This one is as simple as saying omg - We have reactors, they give tremendos heat. What we do with heat? we dump it into nowhere. Why do we do that? Because, we don't know physics and that heat is something, that can give energy.
How reactor works? It doesn't get any electricity from nuclear reaction, it gets energy, when lol-heated water rotates turbine, cools and turns into liquid.
First I thought about machine, that makes electricity from heat value of cooling cells, but now I think, that entire reactor system is doing EVERYTHING wrong.(am I wrong somewhere?)
So, why won't be good guys and make machine that: turns heat from cells into energy, while cooling them and working on induction-furnace mechaincs (I mean, heats and increases output)

{suggestion] Heat?what heat?
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Welcome to minecraft, where physics doesn't matter and blocky graphics sucks.
Also its a stupid game, don't try to read too much into it. The heat is there to make making a nuclear reactor changeling while giving incredible amounts of EU if you do it right and on top of that you want to make them give EVEN more EU? No just no.
Ironically, this "heat" having to be dumped somehow, where you cannot recover useful amounts of energy from it, is in fact how real life generators currently work. Your car engine has to vent a bunch of waste heat via the radiator and exhaust, nuclear plants vent 2/3 of their energy output as waste heat via cooling towers.
This is just how the universe works, or at least how we can best exploit it without our current understanding of it.
Yet you write thigs like:
In what universe is realistic just lumping 2 pieces of wood with some leaves on top to make a perfectly healthy sapling that you can plant and grow a tree out of?
I care less about "quadro-giga-ultra-super EU generation!11", but such mechanics really mess things. It is more like home-cooking leather with porkchops to get cookies
You know that the Heat inside the Reactorhull is just the Excess-heat, or? One cant use ALL the heat of a Reactor. Thats also a law of Physics.
If that what you suggest would work IRL, why do IRL-Reactors have "smoking" Coolingtowers? Wouldnt it be less wastefull to put all that into a Turbine?
NO, because it doesnt work. One can only use 66% (at optimum) of ANY heat inside a steambased Generator. Thats also applying to Turbines.EDIT: HOW THE FUCK DID I GOT DOUBLE-NINJAED!!!!
Ironically, this "heat" having to be dumped somehow, where you cannot recover useful amounts of energy from it, is in fact how real life generators currently work. Your car engine has to vent a bunch of waste heat via the radiator and exhaust, nuclear plants vent 2/3 of their energy output as waste heat via cooling towers.
This is just how the universe works, or at least how we can best exploit it without our current understanding of it.
In real life we don't have "cooling cells, which absorb ridiculos amounts of heat" xD and by the way, that "excess heat" from such plant is basically, steam. Think closely, we heat cooling cells into greatly heated condition ( I just hope, that 60k heating cells dont mean 60 000* temp), it's obviously source of energy.
by the way.. white-smoking cooling tower in MC.. I sooo love it -
You know that the Heat inside the Reactorhull is just the Excess-heat, or? One cant use ALL the heat of a Reactor. Thats also a law of Physics.
If that what you suggest would work IRL, why do IRL-Reactors have "smoking" Coolingtowers? Wouldnt it be less wastefull to put all that into a Turbine?
NO, because it doesnt work. One can only use 66% (at optimum) of ANY heat inside a steambased Generator. Thats also applying to Turbines.I don't mean it soo straight-forwarded. Like, imagine - we already have a cell with a FRIGGIN amount of heat inside. It's not some lame microwave-oven heat, this thing is melting right through Steve hand - and I am not saying that we turn all that into energy. I dont mean of a hard value, like it is equivalent of burning uranium cell in reactor, we can use just SOME heat (even if we put this cell so it can heat us some water for swimming pool, we can use it)
In real life there is no such thing as heat absorbing cell - but our reactor don't dispose of heat by water like IRL, it stores this usually waste heat in form of cells why not to use it?goddamn it, we can use it to smelt stones into lava
And by the way, if we switch to heat-into-energy-thing completely, disabling reactor as energy source and making cooling cells cool over time in reactor and generating energy from heat would make totally perfect sense Lol
Who can find setup to generate super-mega cell-heating reactor?
omg cant forget, that each message here is separate and dont merge with previous =| -
Yet you write thigs like:
I match my comments with the intelligence of the poster. And in my defense the OP in that particular thread mentioned the word "Realistic" somewhere in the OP, reason why i then responded like that.
Also since real life doesn't have coolant cell, its the reason why we can invent some craptastic argument to shut you up about using the heat stored in the cell, although im ashamed to say that the only thing my mind can think of is "WHO THE F
UCKCARES? ITS A GAME GODDAMMIT, WHY YOU MORONS ALWAYS TRY TO MAKE EVERY PIECE OF DISADVANTAGE THIS GAME INTRODUCES TO GAIN SOMETHING?! WHATS THE JOKE IN BEING A DISADVANTAGE IF YOU WIN SOMETHING OUT OF IT, GOD WHAT A ANNOYING MORON".And thats the reason why i have my mouth shut 99% of the time (irl at least, be grateful i pass my inner thoughts into a blasphemy/softener filter before posting anything)
What would be kinda neat to have would be a 'heat-leech' generator, that can absorb up to 15% of a reactor's emittion heat and convert it into EU. This would work closely to how Redpower's Themopile does, as the generator would need a 'cold source' to create a temperture gradient in order to develop a polarity charge. Of course, the 'cold source' will deplete over time and usage...
