[Suggestion] Repurpose Tesla Coils?

  • Hi all, I was just thinking about how much I hate having to route IC2 cabling, and was thinking about wireless energy in real life and thought on how Nikola Tesla had designed the Tesla Coil for this very purpose. I was thinking that perhaps the tesla coil could transmit energy w/o hurting players so long as it's only receiving 32 eu/t, whereas if it received MV/HV it would no longer send to machines and would then begin damaging players/entities. Just a thought, it's a bit more realistic and useful, and would be quite awesome to see!

  • There WAS an addon for wireless EU transfer (insane recipe), but it's fallen defunct. But I do think the author released source for it.

  • Nice to see I've indirectly struck inspiration :D as for the addon, I didn't know, I only started using IC2 in February, and that was when I was noobish enough to use the Technic pack D:

  • i think that this should be more useful when you have a lot of tight, cramped wiring, because an electrical arc can only span so far without millions of volts (lightning is an electrical arc) this should be short-range wireless so you dont have to get confused with painting and re-wiring, a scaled down lightning particle could be used and spans the area between 2 tesla's, which, if you walk through, shocks you for about 2-4 hearts and loses all the EU/t passing through the wire

  • The only realistic distance energy could be transported wireless would be ~5-10 blocks, so it's totally useless

    Not to mention that when Tesla did it the loss rate was something on the order of 90%.
    I'm not exactly sure what they've got it down to anymore but it's still quite high.