You guys know that the GT Recipes are only enabled in ONE default pack? So c'mon this argument is kinda silly, go use the other four if you can't be arsed to use the configs

[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
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Considering most mods or mod addons don't take cross-mod interaction into account whatsoever; in this case, this is correct. In order to balance recipes to a more difficult degree while taking cross-mod interaction into account recipes needed to change. Take forestry and IC2 bronze for a perfect example. Both use the exact same 3-1 conversion of copper and tin. The only difference being people received 4 bronze ingots in forestry to 2 in IC2. Both balanced in their own right to vanilla minecraft as forestry makes much larger use of bronze than IC2; however it has no automated means to retrieve said ores. The time investment made up for a larger number of ingots per component. IC2 however adds basic automation via Miners. A balance descrepency arises and (myself included) most people took the easy route to get the most of their components by using forestry bronze for all their bronze needs. That seems to me to be the route GregTech is going (along with adding very high tier items -- more goals than just -- mine to layer 12; get iron on the way, smelt iron, gather some tin / copper, grab redstone, grab diamond; make quarry and creative mode ahoy).
The bronze change- that I'm in full support of. It's to prevent an exploit. Putting three diamonds in the macerator recipe is not preventing an exploit.And I can say from personal experience that a quarry is not 'creative mode ahoy'. I've spent the last few days getting enough chrome dust to upgrade my blast furnace to tungsten-smelting ability.
But you can take any endgame technology and just say it's 'creative mode'. The fusion reactor is trivial to get fuel for, once you build it, and the massive EU it generates means you can just use a matter fabricator to get whatever you want. What's important is a combination of effort and fun. GregTech has a lot of effort, but once you get past the first few multiblock machines, the fun is severely lacking.
After reading 4 pages of people talking about Redpower and GregTech, i've decided to show my OPINION.
I think that GregoriusT is doing a great job by "balancing" many mods as he thinks is good, to make Minecraft a more challenging and funnier experience.
Eloraam doesn't like people to mess around with her code, it is fine, but this is not touching a single line of her code.
I also can't understand why people bothers about recipe modification but not about RP gems which can be used in GT matterfab. It follows nearly the same line of mod crossover.
GregoriusT even asked her through MCF for permission which means he is not ignoring her and her decision to any mod not modify, use, have any modification related to redpower code.
If she denies, Greg will probably disable any compatibility with redpower and improve his own automation stuff, to be better than any other automation a mod can give you, then redpower will not ever be required for anything.ALL recipe changes can be turned off/on (including Redpower ones, which are OFF by default due this "copyright war") , so YOU have the decision how to balance YOUR game.
You are NOT obligated to play with default settings (with all recipe changes) nor ANY server which has them. GregTech was designed to make you enjoy minecraft longer. Before you could get all super high-tech machines and automated systems in a couple hours, with considerable knowledge of all mods you have.@Post above : if the fun is lacking for you, you should play something else instead, ever considered that? Because i seriously enjoy the challenge GT provides us all.
Why does if always come to that fucking copyright bullshit in EVERY thread that involves redpower in any way? Are all redpower users lawyers/record industry managers/musicians/etc? It's getting annoying. I really wish mojang would force an open source policy on any and all minecraft mod to stop that...
Hell, if i was a better coder myself i'd probably write a mod to really screw some (not named here) people seriously over, just for the fun and the tears.
Rant mode: Disengage. For now.
Because if Greg wants to be taken seriously, he needs to follow the fucking law and respect the intellectual property of others. If Mojang forces mods to be open source, there will be less modders, simple as that. As a programmer, when I make a game, and put it out there, I have a lot of emotional investment in it. To see someone go 'no, fuck your creation', is (And I speak from first-hand experience.) pretty awful. -
After reading 4 pages of people talking about Redpower and GregTech, i've decided to show my OPINION.
I think that GregoriusT is doing a great job by "balancing" many mods as he thinks is good, to make Minecraft a more challenging and funnier experience.
Eloraam doesn't like people to mess around with her code, it is fine, but this is not touching a single line of her code.
I also can't understand why people bothers about recipe modification but not about RP gems which can be used in GT matterfab. It follows nearly the same line of mod crossover.
