Also advanced diamond drills are faster than osmium drills and advanced diamond drills are alot faster
Maybe they're not from the same addon ? One being OP, the second being acceptable ?
Also advanced diamond drills are faster than osmium drills and advanced diamond drills are alot faster
Maybe they're not from the same addon ? One being OP, the second being acceptable ?
When we see update?
It is already there, look under the Banhammer!
What version of the latest?
You forgot to use "plateOsmium" in your Crafting Recipes. Next Version of GregTech would cause incompatiblities, if you dont use your own Entry.
Server: MCPC+
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: Detected Invalid OreDictionary Tag.
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: Only Blocks can have the 'ore'-prefix
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: A Nonblock-Item registered as oreOsmium
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: This can cause crashes! You were lucky it didn't crash
Hey everybody,
If you like the textures of this addon ? Than be sure to follow me on youtube
Thank you :),
Corjaantje - Texture Creator
Server: MCPC+
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: Detected Invalid OreDictionary Tag.
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: Only Blocks can have the 'ore'-prefix
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: A Nonblock-Item registered as oreOsmium
2013-03-07 17:54:40 [SEVERE] WARNING: This can cause crashes! You were lucky it didn't crash
Same problem Please, fix it!
Anyone know how to make osmium plates...? I'm using the exact recipe it says in the picture, but it's not working. (Unless those things that look like adv alloys really arent adv alloys)
Anyone know how to make osmium plates...? I'm using the exact recipe it says in the picture, but it's not working. (Unless those things that look like adv alloys really arent adv alloys)
Did you install GregTech? If so, try the Plate Bending machine.
I have Gregtech, so I have access to titanium and olivine for sure, I'm not sure however if I'll be able to use the osmium stuff if I install this?
The Problem is that riza was using the OreDict incorrectly, what screwed his registered Plates up, because he didnt use the OreDict Entry for Osmium Plates himself.
sorry everyone i have been super busy with school and work, i havent had any time in the past 2 months to code or even play video games i will try to fix the osmium plate issue and get an update out tonight
Note, that I override your UUM Recipe, but that it has the same balance (14 UUM = 1 Osmium) as before.
Note, that I override your UUM Recipe, but that it has the same balance (14 UUM = 1 Osmium) as before.
all good i really need to have a look into gregtech again i haven't looked at it for ages
Its gonna be all different
Its gonna be all different
im sorry what?
@bove It has a long and really awesome Techtree now.
Advanced Alloys_0.7.9a_mc1.4.6
on the server is not running.
the client starts.
Advanced Alloys_0.7.8b_mc1.4.6 version works everywhere
Advanced Alloys_0.7.9a_mc1.4.6
on the server is not running.
the client starts.
Advanced Alloys_0.7.8b_mc1.4.6 version works everywhere
i think i know whats causing that and i will fix it tomorrow if i get the time