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    Netherrack ? Why ? Endstone ? Wow, I've always thought that the End was kinda like the Moon ^^ (Because, there is actually He3 in vast amount on the Moon)

    With Netherrack you get Helium at a 64->1-Ratio (not much), while you get it with Endstone at a 64->4*He+4*He3-Ratio.

    Lol, it would be funny: a German defending nuclear power when your government decided few years ago to replace this energy source with Coal-based plants, because everybody know it's cleaner :P

    Lol, Angi and her strange politics. Its nice that we shut down our highquality supersecure Nuclear, while Poland and France for example, have most of their less secure Powerplants right next to the german border. Seriously, as if a german Nucleareactor could blow up.

    The next Version will contain two new nuclear Fuels, which can be gotten by centrifuging tons of Uranium. (Recipechange)

    I opened my world to LAN to try the Teslastaff
    but it doesnt work at all

    That's why the Description inside the Computercube says, that it's 100% not tested. I just assumed it will work. :D

    But just to be sure: You leftclicked your Enemyplayer with a fully charged Teslastaff, or?

  • Weird thing to ask - why so few reactions?
    Read English wiki article and it war rather crappy in numbers.

    This one is Russian version, don't mind the article itself, just check up the reactions, maybe you'll find something interesting ^^ I think, that reactions can be made into different tiers, as some components are easy to get and others, well, not so easy to get, while energy requirements to start reaction between 2 H and He + D are significantly different (if I am correct..)

  • hmm. I thought of something. I wonder, if your rockcutter can be an alternative to mining drill in miner, so it will dig with the same speed but coal-like ores would be mined in an ore version.

    • Official Post

    hmm. I thought of something. I wonder, if your rockcutter can be an alternative to mining drill in miner, so it will dig with the same speed but coal-like ores would be mined in an ore version.

    Sorry but Basefilemodification. I was even able to get myself a Cape without Basefilemod, but this would require a change of IC²-Code.

  • Make solar panels use 1 si-cell and 2 C Plates??
    And make Rock Cutter about as fast as a diamond pick(It's made out of 3 freakin' diamonds)??

    Fusion Power Engineering Industries® Making Fusion™ Automation Chamber© is DONE!!!!!!!! HAYO!!!

    Hint: Click the Automation Chamber text to see how it looks :D

    Edited once, last by SteveofDoom ().

    • Official Post

    Make solar panels use 1 si-cell and 2 C Plates??
    And make Rock Cutter about as fast as a diamond pick(It's made out of 3 freakin' diamonds)??

    1. Nope, 2 Si-Cells are reasonable. Try to use Claydust for getting Si-Cells. Then you will also get Li-Cells, which you can burn in a Generator for much Energy.

    2. Nope, you have to "saw" the Block 4 Times to get it in one piece, thats why it needs so much time.

  • Lol, Angi and her strange politics. Its nice that we shut down our highquality supersecure Nuclear, while Poland and France for example, have most of their less secure Powerplants right next to the german border. Seriously, as if a german Nucleareactor could blow up.

    Lol, you're probably right with the fact our oldest Powerplants are next to the border (as a Frenchman, I do not think your german Nuclearreactors are safer than french one, and judge this critizism unfair ^^ , unless for these old). But seriously, are you one of this guy thinking Nuclear Plants have a real risk to blow up without external event ?
    But that's right like that, Angela probably satisfied ecological movements by replacing an awesome energy source by the one from the XIX century ...

    Let's back to Minecraft: I wasn't asking about ratio, but why ? Is there a reason to the existence of He in the Nether ? Being so light, it should be found at the top of the Nether, with that amazing heat, isn't it ?

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

    • Official Post

    But seriously, are you one of this guy thinking Nuclear Plants have a real risk to blow up without external event ?

    Which, in Centraleurope occuring, natural Catastophe could blow up a Nucleareactor in Germany? Answer: None. What else could happen? Human failure? No, we have good enough Computers now, so that Tschernobyl cannot happen again. Nuclear is safe Energy, i have no Idea why People think it could just explode.

    Btw. All those who are against Nuclear, are mostly also against Wind, Solar, Water, Coal, Cars, Biofuel and pretty much everything else except Electricity.

    Let's back to Minecraft: I wasn't asking about ratio, but why ? Is there a reason to the existence of He in the Nether ? Being so light, it should be found at the top of the Nether, with that amazing heat, isn't it ?

    Thanks for the Idea. Why not centrifuging Glowstonedust for He-Cells instead of Netherrack.

