[1.103]IC2 HUD Upgrades v0.3

  • Hi,
    This is my first mod, so don't be too harsh.

    Wanted do have more info on screen when playing with IC2? Well, now You can. HUD Upgrades give some additional features to solar, nano and quantum helmet. Solar helmet provides only basic informations, as energy armor current energy, or jetpack flight status, but Nano and Quantum, well... You will have no need for crafting certain items when having Nano or Quantum helmet on. Just hover your crosshair on cable (You get current EU/t, max EU that can transfer, EU loss ), or energy emmiter (EU/t, max EU that can emmits), machines (also some EU information). When equiped with power tool, then You will have on screen capacity, current charge, and how many EU it takes per operation. Hover on reactor, and get current heat of that reactor. Want to fly with jetpack? There is also some new things on screen, like height on what You are, seed, or remaining fuel. And all of that will popup when needed. Check the screen below for more info.

    purple - jetpack assosiated info
    red - current energy reading from Energy block
    orange - current item info
    blue - current armor readings

    Further informations:

    planned features:
    -BC support (so it can also meassure MJ/t, and heat level of engines)
    -mob radar for quantum helmet? (10 blocks range)
    -ore detector for quantum helmet? (4 blocks range)
    -any other suggestions?
    -integrations with Gravitation Suite addon

    Would love to hear some feedback.

    v 0.3
    -added light level sensor for solar helmet
    -added integration with gravi suite mod
    -more reactor info (mostly corrected old ones)
    -energy storage blocks info added
    -moved to IC2 1.103 (cause some sexy methods were added to API)
    -bug with textures
    -bug with battlegear

    v 0.2
    -started mod public

    Installation notes:
    Since now my mod is using IC2 1.103, and some addons don't use new API for IC2, then it can throw an exception. It's caused old API used in other addons. Just load IC2 before any of it's addons and everything will be good :)

    Funny thing is that it uses only IC2 API (no decompilled stuff)(ok, and some NBT packets), and it's very close to reach peak of IC2 API. Would like to point out what API could have in future releases, but don't know where.

    Have download here:


  • OH MY HAYO!!! This is frikkin EPIC! The only thing that could make it better would be such lines(I hope you know what I mean):
    Okay, I calmed down a bit... It's really cool! If possible, have it say something on certain occasions like that armor in Half-life! For the voice, just record google translator or so (if that's allowed, if not, look for someone who is good at imitating computer voices). That would be REALLY epic.

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • @
    AthenianGeneral . not a ripoff, cause HUD is tided to armor that You have on, and it gives information in very diffrente maner. for example my HUD is dependant of 3 types of helmets: Solar (very basic) nano, and quantum (same fetures). And want to do a really responsive HUD, not just static info.

    @I don't now Voices? Didn't even imagine that. Have to look if it wouldn't be too anoying. I play MC without sound, so don't even know what sound is in MC :), but will see into that. graphics are for now very basic, cause didn't have good idea for them. I was creating this mod to have some interesting info on screen. Will have to see if I could put some nice effects to it. Maybe custom renderer, and outline'ing box of block of interes... mob outlining? night vision? So much ideas...

  • @
    AthenianGeneral . not a ripoff, cause HUD is tided to armor that You have on, and it gives information in very diffrente maner. for example my HUD is dependant of 3 types of helmets: Solar (very basic) nano, and quantum (same fetures). And want to do a really responsive HUD, not just static info.

    Fair enough.

    I agree on voices, getting something similar to how half-life did their suit would be awesome... Perhaps require both the helmet and chest-plate for things like damage notification, leggings for current speed, boots for vertical speed? Also, I think it would be cool if the 'helmet' interfaced with the rest of its suit. (For nano as well.)

  • maybe make the status box animate. like it starts as a small box then grows into a rectangular shape then generates the texts inside it. in about 2 seconds or less maybe.

  • can anyone confirm if my mod also work for forestry machines? Got tip that it work, but for me it's a bug rather a proper feature. Will bug SirSengir how he saves charge value. It seems that he uses the same NBT key as IC2 does, so it can get ugly at some point...

