Suggestion: Energy Condenser (High tier Single Use Batteries)

    • Official Post

    Energy condenser :
    A machine that when powered will produce single-use energy items (Like the unused single-use battery). (For energy storage and trading)

    Feed it energy and it will condense energy in matter form, similar to UUM.
    But it is not usable for item making. Only for item energy storage\transfer.

    Item produced is EnergyMatter-1 (EM-1), a blue version of UUM which holds exactly 10K EU.
    Energy consumption is 1 EU every 200 EU condensed.
    Energy condenser accepts up to LV (and has one upgrade slot, for Transformer upgrades)

    Transformer upgrades increase tier of EnergyMatter by 1 and Voltage accepted. (3 for EV)
    Energy consumption (EC) increases every transformer upgrade.

    Energy condenser with one Transformer upgrade makes EM-2, a green version of UUM which holds exactly 50K EU. EC is 1 EU every 180 condensed
    Energy condenser with two Transformer upgrades makes EM-3, a yellow version of UUM which holds exactly 100K EU. EC is 1 EU every 160 condensed
    Energy condenser with three Transformer upgrades makes EM-4, a red version of UUM which holds exactly 200K EU. EC is 1 EU every 140 condensed
    Energy condenser with four Transformer upgrades makes EM-5, a black version of UUM which holds exactly 400K EU.EC is 1 EU every 120 condensed
    Energy condenser with five or more upgrades makes EM-5.

    EM-1 can only be used in batboxes, MFE and MFSU. Other machines can't turn it back to energy.
    EM-2,3,4,5 can only be used in MFE and MFSU. Other machines can't turn it back to energy.

  • I like the electrolizer the way it is, at best the only change i would agree with, would be making 3 tiers of Electrolized Cell with different EU capacity, LV-MD-HV Electrolized Cells.

    And tin pinchers should just use the stupid tin, its there for a stupid reason and its not like you are going to lose the cell, electrolizer is the only machine who does not eat it up.

  • I have a better idea: buff Electrolized cells and SU Batteries...

    Would anyone like to try a Slowpoke Tail?! Only 1 Million Yen!


    this isn't about arrogance or ego, I have a block that I put a lot of freaking work into

    Every Mod Author, in existence. And yet, you STILL say otherwise.

    • Official Post

    I like the electrolizer the way it is, at best the only change i would agree with, would be making 3 tiers of Electrolized Cell with different EU capacity, LV-MD-HV Electrolized Cells.

    And tin pinchers should just use the stupid tin, its there for a stupid reason and its not like you are going to lose the cell, electrolizer is the only machine who does not eat it up.

    I don't like electrolyzer because it needs to be adjacent MFE/MFSU and charge/discharge water cell too slowly.

  • So just because you find it inconvenient and don't like it, there should be a new machine that does exactly the same job? LoL.

    @Magus, wasn't the electrolizer recently buffed (Albeit a little). And how about this, Single Use Electrolized Cells, you place one of those in one of our 3 favorite machines to convert it, you lose the electrolized cell (Because it will act like a SU batt), but in exchange the transfer is immediate and the Energy loss is a lot less.

    P.S: inb4Tinpinchers

    P.S2: I give a crap about what a tinpincher says

  • SU batteries and fuel removed from IC2 due hayo "innovations".

    Now you suggest to remove energy net and lapatrons.

    With item that able to store 400k (25600000 per slot) with instant charge-discharge any other type of energy storage gone useless.

    • Official Post

    SU batteries and fuel removed from IC2 due hayo "innovations".

    Now you suggest to remove energy net and lapatrons.

    With item that able to store 400k (25600000 per slot) with instant charge-discharge any other type of energy storage gone useless.

    These values were randomly tought, didnt think about it. (how about 10k, 20k , 30k, 40k , 50k ?)
    Devs can change it to any value they think its balanced anyway.

    My intention was a way to store energy outside storage boxes. Also a way to easily sell energy.
    Cables will still be necessary for all other things. As EM-X can only be used in storage boxes. [also it is not 100% efficient making them]

  • I like the electrolizer the way it is, at best the only change i would agree with, would be making 3 tiers of Electrolized Cell with different EU capacity, LV-MD-HV Electrolized Cells.

    And tin pinchers should just use the stupid tin, its there for a stupid reason and its not like you are going to lose the cell, electrolizer is the only machine who does not eat it up.

    I agree with you in all. The sole problem of Electrolyzed Cells is their max storage capacity, 13 500 :/ (And Input/Output, of course)
    And in fact, the Electrolyzer won't use the Cells, so ... the argument about Tin Pinchers isn't right.

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • Quote

    A Question: Why do you need to sell Energy in Energyform? The only point of having large amounts of Energy is producing UUM, and UUM is a perfect Currency.

    It isn't, as why would you need UMM if you just want to power your macerator or something?
    In that case you need ENERGY, not materials.
    That makes trade invalid.

    • Official Post

    It isn't, as why would you need UMM if you just want to power your macerator or something?
    In that case you need ENERGY, not materials.
    That makes trade invalid.

    Actually 9 or 10 Solaranels are enough for a whole Workshop, so why should i buy that tiny amount of Energy?

    And i don't think anyone would ever trade for UMM.

    You may forgot my Advertisement:

    Quote from GregoriusT

    Of course, we are not showing you our Blueprints for that Device, you have to buy it from us, for only 2 Stacks of UUM!
    not including shippingcosts, we are NOT accepting Credits and we are currently out of stock!

  • Quote

    Actually 9 or 10 Solaranels are enough for a whole Workshop, so why should i buy that tiny amount of Energy?



    The problem is, you want to buy ENERGY, and, as far as i know, UMM doesn't give you any EU.
    And if you want to buy energy, that means that you don't have resources\lazy to craft generators.
    Thats the case.

    • Official Post

    And if you want to buy energy, that means that you don't have resources\lazy to craft generators.

    No resources to craft Generators??? But you have resources to build EU-Consuming Machines?

    If i would ever know what is it about anyways...

    Read my three recent Suggestionthreads, they are all beginning with "[Suggestion]"

  • Quote

    No resources to craft Generators??? But you have resources to build EU-Consuming Machines?

    If i had a chance not to craft generator and live a few nights buying EU, i would.
    It would save my time and some of the resources.


    This is a 3x3 Chunkloader, which costs EU (configurable, but i would say 32 EU/t by default) and can, if unwanted, be disabled via config.

    4 repeaters sharing a pulse through <=2 chunks?