button to one or more project tables.
That button should trigger the retriever once, then everytime an item passes it should tick the retriever again.
This will auto-empty the inventory slots of the project tables.
Once it is done, doesn't consume any more systemresources. Just tick it once with the buttom and it runs untill it is empty.
I would have made a nice screencap for you if I were not on my nettop.
Will come tomorrow if you require it. -
Please, IC miners are much more efficientThey skip the useless cobble and mine straight for the valuables.
I made a Framequarry, because its producing so much Cobble (less laggy, than a huge Cobblegen), and it doesnt need much maintenace (It would need nearly no maintenance with Enderchests). Of course i didnt use the IC²-Miners, because of the many Bugreports about them (now its fixed)
Anyway, ever since I have used frameminers I just cannot go back to quarries, they just seem so time/energy inneficient to me.
And my Framequarry doesnt even need additional Energy (its high enough to use Solar), and if i wouldn't have used Ironcovers/panels, then it would've been very cheap. But i built it Lategame, so i didnt have to use IC²-Miners for Resourcegathering (Arcane Bore + Mystcraft-Heavy-Resources-World = Profit!).
The autoprocessor could have used EU-detector cables to detect when a machine has work to do. (Or regulators when advanced machines)
That could auto-pulse the retriever, starting the chainreaction.
24eu/t seems a bit low, unless you have this high buffer. Couldn't see.Currently 32 EU/t. And i have now an MFSU + 3 Electrolyzer for that. Also the Retriever additionally retrieves Stuff from the Thaumaturgysection and from the Alloyfurnace, so Energyconsumption and Regulators are not a Detectionoption. But my new Factory produces so much Stuff, that a 30sec-Timer to pulse the Retriever is enough. And i should mention, that the Factory works nonstop (because of my Wisptrap at least the Recyclers, and so also the Massfabricator and the new automated Scrapboxdispenser)
Something that I find very useful is a button to flush my project tables.
Well, my Projecttables are getting semiautomatically refilled, so that would be Contraproductive. But i will make Projecttables with Retrievulators as soon as my new Storage is built. I made the Tubeconnected things in my Tower modular, so that i can replace older Machines without Problems. I already moved my Factory to the Ironscaffoldsection, because Ironscaffolds look awesome (and also made a seperate Autocraftingsection and a new Sortingsection, to get more space inside my Workshop)
I already have Flushbuttons for the Storage of my Framequarry and for the Overflowchest.
Good work though, I hope you can put some of my points in consideration for Gregtower2.
This gave me indeed a few Ideas for the Tower.
I made a Framequarry, because its producing so much Cobble (less laggy, than a huge Cobblegen), and it doesnt need much maintenace
First and foremost, a simple 1 blockbreaker+item detector on stall mode connected to a double/silver chests should be suffice for crafting. At least for me. (And I'm almost never thinking small)
Second, A flying frameminer like this one:Is in my eyes superior to a quarry, sure it takes some more time to build, but once it runs, it was able to autonomously run for 24hours without the code bugging out, or the gps getting out of sync.
(It would need nearly no maintenance with Enderchests).
On board storage is part of that, an assembler and blockbreaker can be used to break/place them for emptying the onboard storage.Quote
Of course i didnt use the IC²-Miners, because of the many Bugreports about them (now its fixed)I have used IC2 Miners since 1.95 on frames, they worked fine, Used lapotrons and a MV/HV solar to charge them.
Saves space too, you only need to run a cable and a magtube.All in all, a Quarry might be easier to setup. But in my eyes it would never be able to miner this amount of uranium under 24h.
All the pictures you might want to see. The multiple engines you see where meant to work together with the slave/master principle, the project has been halted for some time. -
First and foremost, a simple 1 blockbreaker+item detector on stall mode connected to a double/silver chests should be suffice for crafting. At least for me. (And I'm almost never thinking small)
Yes thats enough, but you forget, that i also need to feed my Recyclers.
Second, A flying frameminer like this one:
Was there supposed to be a Picture?
Is in my eyes superior to a quarry, sure it takes some more time to build, but once it runs, it was able to autonomously run for 24hours without the code bugging out, or the gps getting out of sync.
Flying Frameminers are good for massive Mobile Bases (which i build either in Earlygame, or in Endgame), and my Tower is not really mobile.
On board storage is part of that, an assembler and blockbreaker can be used to break/place them for emptying the onboard storage.
I'm currently using Thaumcraftteleporting for that, and that the Blockbreaker also sucks the Inventory of Chests up, must be a newer Feature (i tested it long time ago).
I have used IC2 Miners since 1.95 on frames, they worked fine, Used lapotrons and a MV/HV solar to charge them.