Mechanics would include (but not limited to):
- Penatly for 'cold source' proximity to actual reactor (aka, the cold source warms up and kills the gradient)
- Upgrades and techniques to boost the EU generation of the generator
- Different types of 'cold sources' and liquids to use with leech generatorRealism?: Think of it as a combination of a water heater and a hydroelectric turbine. As the water in the tubeing for the generator heats up, the pressure increase. This pressure increase pushes the water to spin the turbine down the pipe line. Then, the water is sent back into the 'cold source' to disperse the remaining heat, and recycled in the system...
And thats the reason why i have my mouth shut 99% of the time (irl at least, be grateful i pass my inner thoughts into a blasphemy/softener filter before posting anything)either your filter is messed up or you have a sicker, more negative mind than I'd ever have thought was possible
either your filter is messed up or you have a sicker, more negative mind than I'd ever have thought was possible
Definitively the second option, you know how filters can't really filter 100% of the stuff some of the times. Either that or im just pulling everyone legs with the filter thing just to mess with their minds, who knows if im even telling the truth... *Tururu tururu*...
I match my comments with the intelligence of the poster. And in my defense the OP in that particular thread mentioned the word "Realistic" somewhere in the OP, reason why i then responded like that.
Intelligence of others is something, you can hardly know of, so generally you match them with your intelligence, which seems to serve great role of producing crap, shame I can't recycle that.
MC is game either turned by mods into a magic-type game, or to tech-type. creating curcuits on table by mixing cables, redstone and iron is somewhat magic, but you get the idea. IC2 idea itself is making game closer to real thing with some, hm, additions.
Few with brain will say, that sharing ideas to make tech game more realistic is crap. There are always people, who protest with no normal logic, besides their will to trample othes, as they themselves can't put their head to any use.closely to how Redpower's Themopile does, as the generator would need a 'cold source' to create a temperture gradient in order to develop a polarity charge. Of course, the 'cold source' will deplete over time and usage...
Mechanics would include (but not limited to):
- Penatly for 'cold source' proximity to actual reactor (aka, the cold source warms up and kills the gradient)
- Upgrades and techniques to boost the EU generation of the generator
- Different types of 'cold sources' and liquids to use with leech generatorRealism?: Think of it as a combination of a water heater and a hydroelectric turbine. As the water in the tubeing for the generator heats up, the pressure increase. This pressure increase pushes the water to spin the turbine down the pipe line. Then, the water is sent back into the 'cold source' to disperse the remaining heat, and recycled in the system...
that is close to what I actually mean. So you mean something like gen, where we use up cooling cells heat + depletable ice = Energy?
I think any kind of realistic nuclear reactors is impossible to make in IC. Reason is, nuclear reactors require two things - pumping substances (namely, hot and cold water and steam) around and automation to regulate fusion process. IC can't do neither and never will be. So, to make realistic reactor you need other mod, or even several mods working together. Buildcraft for liquids, RedPower for automation, IC2 for dealing with all that generated energy.
MINECRAFT!!!(kicks physics off the ledge)
Seriously, if you care so much about physics, why do you play minecraft.
The reactor is simple and balanced, in goes uranium, out goes EU.Simple
that is close to what I actually mean. So you mean something like gen, where we use up cooling cells heat + depletable ice = Energy?
If it's within a particular proximity to the nuclear reactor where the heat can radiate onto it, then yes...
You'd probably need a Hazmat suit to even get within that range, but the additional energy should be worth the investment.. Plus, only the Ice (or other 'cooling source' *coughBuildcraftcoughForestycough*) would need to be refilled, as the initial water investment stays constant within the system (we'll assume a perfect semi-closed system here and exclude that water loss via the heating/cooling)...
Btw, we already have a machine to convert hot things to cold things and energy. They are called geothermal generators. So, put hot coolant cell into geothermal - and you get some heat in generator and cooled (to 100C or so) coolant cell.
Btw, we already have a machine to convert hot things to cold things and energy. They are called geothermal generators. So, put hot coolant cell into geothermal - and you get some heat in generator and cooled (to 100C or so) coolant cell.
You know that this would make Geothermals even more OP than they are atm, right?
(but we still love them for how much Minecraft wants to spam us with lava at every stretch of the mineral rich flat world)...Besides, you could only pull from a threshold max of 20% of the excessive heat from the reactor (and all the units count towards the total possible recievable heat as well, so spamming them isn't going to help you). Only heat irratiating out of the reactor that is not primarally cooled can be leeched, and even if you run your reactor very hot, it's not likely that you'll gain a heap of extra EU from this system..
And even IF you designed a reactor to give off as much heat as possible for this process, then it would melt and explode long before you actually get a return on your invest with said setup...
I mean, come on, we're talking in the ballpark of an extra 0.35 - 0.95 EU/t per unit. I doubt that's highly game breaking...
I think any kind of realistic nuclear reactors is impossible to make in IC. Reason is, nuclear reactors require two things - pumping substances (namely, hot and cold water and steam) around and automation to regulate fusion process. IC can't do neither and never will be. So, to make realistic reactor you need other mod, or even several mods working together. Buildcraft for liquids, RedPower for automation, IC2 for dealing with all that generated energy.
It's fission, not fusion