GregoriusT even asked her through MCF for permission which means he is not ignoring her and her decision to any mod not modify, use, have any modification related to redpower code.
If she denies, Greg will probably disable any compatibility with redpower and improve his own automation stuff, to be better than any other automation a mod can give you, then redpower will not ever be required for anything.ALL recipe changes can be turned off/on (including Redpower ones, which are OFF by default due this "copyright war") , so YOU have the decision how to balance YOUR game.
You are NOT obligated to play with default settings (with all recipe changes) nor ANY server which has them. GregTech was designed to make you enjoy minecraft longer. Before you could get all super high-tech machines and automated systems in a couple hours, with considerable knowledge of all mods you have.All hail the man/women that has intelligence :O But in all seriousness, this person puts it very well, and you all should read what they said, as it fairly well sums up both sides, the last paragraph in particular
And really now Al, there is absolutely no violation of any law or copy write, and there is no need to use foul language, if you can't handle that, use a PM, as it is INCREDIBLY Rude to go to the PAGE of an author and say more or less "**** off* that's a real show of maturity and hipocrasy. Just stop, and stop going off rumors, and read what is Actually happening.
Eloraam doesn't like people to mess around with her code, it is fine, but this is not touching a single line of her code.
Slight correction, Eloraam doesn't like people touching her mod in general, not just her code, I'm pretty sure that Immibis did not use Eloraam's code when she shut his addon down because she has her "own plans in mind".
When i first heard of something i didnt like in gregtech(example macerator recipe), you know what i did? I went into the configs as soon as i found it, set expencive macerator to false and went on with my life instead of complaining to greg that that was unfair or too hard. I just recently heard about the magical config and as soon as i got on it, it made sence to me. Pass the magic on,... The config
@Post above : if the fun is lacking for you, you should play something else instead, ever considered that? Because i seriously enjoy the challenge GT provides us all.
Ever considered that being happy with the current level of challenge is not, in fact, the problem? I've put a decent amount of effort into trying to determine the qualities that makes things 'fun'. GregTech fulfills pretty much one kind, the fantasy of labor. However, for this element of fun to hold, the reward must be proportional to the effort.Good example: Centrifuging lapis lazuli gives you various dusts that all have their uses.
Bad example: You need to harvest a few thousand ender pearls to make a fusion reactor, which, upon being made, is incredibly overpowered because of the ease in obtaining the materials.
Slight correction, Eloraam doesn't like people touching her mod in general, not just her code, I'm pretty sure that Immibis did not use Eloraam's code when she shut his addon down because she has her "own plans in mind".
At start that was her argument, which turned invalid after people finding ways to use her mod without touching her code.
Her "plans" to make blutricity converter was the argument that time, it was months ago, she could have developed that if she really planned to do that.
Well, Greg asked her through MCF, only thing we can do is WAIT for her answer and STOP talking about this. It wont lead us anywhere. -
Ill just step back and talk game-play for a second, a great way to power a matterfab before you have a fusion system up and running is using a nuclear farm. The use of auto-crafting tables takes away the tedium of making reactor parts.
I have been using this design (A bit inefficient but I use this because the parts are then reused in later reactor setups)
It pushes out a solid EU/thttp://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…e07brbka9j2sgmue47nu5i8e8
It also uses a good ratio of Thorium : Plutonium which can be produced on mass from a good set of breeder reactors.
I personally use Fenrir's reactor bits, but 3 of these work quite well and 1 Cycle from them will provide enough power to run my 16 reactors for quite a while.
If you have them, use logistics pipes, the breeders provide enough power to keep the logistics system functioning and they save some severe headaches from manually swapping items around. -
Bad example: You need to harvest a few thousand ender pearls to make a fusion reactor, which, upon being made, is incredibly overpowered because of the ease in obtaining the materials.
Should the player not be rewarded for reaching the "end game"? It takes forever to make a fusion reactor, do you want it to go back to its 4096 eu/t output where it doesn't pay for itself unless left on for several days?
