Ah yeah i'm getting that too, didnt know where it came from
[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
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@Centrifuges: I corrected my Matherror and decreased the amount of needed Centrifuges from 161 to something less than 40 in 1.38a (what is going to be released Thursday).
@Soundbugs: This is not the right place for IC²-Bugs
@Serverlag: Its not my Mod, whats causing it.
@Color Of Chrome: Its light Pink because white is not an Option (Iridium, Tin, Silver, Iron and tons of other things are white)
@Centrifuges: I corrected my Matherror and decreased the amount of needed Centrifuges from 161 to something less than 40 in 1.38a (what is going to be released Thursday).
It would be better correcting the total number of Iridium Plate needed and decreasing it, but keeping the current number of centrifuges needed for automation in my mind
@Color Of Chrome: Its light Pink because white is not an Option (Iridium, Tin, Silver, Iron and tons of other things are white)
... It could be Blue, Red or even Green ... but Pink seems ... weird. It's look like a TV-programm for younger than 10 years old girls ...
It would be better correcting the total number of Iridium Plate needed and decreasing it, but keeping the current number of centrifuges needed for automation in my mind
No way, even 40 centrifuges is a lot, especially during server play !!
What did you change to "correct" the math error? Will the centrifuges be faster? (Hopefully, yes 8o) Or will the reactors be slower?
What did you change to "correct" the math error? Will the centrifuges be faster? (Hopefully, yes 8o) Or will the reactors be slower?
Just the Recipes of H-Cells, D-Cells and T-Cells were made a bit faster/cheaper. And dont forget that you need slow Electrolyzers to even get H-Cells.
Ah yeah i'm getting that too, didnt know where it came from
cpw talks about this in direwolf's latest video. Discussion starts at 28 minutes. Something about updating forge to at least build 305 and also updating lwjgl. I'm going to try both after work.
@Centrifuges: I corrected my Matherror and decreased the amount of needed Centrifuges from 161 to something less than 40 in 1.38a (what is going to be released Thursday).
So atm its 161 needed ?
Could I have the details ? (Like how much dedicated to the making of H-Cell, how much for cells etc ?Thanks
I know, I did 40 Electrolyzer automatic logistics system but I accidentally so it's no more
(that was back when H-Cells were made with 1 electrolyzed cell)
Logistics pipes are really nice although the devs of the new version should implement shift-clicking support because right now it's an arseache to set up everything and insert modules into chassis pipes.
I know, I did 40 Electrolyzer automatic logistics system but I accidentally so it's no more
(that was back when H-Cells were made with 1 electrolyzed cell)
Logistics pipes are really nice although the devs of the new version should implement shift-clicking support because right now it's an arseache to set up everything and insert modules into chassis pipes.
Did you do it with the actual one ? I'd like to have one working, but dont want to spend weeks finding how much of each centrifuge I need ... :s
Is it possible to add a wire mechanism to translocator and electric buffers? When building a pipe I don't want to wire every buffer.
So 1.4.2 update will be on 1.38a or 1.39a? Also, sodium replacement for lamp recipe?
Compared to all the EU needed to make the ingrediants for the fusion reactor, just how much 'profit' does it put out after costs?
Compared to all the EU needed to make the ingrediants for the fusion reactor, just how much 'profit' does it put out after costs?
4098 EU/t as long you keep it filled with easy-to-obtain fuel (D/T-Cells) [One D and T-Cell produces 1049088 EU when fused together in reactor], after 40 D/T-cells it pays off initial cost and you can keep producing energy until you run out of fusionable material. Set up a big electrolyzer/centrifuge/fusion reactor automation thingy and you are done.
@Greg : I want cape! (Kidding, i do not since i can't donate, sorry.)
cpw talks about this in direwolf's latest video. Discussion starts at 28 minutes. Something about updating forge to at least build 305 and also updating lwjgl. I'm going to try both after work.
Reporting back. I was already on Forge build 305. But updating lwjgl increased my frame rate by about 20 while standing in my machine room. It also fixed Buildcraft pipes rendering weirdly.
Is it possible to add a wire mechanism to translocator and electric buffers? When building a pipe I don't want to wire every buffer.
Suggestion approved. Outputfacing of Buffers and Translocators will be 32 EU/t.
So 1.4.2 update will be on 1.38a or 1.39a? Also, sodium replacement for lamp recipe?
1.4.2-Update will be 2.00a
1.38a is just the last 1.3.2-UpdateCompared to all the EU needed to make the ingrediants for the fusion reactor, just how much 'profit' does it put out after costs?
Even more in 1.38a as the Centrifugerecipe got cheaper.
redstone signal
the buffer send out redstone singnal so it turn off machines if it full -
redstone signal
the buffer send out redstone singnal so it turn off machines if it fullBuffer = full => Redstone? Bad Idea, will break most Machines of other Mods and doesnt make real sense. Maybe a Redstonemode for it, but nothing more.
@GregoriousT: What do you think about adding a generator using Buildcraft-Liquids directly (and fuelcans for those who dont use buildcraft)? Maybe some kind of Generator-Komplex (of multiple blocks) which needs, besides Fuel, additional Stuff to run... it is hard to describe the idea in english, so I write it in german
(I'll add an english translation later, if required)
Die Grundidee ist, dass das Ganze aus mehreren (konfigurierbaren) Teilen bestehen soll. Das Grundgerüst könnten 3 Blöcke sein: 1.) Ein Motor, der mit den fossilen Brennstoffen läuft. 2.) Ein Getriebe zur Übertragung der Kraft und 3.) Ein Generator, der mit der Rotationsenergie aus dem Motor Strom erzeugt.
Der Getriebeblock könnte in einer kleinen GUI mit verschiedenen Getriebetypen unterschiedlicher Qualität ausgestattet werden, mit unterschiedlichem Energieverlust beim Übertagen der Energie zum Generator (bessere können sehr teuer sein).. oder es vielleicht auch ermöglichen mehrere Generatoren an einen Motor zu hängen.
Die Motoren könnten mit unterschiedlichen Komponenten ausgestattet werden (z.b. Motorblock, Welle, Kolben) die ebenfalls unterschiedliche Qualitätsstufen haben könnten. Es sollte dann natürlich auch Limits geben, was ein Getriebe und ein Generator an Energie aufnehmen kann, sodass zu Gute Komponenten im Motor zum Ausfall anderer Teile führen können. So könnte man entweder einen guten Generator an einen guten Motor hängt (mit einem guten Getriebe) oder mehrere nicht ganz so gute Generatoren über ein Getriebe betreibt, dass an mehrere die Energie übertragen kann.
Der Generator selber könnte ebenfalls verschiedene Komponenten in verschiedenen Qualitätsstufen haben (über eine GUI austauschbar). Z.B. Spulen verschiedener Qualitäten und Materialien.
Das Ganze ist als Modulares System gedacht, mit dem man größere Generatorkomplexe aufbauen könnte. Da das Ganze aber auch sehr Materialaufwändig wäre (Blöcke + Module) müsste der Energieoutput (bei den hochwertigen Modulen) entsprechend hoch sein. Ich würde das Ganze unter Tier II bis IV Energie einordnen, je nach Aufbau und verwendeter Komponenten.
Hope you like the idea Greg
Did you do it with the actual one ? I'd like to have one working, but dont want to spend weeks finding how much of each centrifuge I need ... :s
I made it in my testing world with 50 centrifuges for each element (H, D, T), was using the quantum generator to provide enough power to everything.
It was so nice but the request list was a few pages. Before I accidentally, I asked Greg if he wants me to show him the world.Li-Batteries don't charge tools when right-clicked. Is this an IC2 bug as well?