  • are mostly also against Wind, Solar, Water, Coal, Cars,

    They are right: of course, Coal is the dirtiest energy ever. Solar ? It depend one the way it's made, but it contains a lot of heavy metal. Wind ? Probably because "Windmills are a good source of energy. But as they are noisy, and uggly, I disagree with installing some around my home, build some somewhere else". In fact, it's really dangerous for bird (That was ironical, but did you know it was disturbing bat because of high-frequency sonic waves emission ? ^^ That surely justify using Coal, because it's acceptable that 10 chineses childrens die in Coal-Mine, if it can help one bat to survive.) And as Hydroelectricity ... it disturbs fishs, and is possibly implied in some chinese earthquakes. But here are no more progress we could do, because there's not that much area for Hydro-based plants that are free.

    Thanks for the Idea. Why not centrifuging Glowstonedust for He-Cells instead of Netherrack.

    I guess that would be good, but my comment was just about the reason of it, and I guess there's no really logical explanation ^^. I actualy would like(when I'll be free to play MC when I want, i.e. this summer --') getting it too from Netherrack, because I've already planned Nether-based fortress in PvP ^^.

    There's something in the Netherthat is still useless ... Soulsand ... you should think about recipes for it.

    It's made of ... I don't know, but it has the properties of slowing down players/mobs. This has surely a link with some useful element.


    Which, in Centraleurope occuring, natural Catastophe could blow up a Nucleareactor in Germany?

    I guess the hugest risk concerns terorism. Try to throw one AirbusA380 (as I'm french ^^) or Boeing on it if youprefer ... but Nuclearplant are suposed to be Planes-proof. So this, even if more probable, is still an event that won't happen.

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

    Edited once, last by MatLaPatate ().

  • Thanks for the Idea. Why not centrifuging Glowstonedust for He-Cells instead of Netherrack.

    not quite the best idea, but that makes sense ~_~ . that is going to leave netherrack w\o purpose again. maybe just netherrack > redstone (it's friggin RED!!1) + more gunpowder + more coaldust?
    Did you read the wiki thread?

  • Wonder when the emergency teleport will be added :P Uses insane amount of power maybe even a special fuel that's hard to make that will teleport you back to your bind one time use muhaha.

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  • I really would like that the centrifuges are faster, that's why I hate making SI-Cells and everything else. I use Clay Dust to make them.

    Fusion Power Engineering Industries® Making Fusion™ Automation Chamber© is DONE!!!!!!!! HAYO!!!

    Hint: Click the Automation Chamber text to see how it looks :D

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    Hey is there a way to play that awesome Addon in Singleplayer ?
    I tried the Fusionreactor , but it only works in multiplayer.

    Sadly, there is no Singleplayer in Minecraft 1.3.2 at all. So unless Mojang adds Singleplayer back to the Game, i cant help you.

    not quite the best idea, but that makes sense ~_~ . that is going to leave netherrack w\o purpose again. maybe just netherrack > redstone (it's friggin RED!!1) + more gunpowder + more coaldust?
    Did you read the wiki thread?

    Redstone seems to be a good replacement for the He-Cell.

    I really would like that the centrifuges are faster, that's why I hate making SI-Cells and everything else. I use Clay Dust to make them.

    Complaining about slow things being slow doesn't help you. Make more than one Centrifuge, if you want Speed.

  • Wonder when the emergency teleport will be added :P Uses insane amount of power maybe even a special fuel that's hard to make that will teleport you back to your bind one time use muhaha.

    Or a random teleport anywhere with a solid block and two air cell above it. :)

    Oh, and Greg, please remove these files:

    • Official Post

    any chance of getting the recipes for fusion and centrifuge into NEI or are you just gona stick to the computercube?

    There is a chance, but only if there is enough Time for it.

    Since Richard is taking ages to fix a few Bugs, i fixed the following two with this Addon myself:
    - Double/Quad-Cell-Turbo-Exhaustionbug FIXED!!! (Note that old damaged Uraniumcells will be refilled since i switched it to NBT)
    - Neutronreflector rather pulsing than reflecting. FIXED!!! (Now reflects properly)

    Note, that i still didnt use frikkin Basefilemodifications to do that. I just overloaded the ItemID's with proper Items.

    Plutonium and Thorium as Fuel for Nuclearreactors. Currently only obtainable via centrifuging 16 Uranium.

    Plutonium has twice as much Poweroutput and twice as much Lifetime. (So 4 Times more Energy)
    Thorium has only a fifth of normal output (1 EU/t/pulse) but five times more Lifetime, making it a less hassle to refuel small Reactors (same Energyamount as Uranium)

    Produced Heat of a Reactorfuel is determined by its EU/t (at Default-IC²-Config) minus 1 (with at least 1 Heat produced), what means that Thorium has 1 Heat per Pulsetick, while Plutonium has 9 Heat per Pulsetick. Uranium is still the same with 4 Heat per Pulsetick. The Nuclear-Config of IC² does not affect Heat, but still EU/t.

    @Thumbs.db: As long as it doesnt cause Problems for me i will not do that, because its too much Effort for me :P

  • Found a nasty crash in SMP.

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