Saves space too, you only need to run a cable and a magtube.IC²-Electricity on Frames? That was way too buggy in 1.95 (I even crashed my Game with the first use!). Also i normally dont use Solararrays for mobile Stuff. Even if i have it installed, i only use it for Massfabrication and nothing else.
All in all, a Quarry might be easier to setup. But in my eyes it would never be able to miner this amount of uranium under 24h.
In case of Quarries its just a matter of size. Did you ever see Kraphts (buggy) Megaframequarry? It mines hundreds of Blocks per second! And my Quarry (which is set to low Speed, to make Itemflow less Buggy) is mining up to 128 Blocks per Move (and up to 256 per Forwardmove).
Yes i'm considering a mobile Miningbase with IC²-Miners, but it has lower Priority, than filling my Tower up with awesome Stuff.
Please note that the issue with frames was E-net bugging. Since the pipeline just moves energycontainers (Lapotrons) They worked fine with 0% errors.
The enderchest is for remote emptying only (regulators on the main base).Mobile bases aboard the frame miner is loss of efficiency, you only have 1000 blocks to play with (Unless you set it to some other value).
And Ice cascucs give excess ice to massfabsBesides, a frame miner is a lot more resource (system-wise) efficient than a massive 1024 blockbreaker machine
Pics were moved under the spoiler.
Mobile bases aboard the frame miner is loss of efficiency, you only have 1000 blocks to play with (Unless you set it to some other value).
Well the only thing i have to say about that is, making it modular, if you dont set it to 10000.
And Ice cascucs give excess ice to massfabs
Are you using EE-Ice for CASUC or what? Ice is very valuable without EE, I would never scrap it.
I use snowmen when I make ice CASUCs, but I like bucket ones more, more fun to make.
I don't need the pics for the Project Table flushing mechanism, I fully understand and will most likely implement it in my base.
Well the only thing i have to say about that is, making it modular, if you dont set it to 10000.
Are you using EE-Ice for CASUC or what? Ice is very valuable without EE, I would never scrap it.
Pah, EE? You insult me
We did try to make it modular, this is at the cost of speed. Besides, we cannot change the value, and it feels a challenge to build it within reasonable limits.
About the snowgen, we made 2 benches with I believe 16 snowmen each, produces 326 snow per second, fet to advanced compressors with 16 overclockers inside.
In case of pics or it did not happen: (Skip to 5:20 for the reactor)
Continued here,
In case of -
Why did Onewa80 got banned? I saw nothing, what could be the Reason.
Edit: Derp. He was the one with the Trollsuggestion.And back above: Advanced Machines and Snowgolems, are also a thing I would not use. It just feels too cheaty. And 16 OVERCLOCKERS!!! Are you kidding me? This is way too inefficient for me!
`Their power consumption is only high at the warmup, which is the reason they warm up sequentially, after that it isn't that much compared to how much the reactor outputs.
About the snowgolems, well, their still is the issue about them dissapearing on server reloads, /killall or butcher commands from crazy admins.
So there are about 5 different kinds of security to detect failure.It is kinda true about the cheatish way of using snowgolems. But bucket CASUC's are way too inefficient and dangerous on servers. Also, the ice travels per stack which is less system intensive than moving 1000 buckets :).
Inefficiency vs system-resource-usage, system wins. You can build more with the same amount of lag
Besides, the reactor produces enough UU matter to basically continuously provide the solar factory to spam HV solars.In my eyes, HV solars are only useful at this stage, HV's are the most system-efficient generators out there.
Price doesn't matter at this moment either, having 2 frame miners + reactor provided enough materials to churn them HV's out I enjoy this talking about advanced-gameplay
But bucket CASUC's are way too inefficient and dangerous on servers.
Dangerous yes, Inefficient no. They are the most Energyefficient way of driving Nuclear, because the 200 EU/t, you get more for an ICE-CASUC, are consumed mostly by the Compressors and their adjacent Pumps. I dont know, if the advanced Compressor uses so much less Energy, but as i said, i dont want to use those Advanced Machines (I dont even use Inductionfurnaces).
Also, the ice travels per stack which is less system intensive than moving 1000 buckets :).
I use Bucket-CASUC as long as its possible, because 1.3 will break them (with stackable empty Buckets), or makes them consuming 8 Regulators for Bucketflow.
Inefficiency vs system-resource-usage, system wins. You can build more with the same amount of lag
Besides, the reactor produces enough UU matter to basically continuously provide the solar factory to spam HV solars.Items in Tubes are not causing Lag, unless you cycle them around in an Infiniteloop. And Masssolarplants are not really my Way of generating EU.