Of course this will cause some mischief to server owners whose users can't differentiate version(s)
Best solution here would be diligent server owners. Each Jenkins build would have it's own linkable page and a server owner that is doing their job would have a 'mod list' with direct links to each specific versions' page.
By all accounts the video that started this contained a bit of (forgive me, Kane) nerd-rage, and the discussion could have gone much worse if it had been handled differently. My compliments and respect to all parties that constructively contributed to what looks to be the start of a transfusion and rebirth of one of the first and greatest of Minecraft mods.
Thank You.
Just mentioning it, IndustrialCraft was NOT the first mod.
Heck, I even learned how to code the IronFurnace by reading into TehKrush's PlasticCraft. ~ Alb
edit: 'One of...' and still predates most of the major mods and has outlived most of it's peers. You (team) made a good thing here. Proof is in the pudding, so-to-speak.