  • can anyone confirm if my mod also work for forestry machines? Got tip that it work, but for me it's a bug rather a proper feature. Will bug SirSengir how he saves charge value. It seems that he uses the same NBT key as IC2 does, so it can get ugly at some point...

    yeah it worked with forestry when i tried it yesteday, i thought it was a feature, it displays MJ values in EU.

  • Works with Forestry and Transformers addon.
    Although i got a crash when i pressed F(which switches to my dual weapons from Mine & Blade mod)

    my list was too long for this post get it here: http://pastebin.com/ZC69dLz1

    God blesses the child that can hold its own.

    Edited once, last by streetstar5 ().

  • Awesome addon, I like the look and feel it gives while running around in my q-suit. Question though, what is that thing that looks like a piece of coal dust in your screenshot? It's inside the orange HUD showing your nano saber's battery level. I see it too when I'm using the mod, but I'm not sure what it's supposed to represent (I'm probably missing something obvious).

  • Another suggestion: When you have a solar helmet (and only then) you see the time until dusk if you're in the sun and it shows you if in the place you are solar panels would work in daytime! This would give a tiny advantage when not using a quantum helmet and you could determine the perfect place for solar farms (if you build solar farms).

    The forum won't let me specify my gender accurately, so I'll just use my signature to say that I go by they/them pronouns.

  • @ I don't now: Light level ! on solar helmet. That is so obvious and I didn't think about it. Thx for idea. Will implement that. I think that solar and quantum can have that feture. Since with quantum I want to do a mod spawnig detection rather that light level.

    streetstar5: thx for tip. will see in mine & blade mod. I think that there is issue with inventory itaration... Since mine & blade changes inventory somehow... will see into it...

    grim961: coal thing is a bug... there should be my textures that represent if current item uses arrows, or energy as ammo. but it seems that I had mess up texture files... will change that in this week.

    And wow! Alblaka likes my mod :)

    I didn't implement any BC related fetures in current build. I am implementing them now. That's why I aseked to check it. Funny thing that when I looked in forestry mod code it didn't give me a clue why EU measurement is ignited. Still some dev builds fix that, but I can't get a proper MJ reading. This is little buggy cause machines that produces MJ have smething like internat capacity, and MJ value cycles somehow... It's just diffrente from IC2 energy a lot, but can manage it somehow... Stay tuned cause MJ, heat support comes... When I will find some time to test my current build I will also publish it here.

    This version is still very buggy. Well first mod ever, so still learning how to do stuff.

    I want thank You all for all kind words. Will deffinitly keep working on this mod. Have to rewrite some parts of mod, cause now I have idea how to make gui animated, and more generic. And also... I am planing a suprise :)

  • I have a suggestion regarding HUD positioning. I've noticed now after a while of using this mod that the center orange and red boxes are somewhat distracting. Maybe move both of them to just below the y-coordinate purple box in your screenshot?

    • Official Post

    I have a suggestion regarding HUD positioning. I've noticed now after a while of using this mod that the center orange and red boxes are somewhat distracting. Maybe move both of them to just below the y-coordinate purple box in your screenshot?

    Or add a config to set HUD positions

  • I don't want to give configurable HUD options this early, cause HUD will contain much more info, and HUD rendering will be changed. For now I have like 9 mounting points of diffrente HUD boxes... and also there is planned integration with BC stuff (but as Sengir told me, there is no source BC 3.1.5 API, so don't know how to obtain API for BC... if someone have API code, share it with me, and mod will have BC integration).

    Added a light level on right side of screen when wearing solar helmet. It indicates how many light is on block that player is standing, and it makes solar helmet not so unusefull in cave and so, cause now You can see where mobs will be spawned and where not.

    I am also thinking about making a bioReader. It will tell how well plants are (growth, and for IC2 plants their stats), name of plant, and similiar. Also will give info how many hearts have mob when looked at, and/or damage that it can throw towards You, and so on (anything usefull that I can fin in base classes of MC).