Quoteonly thing we can do is WAIT for her answer and STOP talking about this. It wont lead us anywhere.
this, I'm going to stop posting on this subject, people's opinions will not change, we are essentially having a pointless argument over whether or not Greg knows what he is doing better than [insert mod developer here].
Theres a reactor design thread (gregtech edition)
Let the people spam and wait for Alb to roast them
Should the player not be rewarded for reaching the "end game"? It takes forever to make a fusion reactor, do you want it to go back to its 4096 eu/t output where it doesn't pay for itself unless left on for several days?
Progression should be a smoother journey. The Fusion Reactor should be functional with no coils, but the power output is greatly diminished and it only works with deuterium and tritium. Each additional fusion coil increases total EU output and EU/t, as well as unlocks additional recipes. -
Progression should be a smoother journey. The Fusion Reactor should be functional with no coils, but the power output is greatly diminished and it only works with deuterium and tritium. Each additional fusion coil increases total EU output and EU/t, as well as unlocks additional recipes.
However a fusion reactor without coils (to make magnetic fields to hold plasma) makes no sense. It would turn that into a magic block which generates a crapload of energy out of a single block. Fusion reactor is NOT needed to power a matterfab. I can generate 10k EU/t in a month or two only with vanilla IC2 windmills (aka about 6400 windmills, even with recipe change on, which increases the cost).
Progression should be a smoother journey. The Fusion Reactor should be functional with no coils, but the power output is greatly diminished and it only works with deuterium and tritium. Each additional fusion coil increases total EU output and EU/t, as well as unlocks additional recipes.Just going to point out that if you tried to attempt fusion with any coils to sustain and control the reaction, you would either blow up your building with searing plasma, or much more likely, nothing would happen, i do happen to agree that there should be more progression to the reactor, as it currently only needs one set of coiling for a reaction, it would be nice if we could either/both use more coils to make a complete Torodial Reactor, or use different coils that use things like Superconducting magnets, or the even more intriguing, piston powered fusion reactor.
Also, is it masochistic to wish that ALL heat related generators would generate steam, like in real life? Also, i Request more multiblocks! 1^3 meter blocks get a bit old after a while, so why not a 10^3 m generator for burning tonnes of coal at a time? which would then produce oodles of steam for use in our much more believable factories
Personally I'm glad that Greg has this mod and it's changes available, otherwise for me it would be impossible to increase the length of gameplay before I hit the "awww crap no more to build" stage since I can't code at all. Gregtech gives a stupid amount of power over your options in the config, truthfully this mod (and by it's nature it allows customization of other mods) gives the most customizability I've seen without knowing how to code yourself.
Just going to point out that if you tried to attempt fusion with any coils to sustain and control the reaction, you would either blow up your building with searing plasma, or much more likely, nothing would happen, i do happen to agree that there should be more progression to the reactor, as it currently only needs one set of coiling for a reaction, it would be nice if we could either/both use more coils to make a complete Torodial Reactor, or use different coils that use things like Superconducting magnets, or the even more intriguing, piston powered fusion reactor.
Without decent coils , if you are able to trigger a fusion reaction it may go out of control and consume atmospheric hydrogen and start creating a star (like the sun). Your house would be vanished along the world.
Without coils , if you are able to trigger a fusion reaction it may go out of control and consume atmospheric hydrogen and start creating a star (like the sun). Your house would be vanished along the world.
Well in most cases yes, unless you were only fusing say, 1 picogram of D20, and tritium. this would generate a very tiny reaction. (comparitively)
Hmmm a small sun generator sounds like a good idea. Id do it!
Without decent coils , if you are able to trigger a fusion reaction it may go out of control and consume atmospheric hydrogen and start creating a star (like the sun). Your house would be vanished along the world.
I don't believe this would happen. Sure, there's hydrogen in the atmosphere, but it's bonded and stable. The rest of the relatively insulating materials would quickly smother the reaction. The sun's advantage is that its entire mass is fusion-ready, it's isolated, and the sheer gravitational force generated by it sustains its reaction.Still, I see your point. I would suggest instead different grades of coil. The first grade being much easier to make, and requiring only eight of them, to completely surround the reactor. The lower grade coils would be components of higher grade coils. Varying effectiveness is achieved through a combination of coil grade and coil size.