There is no 1.3.2 version yet, and if I ever manage to make one it will be pretty dependent on Fallen beast's core
Rocket Science IC2-based Takeover IC2 [103]Needs Friendly Helpers
Your Github link is wrong
This is the right one: -
When will the mod be released for 1.3.2?
When will the mod be released for 1.3.2?
I find this thread to be very informative on this subject.
It's incompatible with CPW mods...
Seriously, make it compatible with CPW mods! IC2 REQUIRES Forge and you are not allowing it to happen!!!
Seriously, make it compatible with CPW mods! IC2 REQUIRES Forge and you are not allowing it to happen!!!
Please, Never Necropost.
Just to let you know, the GIT repo is down...
Ok, guys I'm working on it and I nearly have a 1.5.2 version!
Good to hear that !
I wish you succeeded. -
A new question, will you include the stuff Kentigton imagined or not ? (That would be so awesome !!)
I mean the possibility to go up to the moon, Mars... -
Yeah,it would be great if you do have a 1.5.2 version.Ignore the todo,if you added them,it would be great.But what we really need is a working one for MC 1.5.2
I agree with you, a working version for MC 1.5.2 would be great. In fact, I have waited for many months, just for the version I have known before. So, I encourage you to do what you can do. Don't do a lot of things to finally release a too much complicated mod (Even if it is called Rocket Science...). But, if you feel capable of doing, it would also be great to have the stuff Kentigton imagined and planed for his mod. I hope that you will not have so much difficulties in updating the code. Good luck !
Ok, guys I'm working on it and I nearly have a 1.5.2 version!
Will / have you added something new?
I would like to have the old rocket science as it was.
And please let the fusion reactor as ist was too, because the one from gregtech is nonsense. -
Where is the sense of an multi block which is as expensive as 10 chunks fulll of tin, copper and gold blocks?
have you built one in SURVIVAL?It is too expensive!
So "The simple Kid" please use the OLD fusion reactor from rocket science, gregtesch's is not as good as scket science's
Building GT one takes between 100 and 200 hours of gameplay in SMP, so I guess like 300-600 hours in SSP for a good player ? It's actually meant to be a goal you know, not just a generator you can spam. Guess why it generates 64 000 EU/t.
I agree RS one should be kept like it is though, maybe a bit more expensive, and a bit less powerful. For a bit more of ressources, I think the Extra EU you get from the loop necessary to fuel it should be like 32EU/t ... unless you use a Nuclear Reactor to get Tritium :D. So, I just think the Isotope Separator should consume more EU/operation. -
I think the one from RS is balanced enough.
Not balanced for GT. And not since Nuclear Reactor are now cheaper.
Edit: It just need to be configurable, or to have a GT compatible version (less OP and with a way to turn Deuterium/Tritium from RS into 2H/3H from GT in a non balance-breaking way.
Yeah a config were you can change from the normal mode( old RS) to realistic mode (GT)
would be nice or ?