Thanks for taking my suggestion on the full block cables Greg. Now I can I run IC2 wires in my house and simply texture them to be the same as my floor material. Sadly, I am still not using 1.32, damn you Redpower2, WHY U NO UPDATE STUPID FAST?! Just kidding, we can't expect people to update as fast as Greg.
[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Eloraam said, that she cried about 1.3 breaking ALL of Redpower.
And for the Fullblockcables: Do you really expect me to make a special Blockmodel just for a stupid Cable? It was just lazyness, which inspired me to do so. But i like the way how it looks on Floors and Walls, so i will keep it.
Eloraam said, that she cried about 1.3 breaking ALL of Redpower.
poor her..I wish I wasn't such a lazy-ass and learned java to help those in need
Did you update to the latest Version, before that happened? I know i changed something, to let this Log no longer occur.
yep I just updated to see if that was fixed
1.16aPS: the e net ghosting bug still happens between your machines F-reactor and AESU
Just because I have OCD, it's Tungsten, not Wolfram
EDIT: Greg, can you please use the existing original IC2 cable model, like the HV Cable one? That's what I really liked about IC2, that cables aren't full blocks like they used to be.
Just because i have OCD too: IT'S WOLFRAM, NOT TUNGSTEN!!!
@E-net-Ghost: Did you use ONLY my Machines and Cables? And i mean ONLY my ones, no single Core-IC²-Machine/Cable?
@Logspam: Could someone remove that Debug-Log from IC²? My check if a TileEntity is even Valid must interrupt it somehow. -
1.)Calm down (I saw you use caps)
2.)Can you please use one of the IC2 core cable models?P.S.
Umad? Ujelly? Trolololololo
It seems both names are valid to use.
The name "tungsten" (from the Nordic tung sten, meaning "heavy stone") is used in English, French, and many other languages as the name of the element. Tungsten was the old Swedish name for the mineral scheelite. The other name "wolfram" (or "volfram"), used for example in most European (especially Germanic and Slavic) languages, is derived from the mineral wolframite, and this is also the origin of its chemical symbol, W.[6] The name "wolframite" is derived from German "wolf rahm" ("wolf soot" or "wolf cream"), the name given to tungsten by Johan Gottschalk Wallerius in 1747. This, in turn, derives from "Lupi spuma", the name Georg Agricola used for the element in 1546, which translates into English as "wolf's froth" or "cream" (the etymology is not entirely certain), and is a reference to the large amounts of tin consumed by the mineral during its extraction.[13]
According to that Tungsten is moreless the Ore-Form of it (heavy stone), while Wolfram is the chemical Element. Its a bit like Bauxit and Aluminium.
@Cablemodels: NOPE. I like the Cables how they are now.
@Next Release: V1.17a
New Features:
Dataorb for storing, guess what, DATA!!! Used like portable Sonictron on Computercubes for Reactorplans (can also store Sonictrondata)
Energybar at 4 diffrent Block-GUI's.
Should now have fixed that E-net-Log-Issue, but i wasnt able to reproduce it, so i dont know for sure.@Ghost-E-net: As i said, i fixed Ghost-E-net for all MY Machines/Cable long ago. I tested it to be sure, and my Machines were (unlike IC²-Machines/Cables) not ghosting at all.
If you want cable model code... Don't Come to me!
2012-09-27 00:29:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] [IC2] WARNING: gregtechmod.common.tileentities.GT_TileEntity_Centrifuge@4807229a didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
got that a few million times when I throw something in the centrifuge on my server.
-edit- I see it's been mentioned before, and will test new version
According to that Tungsten is moreless the Ore-Form of it (heavy stone), while Wolfram is the chemical Element. Its a bit like Bauxit and Aluminium.
@Cablemodels: NOPE. I like the Cables how they are now.
@Next Release: V1.17a
New Features:
Dataorb for storing, guess what, DATA!!! Used like portable Sonictron on Computercubes for Reactorplans (can also store Sonictrondata)
Energybar at 4 diffrent Block-GUI's.
Should now have fixed that E-net-Log-Issue, but i wasnt able to reproduce it, so i dont know for sure.@Ghost-E-net: As i said, i fixed Ghost-E-net for all MY Machines/Cable long ago. I tested it to be sure, and my Machines were (unlike IC²-Machines/Cables) not ghosting at all.
Yeah its fixed in 1.0.7 too but meh who knows when that will be released for all.
ok confirming the log spam is gone in 1.17a
ghosting was me thinking that only machines are causing this and not cables using only cable from your mod has no ghostingfound a typo in the computer cubes fusion reactor recipe for iridium EU/t: -5-1-2 instead of EU/t: 512
PS: it would be very nice if you where able to paint super-conductive wire
2012-09-27 02:14:07 [INFO] [STDOUT] [IC2] WARNING: gregtechmod.common.tileentities.GT_TileEntity_AESU@2995209a didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
Getting log spam on 1.17a for the AESU, I currently have 1 full and 4 trying to fill it, following a trio getting the output from a fusion reactor in a test setup.
The 1 full is trying to fill a IDSU. AESU pictured below as MFSU, and IDSU as a HV transformer.EDIT:
After fixing the bottleneck caused at the center AESU, the log spam stopped. So it would appear it has some issues dealing with a full storage unit, and how that gets reported back to IC2. -
If you want cable model code... Don't Come to me!
I don't really understand
But I really think that you should update for 106 because I really like that superconductor you have there
If you want cable model code... Don't Come to me!
I dont want a Cable-Model. Also the E-net-Code is finally DECOMPILABLE, HAYO!
2012-09-27 00:29:53 [INFO] [STDOUT] [IC2] WARNING: gregtechmod.common.tileentities.GT_TileEntity_Centrifuge@4807229a didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
got that a few million times when I throw something in the centrifuge on my server.
-edit- I see it's been mentioned before, and will test new version
I tried again to fix that, but its an IC²-E-net-Bug, as the E-net checks only one time for demandsEnergy, before letting thousands of EU-Dwarfs flow into the Machines, even when they are already full. If you now in 1.17b send less than 4 Packets, it should no longer spam you.
found a typo in the computer cubes fusion reactor recipe for iridium EU/t: -5-1-2 instead of EU/t: 512
Not really a Typo. My Numberconverter didnt support negative numbers. Should be fixed now.
2012-09-27 02:14:07 [INFO] [STDOUT] [IC2] WARNING: gregtechmod.common.tileentities.GT_TileEntity_AESU@2995209a didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
Getting log spam on 1.17a for the AESU, I currently have 1 full and 4 trying to fill it, following a trio getting the output from a fusion reactor in a test setup.
The 1 full is trying to fill a IDSU. AESU pictured below as MFSU, and IDSU as a HV transformer.EDIT:
After fixing the bottleneck caused at the center AESU, the log spam stopped. So it would appear it has some issues dealing with a full storage unit, and how that gets reported back to IC2.Rebuilt your Setup and finally found out what caused my Infinite-EU-Sinkproblems, and fixed that. Lets see if i fix the Logspam completly in the next Version.
I think this the first time at this hour there was not update but I guess decompiling E-net counts
I think this the first time at this hour there was not update but I guess decompiling E-net counts
Whoops i forgot to announce my Update to 1.17b.
Also i decompiled it long time ago, i just recognized that it was decompiled.
New Features:
Made it possible to replace the old cheap Nukerecipe with a more advanced one, which is based upon 4 Re-Enriched Cells, 2 Uraniumblocks, 2 Advanced Circuits and an advanced Machineblock. Its replacing the old Nukerecipe, what means that, if there is no Nukerecipe (because disabled in IC²-Config), then it wont add a new Recipe.